Franco Ricciardi - Faccia e criatura - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Franco Ricciardi - Faccia e criatura

Faccia e criatura
Face and Creature
Parlo e che parlo affà
I'm talking and I'm talking about it
Si nun me sient tu
If you don't hear me
Che me tratteng affà
That I'm holding back now
Fors nun me vuò cchiù
Maybe you don't want me anymore
Parleme dice si
Tell me yes
Jamm fatt capì
Let's make it clear
Si muta...!
If you change your mind...!
I nun me mov accà
I'm not moving from here
Tu primm me spiegà
You explain yourself first
Cos'è che non ti va
What's wrong with you
Pecchè nun me vuò cchiù
Why don't you want me anymore
E che chiagne affà
And now that you're crying
Dimm na verità
Tell me the truth
Na vota!
For once!
Parl crè nun fa sta faccia e criatura
Speak up babe don't make that face
Fatt cchiù ccà tu stai tremmann e paura
Come here you're trembling and scared
Nun guarda nun sto parlann co muro
Don't look away, I'm not talking to the wall
Fatt capì stasera tu par nata
Explain now I'm done playing games tonight
Si adda fernì truovece almen a ragion
If this has to end, let's find a reason at least
Che te nventà fors nun truov e parol
What did you make up? Maybe you can't find the words
Un altro no chest è na scusa banal
Another no, that's a lame excuse
Si stess nata nu stess ccà!
If it was over, you wouldn't be here!
Te si stancat e me
You're tired of me
E chest è a verità
And that's the truth
Dai l' ho capito sai
Come on, I understand
Ma o vogl sentì a te
But I want to hear it from you
Truov o curaggio e vai
Find the courage and go
Nun me trattengo cchù
I'm not holding back anymore
I'll kill myself!
Parl crè nun fa sta faccia e criatura
Speak up babe don't make that face
Fatt cchiù ccà tu stai tremmann e paura
Come here you're trembling and scared
Nun guarda nun sto parlann co muro
Don't look away, I'm not talking to the wall
Fatt capì stasera tu par nata
Explain now I'm done playing games tonight
Si adda fernì truovece almen a ragion
If this has to end, let's find a reason at least
Che te nventà fors nun truov e parol
What did you make up? Maybe you can't find the words
Un altro no chest è na scusa banal
Another no, that's a lame excuse
Si stess nata nu stess ccà!
If it was over, you wouldn't be here!

Авторы: C. Rigione

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