Francois van Coke - Klein Prys - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Francois van Coke - Klein Prys

Klein Prys
Small Price
Dit moes êrens begin
It must have started somewhere
Net 'n kans gewaag
Just took a chance
Groot drome gerook onder groot bome
Big dreams smoked under big trees
Hou op werk vir eers
Quit your job for now
Vergeet van geld vir nog ses jaar
Forget about money for another six years
Niks om te verloor nie
Nothing to lose
Kan nie meer in hul leuens glo nie
Can't believe their lies anymore
Dronk genoeg om te kan sing
Drunk enough to be able to sing
Dis 'n klein prys om te betaal
It's a small price to pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Dis 'n klein prys om te betaal
It's a small price to pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Dit was ons eie wêreld
It was our own world
Saam op vier wiele
Together on four wheels
Reis die land sonder gesonde verstand
Travel the country without common sense
Verloor 'n vuisgeveg
Lost a fistfight
Doodsdreigemente en kansellasies
Death threats and cancellations
Niks om te verloor nie
Nothing to lose
Kan nie meer in hul leuens glo nie
Can't believe their lies anymore
Dronk genoeg om te kan sing
Drunk enough to be able to sing
Dis 'n klein prys om te betaal
It's a small price to pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Dis 'n klein prys om te betaal
It's a small price to pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Om te betaal
To pay
As my reputasie my inhaal
If my reputation catches up with me
Ek sal betaal
I'll pay
Ek sal betaal
I'll pay
Dis 'n klein prys om te betaal
It's a small price to pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Ons speel nog steeds saam
We still play together
Na die al die jare
After all these years
Paar drankprobleme is mos niks tussen vriende
A few drinking problems are nothing between friends
Slagoffer van vryheid
Casualty of freedom
Dis 'n familiereünie
It's a family reunion
Op die verhoog saam met my vriende
On stage with my friends
Net bly ek mag nog sing
Just glad I can still sing
Dis 'n klein prys om te betaal
It's a small price to pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Dis 'n klein prys om te betaal
It's a small price to pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Om te betaal
To pay
As my reputasie my inhaal
If my reputation catches up with me
Ek sal betaal
I'll pay
Ek sal betaal
I'll pay
Dis 'n klein prys om te betaal
It's a small price to pay
Om te betaal
To pay
Om te betaal
To pay

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