Freezy Trap - Foolery - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Freezy Trap - Foolery

Und die Wöd geht unta
And the world is going down
I nimm is Göd, mein Hund a
I'll take the money, my dog too
Foah weit weit weg
Go far, far away
In a eignes Eck
To a corner of my own
Wo ma nix passiern kau
Where nothing can happen to me
i kan valian kau
Where I can't lose
Den i ned moi hob
What I don't even have
Is nur mei Ego do
It's just my ego there
Und jetzt, ans, zwa, moch ma Meta
And now, one, two, let's do meta
Wir rennen ums Lebn, und noch am Meta
We run for our lives, and even more for the meta
Schau ma no moi zruck, ums ózuspeichern
Let's look back one more time, to save it
Es is tiaf in uns drin, wie am Handy de Sonderzeichen
It's deep inside us, like special characters on a phone
Wir schnaufen aus und laufen weida
We take a breath and keep running
Währenddessen denk ma on a Haufn Neida
Meanwhile, we think about a bunch of haters
Die soin draußen bleibn, wir sind tausend moi gscheida
They should stay outside, we're a thousand times smarter
Ois diese Leid, die den Neid vo außen ókreidn
Than all these people who chalk up the envy from the outside
Und wegn sowos schreib i Texte
And that's why I write lyrics
mi zu Leid afoch weida verletzen
That hurt too many people even more
Wie mi diese Neida onätzn, i streit mit mein' Sätzen
How these haters annoy me, I fight with my sentences
Provozier mit mein' Sätzen, und mog de Leid amoi wecken
Provoke with my sentences, and want to wake people up for once
Und eana sogn dass renna soin, die Wöd glei unta geht
And tell them they should run, because the world is going down soon
Doch die Menschheit sogt andauernd: I konn kann Grund kan seng
But humanity keeps saying: I can't see any reason
Rennts afoch, rennts, und rennts, afoch, rennts
Just run, run, and run, just run
Und wonns ned afoch rennt, rengts a, rennts a
And if you don't just run, cry, run
Und die Wöd geht unta
And the world is going down
I nimm is Göd, mein Hund a
I'll take the money, my dog too
Foah weit weit weg
Go far, far away
In a eignes Eck
To a corner of my own
Wo ma nix passiern kau
Where nothing can happen to me
i kan valian kau
Where I can't lose
Den i ned moi hob
What I don't even have
Is nur mei Ego do
It's just my ego there
Poa Kilometer homma jo scho hinter uns
We've already got a few kilometers behind us
Donn frogst mi, wieso mochst du do an Wind ohne Grund
Then you ask me, why are you making a fuss for no reason
Oida, host mi noch 4 Tog no imma ned vastondn
Girl, haven't you understood me after 4 days
Du manst jetzt wie de ane in dem Liad: Du mechast londn
You're like the ones in that song now: You need to land
Davor muast renna, denka, und schwitzen
Before that you have to run, think, and sweat
Du sitzt zwischen zwa Stühlen, i kennt do ned sitzen
You're sitting between two chairs, I couldn't sit there
Oiso kumm steh auf und bleib ned liegn
So come on, get up and don't stay lying down
Wir miassn weida ziang, bis die Neida valian
We have to keep moving until the haters lose
sie bringan is Unglick mit, keep fit
Because they bring bad luck with them, keep fit
Zag in Homma, und kicks mit: Fick dich
Show your fists, and kick with them: Fuck you
Schö longsom schnoist as, i red mit dir, bisd ois wast
You're slowly getting it, I'll talk to you until you know everything
I renn mit dir mit, und befrei di aus deim Oitog
I'll run with you, and free you from your everyday life
jetzt hondelt si de Gschicht nur mehr um Stundn
Because now the story is only about hours
Donn sama frei, gechillt und ungebunden
Then we'll be free, chilled and unbound
Wir schaun zua, wias die ondan ollesomt zreißt
We'll watch as it tears the others apart
San von der Dummheit befreit und olle rundherum gscheid
We'll be freed from stupidity and everyone around us will be smart
Und die Wöd geht unta
And the world is going down
I nimm is Göd, mein Hund a
I'll take the money, my dog too
Foah weit weit weg
Go far, far away
In a eignes Eck
To a corner of my own
Wo ma nix passiern kau
Where nothing can happen to me
i kan valian kau
Where I can't lose
Den i ned moi hob
What I don't even have
Is nur mei Ego do
It's just my ego there

Авторы: Beatingu, Freezy Trap

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