Fmoh - Operacion Cabronaje (con Fumon) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fmoh - Operacion Cabronaje (con Fumon)

Operacion Cabronaje (con Fumon)
Operation Badass (with Fumon)
Si hay quien pueda lograr sacar de mi casilla (oh no)
If there's anyone who can get me out of my box (oh no)
Me pongo cabrón y hago saltar a la Villa (ha)
I get pissed off and make the whole town jump (ha)
Representé a toda tu fucking pandilla (oh no)
I represented your whole fucking gang (oh no)
Y ahora por cosas del destino me envidias (plah)
And now, by a twist of fate, you envy me (plah)
Si hay quien pueda lograr sacar de mi casilla (oh no)
If there's anyone who can get me out of my box (oh no)
Me pongo cabrón y hago saltar a la Villa (ha)
I get pissed off and make the whole town jump (ha)
Representé a toda tu fucking pandilla (oh no)
I represented your whole fucking gang (oh no)
Y ahora por cosas del destino me envidias (plah)
And now, by a twist of fate, you envy me (plah)
Mire qué digo yo, si soy más tranquilo que vo'
Look what I say, if I'm calmer than you
Mientras vo' te encerrai en tu cuarto
While you lock yourself in your room
Caleando? mi Hip Hop yo sigo en mi canto
Whitewashing? my Hip Hop, I'm still in my song
Sigo no te canto música de alto nombre
I still don't sing you high-name music
Esta zona, esta región de tu país
This area, this region of your country
Y ojalá pa' todo el mundo, levanta
And hopefully for everyone, gets up
Alza las manos, Solistas te encanta
Raise your hands, Solistas, you love it
Me siento pulento tu parcas? y luego me levanta
I feel great, you stop? and then I get up
Da risa pensar que
It's funny to think that
Hay gente que
There are people who
Va a verme a discoteques
Come to see me at nightclubs
Los conozco desde antes
I've known them since before
Y en la calle ni me saludan, qué
And on the street they don't even say hello to me, what
Está pasando en su mente?
Is going through their mind?
A ver, pelmazo, escúchame, atiéndeme lo siguiente, mira (huh!)
Hey, you moron, listen to me, listen to the following, look (huh!)
Primero, quiero que me atienda el mundo entero
First, I want the whole world to listen to me
Que mis temas calen hondo en tu mente
May my themes sink deep into your mind
Y te dejen tu autoestima en el suelo.
And leave your self-esteem on the ground.
Me da pena tu Face, no tení ni Play
I feel sorry for your Face, you didn't even have Play
Hablas mierda a mi espalda
You talk shit behind my back
Y si me ve echa a correr, no dai cara como hombre
And if you see me running away, don't face me like a man
Pa eso es de gay
For me that's gay
Te diré las cosas con una típica autoridad natural
I'll tell you things with a typical natural authority
No eres consecuente y no trazo con gente
You are not consistent and I don't draw with people
Que no datempera? me es indiferente
Who don't use tempera? I don't care
La envidia se siente y eso sube el ego
Envy is felt and that raises the ego
Armo y desarmo tu mente como se me plazca
I assemble and disassemble your mind as I please
Pa esto es un juego, que pese es el juego
For me this is a game, that weight is the game
Igual me la juego, que me la puedo
I play it anyway, I know I can do it
No como que en esto dai jugo
Not like you who gives juice in this
Un juego de ludo se gana con suerte
A game of Parcheesi is won by luck
La meta se logra solo si eres fuerte
The goal is achieved only if you are strong
En el ... obvio, pollo
In the ... obviously, chicken
En cien años no saliste del hoyo
In a hundred years you haven't come out of the hole
Rescaté lo rescatable
I rescued the rescuable
Al nivel que estoy yo
At the level I'm at
Si hay quien pueda lograr sacar de mi casilla (oh no)
If there's anyone who can get me out of my box (oh no)
Me pongo cabrón y hago saltar a la Villa (ha)
I get pissed off and make the whole town jump (ha)
