They pour tons of shit on your head, they keep trying to break your will.
Seš jim pro smích, myslej že komik seš, tvůj život si pletou s komixem.
You're a laughingstock to them, they think you're a comedian, they confuse your life with a comic.
Sou trapný jak písmo comic sans, ha! Řekni "tak mi polib aaaaass"
You're as pathetic as Comic Sans font, ha! Say "kiss my aaaaass"
Nemít strach znamená mít navrch, nenechám svět aby mi šlapal.
Having no fear means having the upper hand, I won't let the world step on me.
Na krk, jedu přes překážky jak hamr,
On my neck, I drive through obstacles like a hammer,
Nic mě nezastaví, je to masakr,
Nothing can stop me, it's a massacre,
Sem motherfucker co chytá rapl,
I'm a motherfucker who catches rap,
Ve chvíli kdy mě svět hází na podlahu jako hadr a chce mě rozdrtit na padrrrrrť, what?!
The moment the world throws me on the floor like a rag and wants to crush me to padrrrrrť, what?!
Zvyk sem si bezcenný karty si líznout, ale zůstat v klidu a mít koule na to skočit do tý tmy s vírou, že já nakonec odejdu s výhrou.
I'm used to drawing worthless cards, but staying calm and having the balls to jump into that darkness with the faith that I'll eventually walk away with the win.
Yeah, no když se to nepovede tak v menu si navolim
Yeah, no if it doesn't work out, I'll choose in the menu
Reload, naberu sílu a zase si vezmu zpátky co mi
Reload, I'll gain strength and take back what he
Vzal, co mi vzal, zapomeň na to že bych to vzdal
Took, what he took, forget that I would give up
Nic mě nezastaví, sem ready vzít si zpátky co mi vzal
Nothing will stop me, I'm ready to take back what he took
Co mi vzal, co mi vzal, beru si zpátky co mi vzal,
What he took, what he took, I'm taking back what he took,
Co mi vzal, beru si zpátky co mi vzal, ej!!
What he took, I'm taking back what he took, hey!!
Kdo de se mnou? Kdo de se mnou?
Who's with me? Who's with me?
Pro to čemu věřim si nechám hlavu setnout
For what I believe in, I'll let my head be cut off
Kdo de se mnou? Kdo de se mnou?
Who's with me? Who's with me?
Věřim ve svý sny a to mi nikdy nevezmou
I believe in my dreams and they'll never take that away from me
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