Fox feat. Stiven Drama & One Take - Cudotvorac (feat. Stiven Drama & Onetake) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fox feat. Stiven Drama & One Take - Cudotvorac (feat. Stiven Drama & Onetake)

Cudotvorac (feat. Stiven Drama & Onetake)
Miracle Worker (feat. Stiven Drama & Onetake)
Nindža kao turtle, moja aura je purple
Ninja like a turtle, my aura is purple
Život začarani circle, titula je Mr Dr
Life's a charmed circle, title is Mr. Dr.
LTDFM, then TGTBF, ha
U nosu imam linija kao GSP
Lines in my nose like the city bus map
PostNet SMS, malu drma PMS, ha
PostNet SMS, girl's got PMS, ha
Ovde su na vlasti SNS i SPS
SNS and SPS are in power here
Ceo dan lisičarim, na šteku brojim genge
Hustling all day, counting stacks on the stash
To je Novi Sad, Beograd, duvam, pijem, plodim žene
It's Novi Sad, Belgrade, smoking, drinking, getting women pregnant
Profi treper, profi reper, neki su zalutali
Pro trapper, pro rapper, some are lost
Neki su na košu, a neki su se zgutali
Some are on the hook, some got swallowed up
Neku su na dopu, just go with the flow
Some are on dope, just go with the flow
Stavi pare na sto, a na stolu imam sto
Put money on the table, and on the table I have a hundred
You know cash flow, dajemo po tri
You know cash flow, we give three each
Ako nas zajebeš bro, mi banemo ko psi
If you fuck with us bro, we'll pounce like dogs
Od Limana pa do Petla, miris buksne, miris geta, od severa do centra
From Liman to Petel, smell of weed, smell of the ghetto, from north to center
Živimo tebra, šijemo 'ksne, gutamo kser, valjamo ket, surov je svet
We live bro, sew 'ksne, swallow xer, roll ket, the world is harsh
Hoćemo keš, zvučite wet, polažem pet
We want cash, you sound wet, I'm passing five
Povlačim ciglu, povlačim pet
I'm pulling a brick, pulling five
Ne podnosim hejt letim Kondorov let
I can't stand hate, I'm flying Condor's flight
Ne podnosim hejt letim Kondorov let
I can't stand hate, I'm flying Condor's flight
Moji burazi su svi na ćošku
My brothers are all on the corner
Ruka leži na boku
Hand rests on the hip
Srednji dajemo drotu, jer
We give the middle finger to the cop, because
Svaki dan ovde nama dokon je potpun'
Every day here for us is completely idle
Neki guraju loptu, neki pune tu stotku
Some push the ball, some fill that hundred
Moji burazi su svi na ćošku
My brothers are all on the corner
Ruka leži na boku
Hand rests on the hip
Srednji dajemo drotu, jer
We give the middle finger to the cop, because
Svaki dan ovde nama dokon je potpun'
Every day here for us is completely idle
Neki guraju loptu, neki pune tu stotku
Some push the ball, some fill that hundred
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Vidi mili biznis, vidi Gonzales flow
See honey, business, see Gonzales flow
Speedy Gonzalez flow, Speedy Gonzalez flow, želim sve i odma' flow
Speedy Gonzalez flow, Speedy Gonzalez flow, I want everything and now flow
Želim slavu, pare, moć
I want fame, money, power
Broj pristalica trepa sada raste munjevito
The number of trap fans is now growing rapidly
Spreman sam za megdan pa se ponašam kurčevito
I'm ready for the fight, so I act cocky
Vedri mi oblači, gde god se pojavim
Clear my clouds, wherever I appear
Okružuje me dim, oko mene sivi oblaci
I'm surrounded by smoke, grey clouds around me
Koraci su sigutni, potezi su iskusni
My steps are confident, my moves are experienced
Na greškama se uči, za život nemaš priručnik
You learn from mistakes, there's no manual for life
Zaradi danas, za bolje sutra
Earn today, for a better tomorrow
Za bolje sutra, vutra, buksna, od ranog jutra
For a better tomorrow, weed, blunt, from early morning
Čuvam se, pazim se
I'm careful, I'm cautious
Život je kratak, duva se, vari se
Life is short, we smoke, we cook
Život je taman, ha
Life is dark, ha
Hed, hed, hed, hed, hed, hedsladak kao med
Hed, hed, hed, hed, hed, hedsweet as honey
Kiša keša meni treba da bi utolio žeđ
I need a rain of cash to quench my thirst
Ja sam žedan, željan, mogu reći skoro pohlepan
I'm thirsty, eager, I can say almost greedy
Meni keš nije hir, meni keš je stvarno potreban
Cash is not a whim for me, I really need cash
Novčanice, kovanice, marke ili evri
Bills, coins, marks or euros
Džaba vam brojanice Bog vidi da ste grešni
Your rosaries are useless, God sees that you are sinful
Još vidim da ste smešni i da vam nema pomoći
I still see that you are ridiculous and there is no help for you
Moralni patuljci loših navika ste robovi
Moral dwarfs, you are slaves to bad habits
Aktivni poslovi, protoci keša, džet lajf, džet lajf
Active businesses, cash flows, jet life, jet life
Poroci neba, poroci trepa, poroci tema
Vices of the sky, vices of trap, vices of themes
Od RS-a do NS-a, od NS-a do BG-a
From RS to NS, from NS to BG
Samo prvoklasne šeme, vutra uvjek nam je sveža
Only first-class schemes, our weed is always fresh
Vutra uvjek nam je sveža
Our weed is always fresh
Moji burazi su svi na ćošku
My brothers are all on the corner
Ruka leži na boku
Hand rests on the hip
Srednji dajemo drotu, jer
We give the middle finger to the cop, because
Svaki dan ovde nama dokon je potpun'
Every day here for us is completely idle
Neki guraju loptu, neki pune tu stotku
Some push the ball, some fill that hundred
Moji burazi su svi na ćošku
My brothers are all on the corner
Ruka leži na boku
Hand rests on the hip
Srednji dajemo drotu, jer
We give the middle finger to the cop, because
Svaki dan ovde nama dokon je potpun'
Every day here for us is completely idle
Neki guraju loptu, neki pune tu stotku
Some push the ball, some fill that hundred

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