Franco Battiato - Aria Di Rivoluzione/Sequenze E Frequenze - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Franco Battiato - Aria Di Rivoluzione/Sequenze E Frequenze

Aria Di Rivoluzione/Sequenze E Frequenze
Aria Di Rivoluzione/Sequenze E Frequenze
Quell′autista in Abissinia
That truck driver in Abyssinia
Guidava il camion fino a tardi
Drove his truck until late
E poi a notte fonda si riunivano
And then late at night they would gather
A quel tempo in Europa c'era un′altra guerra
At that time in Europe there was another war
E per canzoni solo sirene d'allarme
And for songs only air raid sirens
Aber der Glanz müntzerscher Morgensterne
But the brilliance of Muenzer's morning stars
Über den aufrührerischen Bauern
Over the rebellious peasants
Wenn sie ihren Peinigern ein blutiges Licht aufsteckten
When they put up a bloody light to their tormentors
Aber der Wohlklang der Stalinorgel
But the harmony of the Stalin organ
Wenn sie den Hitler-Soldaten
When they shouted "Peace on earth" to Hitler's soldiers
Zu Weihnacht "Friede auf Erden" in die erfrorenen Ohren brüllte
Into their frozen ears at Christmas
Passa il tempo
Time passes
Sembra che non cambi niente
It seems that nothing changes
Questa mia generazione
My generation
Vuole nuovi valori
Wants new values
E ho già sentito
And I have already heard
Aria di rivoluzione
A breath of revolution
Ho già sentito gridare
I have already heard the shouts
Chi attrae la mutilazione
Of those who attract mutilation
Aber die Eleganz automatischer Raketen
But the elegance of automatic rockets
In Ho-Chi-Minhs Himmel
In Ho Chi Minh's sky
Wenn sie den erstaunlichen Ingenieurleistungen aus Detroit
When they give the amazing engineers from Detroit
Den erstaunlichen Kuss geben
The amazing kiss
Aber die Schönheit der Maschinenpistole
But the beauty of the machine gun
Über der Schulter des Guerilla-Kämpfers
Over the guerrilla fighter's shoulder
Wenn er dem bolivianischen Kuli
When he gives the Bolivian coolie
Treffende Argumente gegen seine Unterdrücker liefert
Telling arguments against his oppressors
Die sie endlich verstehen
Which they finally understand
Das Beste aber, Polizisten, abgerichtet gegen das Volk
But the best, policemen, trained against the people
Wenn sie im Strom der empörten Massen
When they drown in the stream of outraged masses
Durch die Straßenschluchten geschwemmt ertrinken
Swept away through the street canyons
Und endlich, endlich ergreifen sie-
And finally, finally they take hold

Авторы: Francesco Battiato

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