Freezy Trap - Z'friedn (Proberaum Session) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Freezy Trap - Z'friedn (Proberaum Session)

Z'friedn (Proberaum Session)
At Peace (Rehearsal Room Session)
Wos i brauch is mei Lichtblick im Lebn
What I need is my ray of hope in life
Donn is es afoch nur richtig schee
Then it's simply truly beautiful
I loss ois kumma, so wies scheint zum Kumma
I let everything come as it seems to come
Und soit i moi sei voller Kumma
And should I sometimes be full of worries
Donn entsponn i mi und denk noch
Then I relax and think it through
Red mit Kerstin, des lenkt ó
Talk to Kerstin, that distracts me
Zufriedenheit is des Hauptproblem
Contentment is the main issue
Wonn ma des ned gspian, heama auf mim Lebn
If you don't feel it, you're done with life
I konn ned sogn, dass i a Pech hob in meim Lebn
I can't say that I have bad luck in my life
Es is a auf und o, des soi so bleim, des mechat i ned nehma, ah
It's ups and downs, that's how it should stay, I don't want to take that away, ah
Des is der Wert, und die Sinnhoftigkeit
This is the value, and the meaningfulness
Und i sing jederzeit, und i bin grod befreit
And I sing at any time, and I am currently liberated
Füh mi innerleich leicht, wie a Kinderriegel, nice
Feel light inside, like a Kinder Bueno, nice
I kinnt afoch schrein, is Glick bei mir bleibt
I could just scream, why does happiness stay with me
I mogs ned übertreim und sicha ned ausafordern
I don't like to exaggerate and certainly not to challenge it
Moch jetzt Göd mit Musik, des is jetzt echt a Haufn Oaweit
Making money with music now, that's really a lot of work
Doch i mechats so, und mog a mein ondan Job ned missn
But I like it this way, and I don't want to miss my other job either
is super find mit oide Leid, des mocht mi so glicklich
Because I think it's great with older people, that makes me so happy
Wonn is siach, dass i se imma aufmuntern kau
When I see that I can always cheer them up
Durch meine Schmähs de i reiß, san se tausendmoi froh
Through my jokes that I crack, they are a thousand times happy
Füh mi woih in dera Hockn, schene Griaß on de Kollegn
Feel good in this place, best regards to the colleagues
Find i nice mit eich zu hackeln, es kinnt nix schenas gebn
I think it's nice to work with you, there couldn't be anything better
Hob a erfülltes Leben, und des mocht voi stoiz
I have a fulfilling life, and that makes me very proud
Ois wos i augreif, wird sufuat zu Goid
Everything I touch turns to gold
Wos i brauch is mei Lichtblick im Lebn
What I need is my ray of hope in life
Donn is es afoch nur richtig schee
Then it's simply truly beautiful
I loss ois kumma, so wies scheint zum Kumma
I let everything come as it seems to come
Und soit i moi sei voller Kumma
And should I sometimes be full of worries
Donn entsponn i mi und denk noch
Then I relax and think it through
Red mit Kerstin, des lenkt ó
Talk to Kerstin, that distracts me
Zufriedenheit is des Hauptproblem
Contentment is the main issue
Wonn ma des ned gspian, heama auf mim Lebn
If you don't feel it, you're done with life
Vielleicht denk i ned imma nur so positiv, na
Maybe I don't always think so positively, no
i was, dass mit da Mum afoch imma no so komisch is
Because I know that with Mom it's always still so strange
Doch die Zeit hüft uns, dass ma beide überlegn kenna
But time helps us to think things through
Wie mas mochn soin, dass wir beide wieda redn kenna
How we should do it, so that we can both talk again
Beziehungsweise zu viert auf an Tisch
Or rather, the four of us at a table
Jeder sogt seine Sochn, is des wos i ma wünsch
Everyone says their things, that's what I wish for
Vagessn kommas jo, doch drüber redn soit ma scho
You can forget it, but you should talk about it
Denk i ma, sunst is des a lebnslonge Plog
I think, because otherwise it's a lifelong burden
Mei Leben mit da Kerstin rennt echt wundaschee
My life with Kerstin is going wonderfully
A mit Freind hod sis zum Glück wieda umgedreht
Luckily, things have turned around with friends again
Wos mit Wildwux Sound passiert, des liegt ned nur on mir
What happens with Wildwux Sound is not only up to me
Sondern on olle Betöligten, de herumprobiern
But to all those involved who are trying things out
Wön, ah, i bin fia ollas offn
Whatever, ah, I'm open to everything
Und i bereis a ned, fliag i moi voi auf dGoschn
And I'm not worried, even if I fall flat on my face
Hob a erfülltes Leben, und des mocht voi stoiz
I have a fulfilling life, and that makes me very proud
Ois wos i augreif, wird sufuat zu Goid
Everything I touch turns to gold
Wos i brauch is mei Lichtblick im Lebn
What I need is my ray of hope in life
Donn is es afoch nur richtig schee
Then it's simply truly beautiful
I loss ois kumma, so wies scheint zum Kumma
I let everything come as it seems to come
Und soit i moi sei voller Kumma
And should I sometimes be full of worries
Donn entsponn i mi und denk noch
Then I relax and think it through
Red mit Kerstin, des lenkt ó
Talk to Kerstin, that distracts me
Zufriedenheit is des Hauptproblem
Contentment is the main issue
Wonn ma des ned gspian, heama auf mim Lebn
If you don't feel it, you're done with life

Авторы: Simeon Bauer

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