Fox - Sujetu Zaboravi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fox - Sujetu Zaboravi

Sujetu Zaboravi
Forget the Plot
Vracam se na teren
I'm coming back to the field
Vracam se na trening
I'm coming back to training
Hocemo "mercedes", bitan je i prestiz
We want a Mercedes, prestige is important
Vracam se na teren
I'm coming back to the field
Vracam se na trening
I'm coming back to training
Isplatice nam evre, smejem se na prezir
The Jews will pay us, I laugh at contempt
Sitne protuve bi htele nase mesto preko noci
Petty rivals want to take our place overnight
Zar ste ludi? Nece moci. Nece moci!
Are you crazy? They won't be able to. They won't be able to!
Oni zele samo zlo, al' ovde to ce tesko proci
They only want evil, but it will be hard for that to happen here
Zar ste glupi? Gde ste posli? Gde ste posli?!
Are you stupid? Where have you gone? Where have you gone?!
Trazio sam ljubav, mir, a up'o sam u mutan vir
I asked for love, peace, but I ended up in a muddy pool
I zasto mrzis? Ko ste vi? Ko ste vi?!
And why do you hate? Who are you? Who are you?!
Ako nas si, mudar si, u suprotnom nas udari
If you're one of us, you're smart, otherwise strike us
Al' sujetu zaboravi, rodjeni, rodjeni!
But forget the plot, my dear, my dear!
Postuj majku, postuj oca
Respect your mother, respect your father
Postuj sebe, postuj Boga
Respect yourself, respect God
Sestru, brata, zenu, decu
Your sister, brother, wife, children
Postuj zivot, sve u svemu
Respect life, everything
Jasno je da bio puk'o sam
It's clear that I had snapped
Pet grama dsa dnevno vuk'o sam
I was smoking five grams of dope a day
Prolup'o sam sam, polup'o sam sad
I went to hell and back, I'm back now
I da trazim neki posao unosan
And I'm looking for a lucrative job
Jasno je da bili smo dole
It's clear that we were down
Jeli smo govna, pili smo kole
We ate shit, we drank cola
Viski do zore, vina k'o vode
Whiskey until dawn, wine like water
Sad smo na kosu, vezbamo trojke
Now we're on the rise, practicing threes
Jasno je da sam neveran
It's clear that I'm unfaithful
Sva ta emotivna moja nedela
All my emotional bullshit
Stoka defektna, droga jeftina
Defective goods, cheap drugs
Sad mi jedina moja medena
Now my only love is my honey
Trcim, pumpam sklekove
I run, I pump out push-ups
Svaki dan ja haslujem
I hustle every day
Snimam, przim, duvam
I record, I trim, I blow
Dobra lova je na zlatu, bre
There's good money in gold, girl
Prodajemo osmeh, mi ne prodajemo smrt
We sell smiles, we don't sell death
I zandari to vole, a i svima je to vrh
And the cops love it, and it's the best for everyone
Anonimni cetvoroprsti nam ljubomorisu
Anonymous four-fingers envies us
Djare, vezi ih za drvo ispred tu u dvoristu
Baby, tie them to the tree in the front yard
Trep guru, trep guru, trep boss
Trep guru, trep guru, trep boss
Poznatiji kao Fox
Better known as Fox
Trep guru, trep guru, trep guru, trep guru
Trep guru, trep guru, trep guru, trep guru
Poznatiji kao Fox
Better known as Fox
Niste culi ovakav flou
You haven't heard flow like this
Kad cuju, ja cujem "ou"
When they hear it, I hear "ooh"
'Ajde spusti je dole skroz
Come on, turn it down all the way
Trep guru, trep guru, trep boss
Trep guru, trep guru, trep boss
Nasi novi klinci, vidi, nemaju ni petlju
Our new kids, look, they don't even have a belt
Il' se bodu nozevima ili kuci su na fejsu
Either they're kicking themselves in the legs or they're on Facebook at home
Puni su ruleti, nema nikoga na kosarci
They're full of roulette, there's no one on the basketball court
Na fudbalu je isto jer su golovi u gvozdjari
It's the same in soccer because the goals are in the hardware store
Ne jebu porodicu, u skolu nagudrani
They don't fuck their families, they're dressed up at school
Pazi sta ti kazem, bice mardeljasi zatucani!
Listen to what I'm telling you, they're going to be stunned bumps!
Promasena mladost nikad ne dozivi starost
A failed youth never reaches old age
Zato mani te pistolje, za promenu mucni glavom!
So put down those pistols, for a change, torture your brains!
Kad si bila otisla, bio sam k'o popisan
When you left, I was like a census
Navaren sam shvatio da potez ti je odlican
I got high and realized your move was excellent
Anonimni cetvoroprsti nam ljubomorisu
Anonymous four-fingers envies us
Bulch, vezi ih za drvo ispred tu u dvoristu
Babe, tie them to the tree in the front yard

Авторы: Fox

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