Forum - Bam-Bam-Baba-Lu-Bam/Osmijeh/Susret - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Forum - Bam-Bam-Baba-Lu-Bam/Osmijeh/Susret

Bam-Bam-Baba-Lu-Bam/Your Smile/Meeting
Na kraju naše ulice
At the end of our street
Ima disco klub
There's a disco club
U njemu se pleše čitav dan
You can dance there the whole day
I nitko nema mira
And nobody has peace
Kad se neprestano svira
When it plays constantly
Samo bam-bam-baba-lu-bam
Only bam-bam-baba-lu-bam
Jedan gramofon stoji u kutu
A gramophone stands in the corner
Trešti svu noć i čitav dan
It blares the whole night and the whole day
Samo bam-bam-baba-lu-bam
Only bam-bam-baba-lu-bam
Samo bam-bam-baba-lu-bam
Only bam-bam-baba-lu-bam
K′o sunce što sja kroz dan
Like the sun that shines all day
K'o mjesec žut što noću sja
Like the yellow moon that shines at night
Tako mi draga znaj izgledaš ti
That's how you look to me, my dear
Dok sa smješkom promatraš svijet
While you watch the world with a smile
K′o jutra što dolaze zorom
Like the morning that comes at dawn
K'o rosa što na cvijetu sja
Like the dew that shines on the flower
Tako mi draga znaj izgledaš ti
That's how you look to me, my dear
Dok sa smješkom promatraš svijet
While you watch the world with a smile
Ne mijenjaj nikada svoj osmjeh blag
Never change your gentle smile
Čuvaj ga on je sve što mi pruža san
Guard it, it's all that my dream offers me
K'o jutra što dolaze zorom
Like the morning that comes at dawn
K′o rosa što na cvijetu sja
Like the dew that shines on the flower
Tako mi draga znaj izgledaš ti
That's how you look to me, my dear
Dok sa smješkom promatraš svijet
While you watch the world with a smile
Sve počelo je kišnog dana kada sreo sam je
It all started on a rainy day when I met her
Pokisla i sasvim sama bila je tu
Soaked and all alone, she was standing there
Na male pažnje znak osmjehnula se znam
A small sign of attention, she smiled, I know
Pod kišobranom zajedno kad krenuli smo mi
Under the umbrella, together, when we left
Taj kišni dan je donio nju
That rainy day brought her
I od tada nešto se dogodilo u nama
And since then, something has happened in us
Idem sada znam da prava ljubav je to
I'm going now, I know that's true love
I od tada nešto se dogodilo u nama
And since then, something has happened in us
Idem sada znam da prava ljubav je to
I'm going now, I know that's true love

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