Representé a toda tu fucking pandilla (oh no)
I represented your whole fucking gang (oh no)
Y ahora por cosas del destino me envidias (plah)
And now, by a twist of fate, you envy me (plah)
Si hay quien pueda lograr sacar de mi casilla (oh no)
If there's anyone who can get me out of my box (oh no)
Me pongo cabrón y hago saltar a la Villa (ha)
I get pissed off and make the whole town jump (ha)
Representé a toda tu fucking pandilla (oh no)
I represented your whole fucking gang (oh no)
Y ahora por cosas del destino me envidias (plah)
And now, by a twist of fate, you envy me (plah)
Ratos que me pelan, ratas que calumnian
Moments that peel me, rats that slander
Ratas que me envidian, ratos que a me columpian
Rats that envy me, moments that swing me
Ratos que me celan, ratos que ya no gustan
Moments that are jealous of me, moments that they no longer like
Ratas que no cachan que al Fumón ya no lo asustan
Rats that don't realize that Fumón is no longer scared
Yo no cuándo chucha se van a dar cuenta
I don't know when the fuck they're going to realize
Que no somos gringos, no medimos las ventas
That we're not Americans, we don't measure sales
No soy comercial por ganar de la renta
I'm not commercial to win from the rent
No vendo mi rima sea rápida o lenta
I don't sell my rhyme whether it's fast or slow
Conocí la rima en los años ochenta
I met rhyme in the eighties
La fui madurando en los años noventa
I matured it in the nineties
Rimato talento, moreno morocho
Rhyming talent, dark moreno
Con esto ladrando como perro mocho
Stealing with this like a stray dog
Martilla la rima moliendo sancocho
Hammer the rhyme grinding stew
Si a ti te molesta que meta este boche
If it bothers you that I put this boche
Chéckame la rima que traigo esta noche
Check me the rhyme I bring tonight
Y si a ti te molesta, no envidies mi obra
And if it bothers you, don't envy my work
Y si fuera pa cagarte, la mierda la traigo en camiones, me sobra
And if it were to shit on you, I bring the shit in trucks, I have plenty
Y ahora quieren que los salude, y estrecharme las manos (no)
And now they want me to say hello and shake my hands (no)
A'ónde la viste, mierda, yo no soy tu hermano (no)
Where did you see it, shit, I'm not your brother (no)
Hace tiempo que no estoy pescando a fulanos (no)
I haven't been fishing for guys in a long time (no)
Ahora soy caro, murió el buen samaritano
Now I'm expensive, the good Samaritan died
Y quieren que los salude, y estrecharme las manos (no)
And they want me to say hello and shake my hands (no)
A'ónde la viste, mierda, yo no soy tu hermano (no)
Where did you see it, shit, I'm not your brother (no)
Hace tiempo que no estoy pescando a fulanos (no)
I haven't been fishing for guys in a long time (no)
Ahora soy caro, murió el buen samaritano
Now I'm expensive, the good Samaritan died
Ahora envidien, loco, Los Solistas, algo poco
Now envy, crazy, Los Solistas, something small
Y sin mucho esfuerzo, Los Solitas, Los Solistas
And effortlessly, Los Solitas, Los Solistas
Si hay quien pueda lograr sacar de mi casilla (oh no)
If there's anyone who can get me out of my box (oh no)
Me pongo cabrón y hago saltar a la villa (ha)
I get pissed off and make the whole town jump (ha)
Representé a toda tu fucking pandilla (oh no)
I represented your whole fucking gang (oh no)
Y ahora por cosas del destino me envidias (plah)
And now, by a twist of fate, you envy me (plah)
Si hay quien pueda lograr sacar de mi casilla (oh no)
If there's anyone who can get me out of my box (oh no)
Me pongo cabrón y hago saltar a la villa (ha)
I get pissed off and make the whole town jump (ha)
Representé a toda tu fucking pandilla (oh no)
I represented your whole fucking gang (oh no)
Y ahora por cosas del destino me envidias (plah)
And now, by a twist of fate, you envy me (plah)

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