Freezy Trap feat. Arcas - Rufmord - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Freezy Trap feat. Arcas - Rufmord

Leid sengan mi ois a Person
I feel like I am a person
Ned untertöbar, a foische Version
Not invincible, a false version
Vo am Menschn, der eigentlich nur Hip Hop gschpiat
Of a man who actually plays hip hop
I muas zuagem, i find a des Biz oft tiaf
I admit, I often find this business profound
Leid woin deppad redn uns schlecht mochn
People want to talk nonsense and make us look bad
Woin uns sogn dass ma scheiße san und uns echt hossn
They want to tell us that we are bad and really hate us
Wir messn des jetzt stoppn, werds moi erwochsn
We have to stop this now, let's grow up
Ihr sats kane Kinder mehr, lernts des, es Offn
You have children, learn that, openness
Es hobts kan Humor und woits uns schädign
You have no sense of humor and want to harm us
Hobts scho moi davor a Soch erledigt
Have you ever accomplished something before
Gonz zu Ende brocht und woats a stoiz drauf
And proudly finished it
Des mani moi ned, du bist deppad und schoitst aus
Don't tell me, you're stupid and look awful
I hoits ned aus, mit soiche Wappla wie eich
I can't stand it, with babblers like you
Komma echt nix aufaunga, Kasperlverein
Can't achieve anything, puppet theatre
Reds nur bled üwa uns und ohne Vastaund
Just talk badly about us without understanding
kana mehr hinter eich steht außa a Wond
When no one supports you but a wall
Valeimdung, Valeimdung, Diskreditierung
Slander, slander, defamation
Lossts es afoch bleim, hey, es dissts wie a Bitch rum
Just leave it alone, hey, you're gossiping like a bitch
Zerst moi nochdenga, wos übel nochredn
Let's think first, what is malicious gossip
Rufmord, und a Würde obstechn
Defamation, and stabbing dignity
Valeimdung, Valeimdung, a Tatsochnbehauptung
Slander, slander, an assertion of fact
De ehrverletzend is, du wüst afoch moi wos ausruafn
That is defamatory, you just want to make an announcement
Dass da a wer zuahoacht, und du dein Zuan spoast
So that someone will listen to you and you'll save your tongue
Wast wos du do mochst? Des is Rufmord
Do you know what you're doing? This is defamation
Sogts - wos ihr woits üwa mi
Say - what do you want to say about me
Owa hoit - schreibts an Text zu am Beat
But wait - write a text to a beat
daun bist du in meiner Wöd, auf meina Wön
Then you are in my world, on my way
Daun i seng ob de Hund a beißn, de dauand bön
Then I want to see if the dogs will bite, the ones that bark
i konn leida kane guadn Tips mehr aunehman
I can no longer accept any good advice
Mit eichre Weisheiten kennts bei mir nua aurennan
With your wisdom, you can only accelerate with me
Ihr kennts eich scho moi drau gwehna
You can get used to it
Es wird bei eich ned aukema, owa es werds a no drauf kemma
It won't come to you, but it will come to you
Es san imma nu de söbn, imma nu die gleichn
It's always the same, always the same
De mistigen Fliagn, de umd Scheiße kreisen
The shitty flies that circle around the shit
De se iagnd wos beweisen miassn
Who have to prove something to themselves
Doch bei uns hobts ihr in die Scheiße griffn
But with us, you have put your hands in shit
Jo, hin und wieda treff ma ned den Ton
Yes, we don't always hit the right tone
Owa nua tode Fisch schwimman mitn Strom
But only dead fish swim with the current
Gfreits eich üwa unsre nicht vorhandenen Künste
Enjoy our non-existent art
Denn wer zuletzt lacht, is meistens nur der Dümmste
Because the last to laugh is usually just the dumbest
Valeimdung, Valeimdung, Diskreditierung
Slander, slander, defamation
Lossts es afoch bleim, hey, es dissts wie a Bitch rum
Just leave it alone, hey, you're gossiping like a bitch
Zerst moi nochdenga, wos übel nochredn
Let's think first, what is malicious gossip
Rufmord, und a Würde obstechn
Defamation, and stabbing dignity
Valeimdung, Valeimdung, a Tatsochnbehauptung
Slander, slander, an assertion of fact
De ehrverletzend is, du wüst afoch moi wos ausruafn
That is defamatory, you just want to make an announcement
Dass da a wer zuahoacht, und du dein Zuan spoast
So that someone will listen to you and you'll save your tongue
Wast wos du do mochst? Des is Rufmord
Do you know what you're doing? This is defamation
Valeimdung, Valeimdung, Diskreditierung
Slander, slander, defamation
Lossts es afoch bleim, hey, es dissts wie a Bitch rum
Just leave it alone, hey, you're gossiping like a bitch
Zerst moi nochdenga, wos übel nochredn
Let's think first, what is malicious gossip
Rufmord, und a Würde obstechn
Defamation, and stabbing dignity
Valeimdung, Valeimdung, a Tatsochnbehauptung
Slander, slander, an assertion of fact
De ehrverletzend is, du wüst afoch moi wos ausruafn
That is defamatory, you just want to make an announcement
Dass da a wer zuahoacht, und du dein Zuan spoast
So that someone will listen to you and you'll save your tongue
Wast wos du do mochst? Des is Rufmord
Do you know what you're doing? This is defamation

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