Freezy Trap - Perfekt - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Freezy Trap - Perfekt

Mei Traum seit dem i 13 bin: I Rapper sei
My dream since I was 13: I wanna be a rapper
Mit der Söbständigkeit, rennts, na jo, kunntat bessa sei
With self-employment, things are running, well, it could be better
Einnohmen san do, Ausgobn owa a
Income is there, but so are expenses
De Autofoahrarei is des Problem, des owa zaht
Driving is the problem, that's what counts
Egal, in Österreich muast drau blaum, bisd wos reißt
Anyway, in Austria you gotta keep pushing till you break through
Einesteckn, Geduid hom, oda bisd drauf scheißt
Put in the effort, have patience, or give it all up
I ziags durch, schreib de Parts, und moch Auftritte, ständig
I'm going for it, writing verses, and performing constantly
Bin der anzige Dude, der woas duat, i bin lebendig
I'm the only dude who knows what he's doing, I'm alive
A wonn i Oasch Leid kenna glernt hob und a wonn wer sogt
Even though I've met shitty people and even if someone says
Dass mei Qualität bessa sei kunnt, druckt mei Gwehr scho ob
That my quality could be better, my gun's already firing
Hob a Privat Leben und Zohlungen zu mochn
I have a private life and bills to pay
Konn ma kane 1000er fias Mischen leisten, Goschn
Can't afford a thousand bucks for mixing, honey
Gib fia a Video kan 1000er aus, is Göd brauch
Don't spend a thousand on a video, I need the money
So schauts aus, do moch is liawa z'Haus
That's how it is, so I prefer to do it at home
Erst wonn i merk, de Koihn rinnt und de Fans san do
Only when I notice the money's flowing and the fans are there
De regelmäßig kafn, jo donn rennt des scho
Those who buy regularly, then things will run smoothly
Mei Qualität passt so, des bestätigt ma jeder
My quality is good, everyone confirms that
Außer Leid de se ned auskennan, deppade Hater
Except people who don't know anything, stupid haters
Qualität, sitzt, Quantität, sitzt
Quality, on point, quantity, on point
Flowmäßig, top, Tontechnik, top
Flow-wise, top, sound engineering, top
Jedes Video, sitzt, die Liada san Hits
Every video, on point, cause the songs are hits
Reimschema, Gott, Live so a Gott
Rhyme scheme, godlike, live performance, godlike
Präsenz, vorhondn, Konkurrenz entstondn
Presence, there, competition emerged
Skillz, genial, Witz, genial
Skills, genius, humor, genius
Hook, a Bombn, Look, a Bombn
Hook, a bomb, look, a bomb
Fans, ja, Reichweite, ja
Fans, yes, reach, yes
On Vaonstoita, lossts mi spün, DJ's, legt's mi auf
To promoters, let me play, DJs, play my tracks
Üba 15 Joah Erfohrung, beeindruckender Lebenslauf
Over 15 years of experience, impressive resume
1 Woidviatla 3 Leid, sogt ma im Voiksmund
A jack of all trades, as they say
Des passt zu mir, i afoch ois dua
That fits me, because I simply do everything
I hea Rapper redn meine Videos san schlecht
I hear rappers saying my videos are bad
Liada zkompliziert fiad Masse, find i wieda ned gerecht
Songs too complicated for the masses, I don't think that's fair
I gib ma Mühe für de Leid, i gib ma Mühe fia mi
I put in effort for the people, I put in effort for myself
Klicks bleibn unten, doch betrügn duari mi nie
Clicks stay low, but I would never cheat
Und jo, in Oaweit muas ma einesteckn
And yes, you have to put in the work
Doch a mit Glick, dass ma di entdeckt, muass ma rechna
But you also have to count on the luck of being discovered
Wonn ka DJ di spüt, di ka Vaonstoita
If no DJ plays you, no promoter wants you
Rap in Bauerndeafa, wie a Kronkheit oft güt
Because rap in rural villages is often seen as a disease
A wonns guad bist, bringt da des heizutoge nix
Even if you're good, it doesn't get you anywhere these days
Doch erreicht hostas bei Menschen erst mit 30 000 Klicks
