Frenkie feat. Kontra & Indigo - Egzil - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Frenkie feat. Kontra & Indigo - Egzil

Bosanski tempo, spor i samo smor
Bosnian tempo, slow and only worse
Socijala, ulica i hard core
Socialism, streets and hard core
Nemam ti sta pricat, sigurno nije ko gor
Nothing to tell you, it's certainly not worse
Poznajes ovaj mordor i copor
You know this Mordor and its pack
Mentalni mrak, zagadjen zrak
Mental darkness, polluted air
Bice opet rata, budi se strah
War will come again, fear awakes
Sve je po starom, tapkamo u mjestu
Everything's the same, we're marking time
Kao da 10 godina pisemo istu pjesmu
As if we've been writing the same song for 10 years
Daleko je Slovenija, a kamol' Svica
Slovenia is far away, not to mention Switzerland
Tupi pogledi, deformisana lica
Dull looks, deformed faces
Svako od nas zarobljen u traumi
Each of us is trapped in trauma
Prepoznajemo se sirom svijeta po auri
We recognize each other around the world by our aura
Kad god predjem Savu drugi sam covjek
Whenever I cross the Sava River, I'm a different person
I svaki povratak sve teze je podnijet
And every return is harder to bear
Ovdje oporavak nece doc' dovijeka
Recovery will never come here
I zato je opcija odlazak i ispocetka pocet
And that's why leaving and starting all over again is an option
Prije smo pili do zore i brinuli majku
We used to drink until dawn and worry our mother
A danas otvorim pivo kad smo na skajpu
But today I'll open a beer when we're on Skype
Cure rastu, godine namicu
Girls are growing up, years are passing by
Saljem ti par slika, pozelile su amdidzu
I'm sending you a few pictures, they asked for their auntie
Prati znakove, brisi tragove
Follow the signs, erase the traces
Krv nije voda, ne zna za drzave, gradove
Blood is thicker than water, it doesn't know about countries, cities
Ne gledaj nazad, ne budi svoje strahove
Don't look back, don't be afraid of yourself
Stanica egzil, stat ces na noge
Destination exile, you'll stand on your feet
Znam da ne shvatas nekada
I know you don't understand sometimes
Al sve ti halalim
But I forgive you everything
Jer ti pamtis grad po Vucku i nasoj mahali
Because you remember the city by Vucko and our neighborhood
Sad su ljudi bahati i nije pametno talasati
Now people are arrogant and it's not smart to make waves
Al znas svog brata, uspio sam stasati
But you know your brother, I managed to grow up
Ne mogu ti lagat
I can't lie to you
Poslije primljenog udarca sam k'o
After receiving the blow, I'm like
Dijete uvijek htio zvat starijeg buraza
A child who always wanted to call his older brother "buddy"
Ne znam ti opisat, al me nekako to tisti
I don't know how to describe it to you, but it somehow makes me feel like you
Da mi je da si ovdje, ma bolje je sto nisi
I wish you were here, but it's better that you're not
Mama te spominje svaki dan
Mom mentions you every day
K'o da racuna na jos jedan tanjir
As if she's counting on one more plate
Kad nam svaki rucak kuha
When she cooks us lunch every day
Necu da kukam, al sta cu kad slusam
I don't want to complain, but what can I do when I hear
Svakodnevno mrznju, lazi, rat, bijedu, kradju, azil
Every day hatred, lies, war, poverty, theft, asylum
Mahala propala, djece nigdje na vidiku
The neighborhood is gone, children are nowhere to be seen
Vjerovatno puse sisu od onih para na listicu
They probably smoke weed with that money on the lottery ticket
Neko ganja vizu, ja ne mogu pocet nanovo
Someone's looking for a visa, I can't start over
Nemos kalit celik pa ga onda mijesat s mramorom
You can't temper steel and then mix it with marble
Upalim ti album i sve su te pjesme odale
I turn on your album and all those songs give you away
Muzikom i duhom nemos ni ti pobjec' odavde
You won't escape from here with music and spirit either
Neka te tamo
Let it be over there
Treba samo gledat naprijed, imas broj
Just look ahead, you have my number
Let je kratak, ako ikad igdje zapne brate moj
The flight is short, if ever stuck anywhere, my brother

Авторы: Mirza Rahmanovic, Adnan Hamidovic, Zlatan Hajlovac

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