Free Finga - Atlanta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Free Finga - Atlanta

Ar tau viskas gerai.?
Are you alright, girl.?
Ar tau viskas gerai.?
Are you alright, girl.?
Ar tau viskas gerai.?
Are you alright, girl.?
Ar tau viskas gerai.?
Are you alright, girl.?
Norėjau tik į radiją, bet nuėjau bet kur
I just wanted to be on the radio, but ended up anywhere
Susitinku su Natalija pabaigti jos albumo
Meeting with Natalia to finish her album
Jie suvokti to negali, jie toli nuo kelio guli
They can't grasp it, they're lying far from the path
Dėl manęs tu nesiparink, kepu kepu kepu
Don't worry about me, babe, I'm cooking, cooking, cooking
Norėjau tik į radiją, bet nuėjau bet kur
I just wanted to be on the radio, but ended up anywhere
Susitinku su Natalija pabaigti jos albumo
Meeting with Natalia to finish her album
Jie suvokti to negali, jie toli nuo kelio guli
They can't grasp it, they're lying far from the path
Dėl manęs tu nesiparink, kepu kepu kepu
Don't worry about me, babe, I'm cooking, cooking, cooking
Teliko pančiai sumala nugarą kartais
The shackles of TV sometimes grind my back
Neminim garsiai tų, kurie nugulė gelmėj
We don't mention aloud those who lie in the depths
Švyti jūros krantai tik Atlantai
Only Atlantas shine on the sea shores
Pakartoti viską bandai, bet nesklandžiai
You try to repeat everything, but clumsily
Lietuvoj visada kažką skolingas tautai
In Lithuania, you're always indebted to the nation
Jei koncertai, tai po reikia elgtis taupiai
If there are concerts, you have to act thrifty afterwards
Vienas OK ir rašau albumą pop žvaigždei
Just one OK and I'm writing an album for a pop star
Po grindim laikau benzą, šovinius ir AK
I keep gasoline, ammo, and an AK under the floor
Mano stilius jau padarė įtaką plačiai
My style has already made a broad impact
kaip šefas Mišelino ir čia tiktai pirmas taste
I'm like a Michelin chef and this is just the first taste
ne Diplo, bet svarbu man diplomatiniai ryšiai
I'm not Diplo, but diplomatic ties are important to me
Deleguoju save kandidatu scenos atašė
I delegate myself as a candidate for stage attaché
Norėjau tik į radiją, bet nuėjau bet kur
I just wanted to be on the radio, but ended up anywhere
Susitinku su Natalija pabaigti jos albumo
Meeting with Natalia to finish her album
Jie suvokti to negali, jie toli nuo kelio guli
They can't grasp it, they're lying far from the path
Dėl manęs tu nesiparink, kepu kepu kepu
Don't worry about me, babe, I'm cooking, cooking, cooking
Norėjau tik į radiją, bet nuėjau bet kur
I just wanted to be on the radio, but ended up anywhere
Susitinku su Natalija pabaigti jos albumo
Meeting with Natalia to finish her album
Jie suvokti to negali, jie toli nuo kelio guli
They can't grasp it, they're lying far from the path
Dėl manęs tu nesiparink, kepu kepu kepu
Don't worry about me, babe, I'm cooking, cooking, cooking
bandau gaivinti vidurį, kai rodau pirštą
I try to revive the middle when I point my finger
Nes elitas jau beveik suvalgė visą rinką
Because the elite has almost devoured the entire market
Naktį tyliai įvežu vidun medinį žirgą
At night, I quietly bring in a wooden horse
Bestuburiai pilas per kraštus - tegul jie plinta!
Spineless ones overflow - let them spread!
Mano kalbą mokys juos per pamoką, ir žodžiai jau "Flinte"
They will learn my language in class, and the words are already "Flinte"
Trim kartom jau įtaka, kuriu žiaurų ginklą
Influence on three generations, I create a cruel weapon
Čia ne tiktai muzika, tu gali pasirinkt
It's not just music, you can choose what
Siųsim į ateitį, kur blet atsakomybė?
We'll send it to the future, where the f*ck is responsibility?
Bunda keista būtybė, tundra išdegusi
A strange creature awakens, the tundra is burnt out
Jie siunta, bet žavisi, o kur mūsų jėgos dingo?
They send, but admire, where did our strength go?
Nėra atlikėjų, kurie daro tai kaip man patinka
There are no artists who do it the way I like it
Pusę trekų vis dar rašo Stano, tai kokia dar rinka?
Stano still writes half of the tracks, so what kind of market is it?
Pramušė ant pykčio, neprašykit blet nusiramint
Broke through on anger, don't f*cking ask me to calm down
Tegul bestuburiai plinta, čia maratonas o ne sprintas
Let the spineless ones spread, this is a marathon, not a sprint
Norėjau tik į radiją, bet nuėjau bet kur
I just wanted to be on the radio, but ended up anywhere
Susitinku su Natalija pabaigti jos albumo
Meeting with Natalia to finish her album
Jie suvokti to negali, jie toli nuo kelio guli
They can't grasp it, they're lying far from the path
Dėl manęs tu nesiparink, kepu kepu kepu
Don't worry about me, babe, I'm cooking, cooking, cooking
Norėjau tik į radiją, bet nuėjau bet kur
I just wanted to be on the radio, but ended up anywhere
Susitinku su Natalija pabaigti jos albumo
Meeting with Natalia to finish her album
Jie suvokti to negali, jie toli nuo kelio guli
They can't grasp it, they're lying far from the path
Dėl manęs tu nesiparink, kepu kepu kepu
Don't worry about me, babe, I'm cooking, cooking, cooking

Авторы: Tomas Narkevicius

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