But you only reach people with 30,000 clicks
Dass ma präsent ist, Aufritte hod und Werbeliada mocht
The fact that I'm present, have gigs, and make advertising songs
Foiht kan auf, des is a ehrnomtliche Soch
Nobody notices, because it's a voluntary thing
Doch auffoihn duari, wegen Baggy Pants und Kappal
But I get noticed because of baggy pants and a cap
Moch auf seriös, doch diss Hater, Fans und Wappla
Act serious, but diss haters, fans, and idiots
Mein Nóm kennt ma, a ohne Features vo Leid
My name is known, even without features from people
De greßa san, i moch weida, a wonn i niemois wos reiß
Who are bigger, I keep going, even if I never break through
Qualität, sitzt, Quantität, sitzt
Quality, on point, quantity, on point
Flowmäßig, top, Tontechnik, top
Flow-wise, top, sound engineering, top
Jedes Video, sitzt, die Liada san Hits
Every video, on point, cause the songs are hits
Reimschema, Gott, Live so a Gott
Rhyme scheme, godlike, live performance, godlike
Präsenz, vorhondn, Konkurrenz entstondn
Presence, there, competition emerged
Skillz, genial, Witz, genial
Skills, genius, humor, genius
Hook, a Bombn, Look, a Bombn
Hook, a bomb, look, a bomb
Fans, ja, Reichweite, ja
Fans, yes, reach, yes
Fia Zusommenoaweit sei und wos zoihn dafia
To collaborate and pay for it
Wonn 2 Rapper wos mochn, wo ana hoibguad is
When 2 rappers do something where one is mediocre
Fias Mischen mit Cent Beträge aufaunga
To start mixing with cent amounts
Zum Glick, i bin eam endlich augaunga
Luckily, I finally saw through him
Doch noch Featuresongs werd i vüle weidahin frogn
But I will still ask many for feature songs
Wös a Gaude is, mi zu vereinen in nem Song
Because it's fun to unite in a song
I hob scho Leid gfrogt, de mi obblitzen hom loss'n
I've already asked people who let me down
Oda goa nix zruck gschriem hom, doch i steh zu diese Sochn
Or didn't write back at all, but I stand by these things
Musik geht zwoa longsom voró, owa schaut's mi au
Music is moving forward too slowly, but look at me
Sonst wad i ned söbständig, komma song
Otherwise, I wouldn't be self-employed, let's say
Danke on de Leid, de mi feien und supportn
Thanks to the people who celebrate and support me
Auf neiche Songs miasts es bei mir leida niemois woatn
Unfortunately, you never have to wait for new songs from me
Dafia, kennts gsponnt sei, wöche Richtung i moch
But you can be excited about the direction I'm taking
Privat, Werbung, Kunden: A wichtige Soch
Private, advertising, customers: An important thing
Wonns amoi Probleme gab bei Rechnungen wengam Datenschutz
If there were ever problems with invoices because of data protection
Dem staatlich auferlegten Scheiß, der a nix nutzt
That state-imposed bullshit that's useless anyway
Konn i eich ned höfn, buchhoiterisch muass is 7 Joah
I can't help you, for accounting purposes I have to keep it for 7 years
Aufhem, des widerspricht si, is mir a kloa
Keep it, that contradicts itself, I know
Donn möds eich beim Finanzamt und beschwert's eich
Then contact the tax office and complain
Mir is wurst, hob gnua zum Duan in dera Zeit
I don't care, I have enough to do in that time
Qualität, sitzt, Quantität, sitzt
Quality, on point, quantity, on point
Flowmäßig, top, Tontechnik, top
Flow-wise, top, sound engineering, top
Jedes Video, sitzt, die Liada san Hits
Every video, on point, cause the songs are hits
Reimschema, Gott, Live so a Gott
Rhyme scheme, godlike, live performance, godlike
Präsenz, vorhondn, Konkurrenz entstondn
Presence, there, competition emerged
Skillz, genial, Witz, genial
Skills, genius, humor, genius
Hook, a Bombn, Look, a Bombn
Hook, a bomb, look, a bomb
Fans, ja, Reichweite, ja
Fans, yes, reach, yes

Авторы: Kilian Lassalle

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