Flashy Ice Cream - Llagrimes de Sang (feat. Chill C) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Flashy Ice Cream - Llagrimes de Sang (feat. Chill C)

Llagrimes de Sang (feat. Chill C)
Tears of Blood (feat. Chill C)
Defensem la jungla com panteres
We defend the jungle like panthers
M'ho jugo tot, boy, a mi ningú m'espera
I risk it, baby, nobody's waiting for me
La navalla al coll i no traiciono la meva bandera
A knife to my throat but I won't betray my flag
Perquè aquesta cera sempre serà nostra
Because this land will always be ours
Pillant dreceres, jalant-me el teu postre
Taking shortcuts, stealing your dessert
Foc a la poli, no toqueu lo nostre
Fire at the police, don't touch ours
Forats al sostre per veure el cel
Holes in the ceiling to see the sky
Apreto el gatillo i no em tremolarà la mà, mamà
I pull the trigger and my hand won't shake, mom
Soc com el gel, mamà, si vols la mel, paga
I'm like ice, honey, if you want the honey, pay
I encara que ens disparin no em podràs matar
And even if they shoot at us, you won't be able to kill me
I encara que ens enterrin no ens fareu callar
Even if they bury us, they won't shut us up
Llibertat a Catalunya no és un puta Espanya
Freedom in Catalonia is not a Spain
Foc al govern, fent lo que em dona la gana
Fire at the government, doing what I want
Chillin en el MACBA
Chilling in MACBA
Fumant marihuana, nena
Smoking weed, girl
Guerrilla urbana trencant les cadenes, nena
Urban guerrilla breaking the chains, babe
Canto per la pau i no la guerra
I sing for peace and not for war
Però és que aquesta terra plora llàgrimes de sang, per la gang
But this land sheds tears of blood, for the gang
En ruïnes com a Grècia però ella sempre està elegant
In ruins like Greece but she's always elegant
Parlaran de la gang
They'll talk about the gang
És el rap de la terra contra la força bruta
It's the rap of the land against the brutal force
Farem que cremi el terra si l'infern s'apropa (yeah)
We'll make the world burn if hell approaches (yeah)
Les bales són de goma, exploten crits de culpa
The bullets are made of rubber, cries of guilt explode
Et volen al seu costat però després t'insulten
They want you by their side but when they're done they'll insult you
Hem perdut moltes batalles, dolor d'aquesta guerra
We've lost many battles, the pain in this war
Hem estat ben calladets mentres la terra plora
We've been very quiet while the earth weeps
Hem crescut amb cada cop de porra
We've grown with every blow of the baton
(Fuck them)
(Fuck them)
Ara plantem cara, no ens agrada córrer
Now we stand up, we don't like to run
I corren, i corren, són gossos plens de ràbia
And they run, and they run, they're angry dogs
Ens han pintat de blanc, però segueix sent una gàbia
They've painted us white, but it's still a cage
Tenim les mans a dalt però el poder de Super Saiyan
We have our hands up but the power of Super Saiyan
Això per cada cop que han tocat les nostres iaies
This for every time they've touched our grandmothers
Vull que me àvia vegi com la llibertat guanya
I want my grandma to see freedom win
Que porta tota la vida fotuda per Espanya
She's been screwed by Spain her whole life
Primer perdent familiars a l'Ebre, enfonsats a l'aigua
First losing relatives at the Ebro, sunk in the water
Després de l'1 d'octubre plorava i jo l'abraçava
After October 1, she cried and I hugged her
Estic tombant el mur com a Berlín
I'm knocking down the wall like Berlin
Lluitant per al canvi fins a la fi
Fighting for change until the end
Perseguint el somni amb cicatrius al pit
Chasing the dream with scars on my chest
Pilla les bengales i cremem aquesta nit
Grab the flares and let's burn this night
Sense coca no sois nada
Without cocaine, you're nothing
Germà aguanta la mirada
Brother, hold my gaze
Per la gent que està tancada
For those who are locked up
Per tots aquells que pegaven
For all those who were beaten
Ara ens hem fet amb totes les places
Now we've taken over all the squares
El puny amunt per qui no pot estar a casa
Fist up for those who can't be home

Авторы: Pol Vidal Ribas

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