Freezy Trap feat. Kerstin Weiss - Hazn - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Freezy Trap feat. Kerstin Weiss - Hazn

Wüst ane hazn, wüst ane durchziang
Wanting a smoke, badly, yearning to drag
Gehst auf a Zigarettn, Tschick, wöst den Gruch liabst
Going for a cigarette, a cig, loving the smell
Drahst das söwa, kafst da a Packerl
Rolling your own, buying a pack
Dompfst du elektrisch, wir hom a Laster
Vaping electronically, we have a vice
Oida lossts mi hazn, wonn i hazn wü, wia narrisch
Babe, let me smoke, when I want to smoke, like crazy
Wonn i afoch kane Zigaretten rauchen kau, wia panisch
When I simply can't smoke cigarettes, how panicky
Wonn i lesen muas: Rauchfreie Zonen, geht's doch scheißn
When I have to read: Smoke-free zones, fuck off
Hetzt's nur weida, blede Keif'n
Just keep nagging, you stupid nags
Und es is imma des söwe, wüst an Coffee und a Tschick
And it's always the same, wanting a coffee and a cig
Owa na, deafst jo ned, wengan Scheiß Gricht
But nah, you're not allowed, because of the damn court
Donn geh i hoid ause, und gfrea ma in Oasch ó
So I go outside, and freeze my ass off
Intressiert jo eh kan, vo Raucher hoid ma Obstond
Nobody cares anyway, who wants to keep their distance from smokers
Geh gmiadlich in a Restaurant, bestöh ma wös
Casually walk into a restaurant, order something
Frog, deaf ma do rauchn, "Na" ka Wunder dass i donn den Köna hoss
Ask, can I smoke here, "No" no wonder I hate the waiter then
Getrennte Räume, wos? gibt's jo nimma, Mau
Separate rooms, what? they don't exist anymore, dude
Es werds eich wundern, wos ois meglich is, is Schicksoi gibt ned auf
You'd be surprised, what's possible, fate doesn't give up
Jo in so a klans Kammerl konnst di stön
Yeah, you can stand in such a small room
Do beschwert se kana und du brauchst di ned vastöhn
Nobody complains there and you don't need to understand
Kriagst eh ka Luft bei de 2 Quadratmeter
You can't breathe anyway in those 2 square meters
Owa intressiert jo eh kan, trotz Summawetter
But nobody cares anyway, despite the summer weather
Wüst ane hazn, wüst ane durchziang
Wanting a smoke, badly, yearning to drag
Gehst auf a Zigarettn, Tschick, wöst den Gruch liabst
Going for a cigarette, a cig, loving the smell
Drahst das söwa, kafst da a Packerl
Rolling your own, buying a pack
Dompfst du elektrisch, wir hom a Laster
Vaping electronically, we have a vice
Wüst ane hazn, wüst ane durchziang
Wanting a smoke, badly, yearning to drag
Gehst auf a Zigarettn, Tschick, wöst den Gruch liabst
Going for a cigarette, a cig, loving the smell
Drahst das söwa, kafst da a Packerl
Rolling your own, buying a pack
Dompfst du elektrisch, wir hom a Laster
Vaping electronically, we have a vice
Der Genuss ziagt uns auße, gfrian ois wia
The pleasure draws us outside, freezing like
Wöma nirgendwo sei deaf, nirgends hier
Where we can't be anywhere, nowhere here
10 Euro des Packerl? Scheißegal
10 Euros a pack? Who cares
I rauch weida, i mas leistn mag
I'll keep smoking, because I can afford it
De Dampfer gibt's jo a no, lem jo e gsünda
The vapes are still there, living healthier
Do siacht ma wenigstens kane unechten Büda
At least you don't see any fake pictures there
Nebeln ois ei, und wean a ned integriert
Fogging everything up, and not being integrated
Ziag amoi au, wirst scho seng wies donn wird
Take a drag, you'll see how it goes then
Ois Dompfer hots ghaßn, deafst üwaroi dompfn
As a vaper, it was said, you can vape everywhere
Doch na, es is vorbei, vasperrn uns üwaroi de Schronkn
But no, it's over, they're closing the barriers everywhere
Liquids und de gonzn Sochn san ongeblich schädlich
Liquids and all that stuff are supposedly harmful
Doch dass jeda söbst entscheidn kau, is natialich meglich
But that everyone can decide for themselves is of course possible
Do mochns de Preise fias Packl a no sau teia
They make the prices for the pack even more expensive
Owa i scheiß drauf, und kaufs trotz den Scheiß Steian
But I don't give a damn, and buy it despite the damn taxes
Oiso rauchts so longs eich gfreit, raucht's jetzt
So smoke as long as you enjoy it, smoke now
Und lossts eich ned ois vabietn, saufett
And don't let them forbid you everything, drink up
Teer, Nikotin, Schokolade, Zimt, Tabak, oda wos do ois drin is
Tar, nicotine, chocolate, cinnamon, tobacco, or whatever else is in it
70 erwiesenermaßen krebserregende Stoffe mochn dein Körpa hinich
70 proven carcinogenic substances ruin your body
Und so soi es sei, Gesund- und Kronkheit spün jo mitanonda
And so it should be, health and sickness play with each other
Pharma und Tabakindustrie mochn zvüle Kinda zoman
The pharmaceutical and tobacco industries make too many children together
Wüst ane hazn, wüst ane durchziang
Wanting a smoke, badly, yearning to drag
Gehst auf a Zigarettn, Tschick, wöst den Gruch liabst
Going for a cigarette, a cig, loving the smell
Drahst das söwa, kafst da a Packerl
Rolling your own, buying a pack
Dompfst du elektrisch, wir hom a Laster
Vaping electronically, we have a vice
Der Genuss ziagt uns auße, gfrian ois wia
The pleasure draws us outside, freezing like
Wöma nirgendwo sei deaf, nirgends hier
Where we can't be anywhere, nowhere here
10 Euro des Packerl? Scheißegal
10 Euros a pack? Who cares
I rauch weida, i mas leistn mag
I'll keep smoking, because I can afford it
Wüst ane hazn, wüst ane durchziang
Wanting a smoke, badly, yearning to drag
Gehst auf a Zigarettn, Tschick, wöst den Gruch liabst
Going for a cigarette, a cig, loving the smell
Drahst das söwa, kafst da a Packerl
Rolling your own, buying a pack
Dompfst du elektrisch, wir hom a Laster
Vaping electronically, we have a vice
Der Genuss ziagt uns auße, gfrian ois wia
The pleasure draws us outside, freezing like
Wöma nirgendwo sei deaf, nirgends hier
Where we can't be anywhere, nowhere here
10 Euro des Packerl? Scheißegal
10 Euros a pack? Who cares
I rauch weida, i mas leistn mag
I'll keep smoking, because I can afford it
Wüst ane hazn, wüst ane durchziang
Wanting a smoke, badly, yearning to drag
Gehst auf a Zigarettn, Tschick, wöst den Gruch liabst
Going for a cigarette, a cig, loving the smell
Drahst das söwa, kafst da a Packerl
Rolling your own, buying a pack
Dompfst du elektrisch, wir hom a Laster
Vaping electronically, we have a vice

Авторы: Freezy Trap, Kerstin Weiss, Moretime Productions

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