Freezy Trap - Im Inneren - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Freezy Trap - Im Inneren

Im Inneren
Wos hob i no zu valian, familiär steh i allanich do
What do I have left to lose, family-wise I'm standing here alone
Thematisch geht's derzeit ums Gleiche, jeder anznle Song
Thematically it's about the same thing right now, every single song
Und dass mir eigentlich nur scheiße geht, konn i a kam anzgn sogn
And that I'm actually just feeling like shit, I can barely say it out loud
Was launisch gsehn ned wirklich, wie i in des Joah startn soi
Mood-wise, it's not really clear how I should start this year
Aufträge, jo san do, doch woatn muas ma
Orders, yes there are, but I have to wait
Auf a OK oder Ontwort, bin a hoata Bursche
For an OK or an answer, I'm a tough guy
Sehr zach, deshoib bleib i drau, bis wos ausaschaut
Very persistent, that's why I stay on it until something comes out of it
Und in allanichn Momentn is, wos ma ollas ausahaut
And it's in the lonely moments that everything hits me
Wos ma ollas aufahaut, plötzlich aus da Traum
What all gets to me, suddenly out of the dream
Doch i bleib stoak, jo do glaub i drau
But I stay strong, yes I believe in it
Muas Göd vadiana, Rechnungen san mehr wordn
I have to earn money, bills have increased
Zusätzlich irgendwo no hackln, na des geht ned kloa
Additionally hacking somewhere else, no that's not easy
Es is da Onfong vo a Dram mit da Söbständigkeit
It's the beginning of a dream with self-employment
Musikalisch gseng, woas zum Glick sötn zum Speim
Musically speaking, fortunately there are things to spit
A finanziell bin i zfriedn, doch des auf und ó
Financially I'm satisfied, but it's up and down
Begleitet mi a Leben long, pausenlos
It accompanies me all my life, non-stop
Ois wird se auflesn, jedes Problem
Everything will resolve itself, every problem
Wird behondelt und irgendwonn in Luft aufgeh
Will be dealt with and eventually disappear into thin air
Im Innern was is eh, jo des Leben is schee
Inside, what is anyway, yes life is beautiful
Doch is schwa, womma ständig unter Druck so steht
But it's hard when you're constantly under so much pressure
Ois wird se auflesn, jedes Problem
Everything will resolve itself, every problem
Wird behondelt und irgendwonn in Luft aufgeh
Will be dealt with and eventually disappear into thin air
Im Innern was is eh, jo des Leben is schee
Inside, what is anyway, yes life is beautiful
Doch is schwa, womma ständig unter Druck so steht
But it's hard when you're constantly under so much pressure
Wo ziang ma hi, is de Frog, de ma uns auf amoi stöhn
Where are we going, is the question that we suddenly face
Wos hoid uns no do? Gründe? Hunderte föhn
What's keeping us here? Reasons? Hundreds fall
Job, Freind, Horn, des woas
Job, friends, home, you know it
Freind ziang vielleicht a wega, kummst allanich hoid kloa
Friends might move away too, you end up alone
Wöma des a? Es is sicha Gewohnheit do
Do we want that? There's certainly a lot of habit here
Zukunftsbezogn ist vielleicht oasch, wommas so song kau
In terms of the future, it might be shit, if you can say it like that
Doch so an Job wieda zu kriang, dass sis finanziell a ausgeht
But getting a job like that again, so that it works out financially
Dass i Mukke weida mochn kau, hob mi drau gwehnt
So that I can keep making music, I've gotten used to it
Und a wonn i was, dass se ois irgendwonn richtn wird
And even though I know that everything will work out eventually
Hob i trotzdem Ongst, dass mei Lebn irgendwonn gschissn wird
I'm still afraid that my life will be screwed up someday
A Oaschhockn ónehma muas, weils musikalisch nimma geht
I have to take a shitty job because music doesn't work anymore
Dass i wo wohn und kann hob, und mir ollas föht
That I have somewhere to live and eat, and everything is missing
Positiv zu denkn, foiht ma schwa, on monchn Dogn
Thinking positive is hard for me on some days
Vasuach Aufträge zu kriang, doch vo 10 Obsogn
Trying to get orders, but out of 10 rejections
Is a Vielleicht dabei, und des zaht se üwa Monate
There's a maybe, and that adds up over months
Doch zugegebn was i, i hobs gschaft, so gesehn
But I have to admit, I did it, in that sense
Ois wird se auflesn, jedes Problem
Everything will resolve itself, every problem
Wird behondelt und irgendwonn in Luft aufgeh
Will be dealt with and eventually disappear into thin air
Im Innern was is eh, jo des Leben is schee
Inside, what is anyway, yes life is beautiful
Doch is schwa, womma ständig unter Druck so steht
But it's hard when you're constantly under so much pressure
Ois wird se auflesn, jedes Problem
Everything will resolve itself, every problem
Wird behondelt und irgendwonn in Luft aufgeh
Will be dealt with and eventually disappear into thin air
Im Innern was is eh, jo des Leben is schee
Inside, what is anyway, yes life is beautiful
Doch is schwa, womma ständig unter Druck so steht
But it's hard when you're constantly under so much pressure
Ois wird se auflesn, jedes Problem
Everything will resolve itself, every problem
Wird behondelt und irgendwonn in Luft aufgeh
Will be dealt with and eventually disappear into thin air
Im Innern was is eh, jo des Leben is schee
Inside, what is anyway, yes life is beautiful
Doch is schwa, womma ständig unter Druck so steht
But it's hard when you're constantly under so much pressure
Ois wird se auflesn, jedes Problem
Everything will resolve itself, every problem
Wird behondelt und irgendwonn in Luft aufgeh
Will be dealt with and eventually disappear into thin air
Im Innern was is eh, jo des Leben is schee
Inside, what is anyway, yes life is beautiful
Doch is schwa, womma ständig unter Druck so steht
But it's hard when you're constantly under so much pressure

Авторы: Freezy Trap, Moretime Productions

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