Frenkie feat. Kontra & Indigo - Sad Bi Htjela - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Frenkie feat. Kontra & Indigo - Sad Bi Htjela

Sad Bi Htjela
Sad Bi Htjela
Nisi se smijala na moje fazone
You never laughed at my style
Al su ti zato bile smiješne moje široke tole
But you thought my baggy pants were funny
Društvo moje i ja nismo za vaše salone
My friends and I weren't meant for your salons
Nit smo se uklapali u vaša pravila i šablone
Nor did we fit into your rules and norms
Mi ćemo na Jalu, na klupe i betone
We'll go to Jalu, to benches and concrete
A ti sa mamom i tatom do Pariza Barcelone
But you're going to Paris and Barcelona with your mom and dad
Tvoj život je vatromet i šarene balone
Your life is fireworks and colorful balloons
A ja sam moro smirivat svoje hormone i demone
But I'm trying to calm my hormones and demons
Snimo bi ti pjesme za kasetofone
I'd burn you songs on cassettes
Posjećivo svoje grafite i dolazio pod balkone
I'd visit my graffiti and come to your balcony
Dao bi tolko toga i još na tone
I'd give you so much and more
Al ti nisi vidjela ništa dalje od love
But you couldn't see past money
Danas imaš silikone i propali brak
Now you've got silicone and a broken marriage
Stojiš ispred bine ja sam ti kao posto drag
You stand in front of the crowd and I'm just your ex-boyfriend
Smiješ se i gledaš me u oči daješ mi znak
You smile and look me in the eyes, giving me a signal
Sad bi kao htjela, al sad ne bi ja
Now you're the one who wants me, but I'm not interested
Tko si, znam to je bilo tad
Who are you, I know that was then
Vremena mijenjaju se nisam više lud ni mlad
Times have changed, I'm not crazy or young anymore
Htjela pogrešne dobila po željama
You wanted the wrong things, got what you wished for
Budiš sjećanja
Stirring up memories
A sad bi htjela, a?
But now you want me, huh?
Još sjedim s ljudima iz doba talasa dvolitre
I still hang out with the people from the two-liter era
Mi smo bili ti što starci kažu da nas se klonite
We were the ones the old folks told you to avoid
Sjećam te se tad, bila si san- Cosmopolitan
I remember you then, you were a dream-Cosmopolitan
Ti i tvoje drugarice
You and your friends
Kafane i srca lomite
Breaking hearts in cafes
Momci oko vas, djeca profitera krimosa
Guys around you, kids trying to make money
Mlad, glup, poklonio bi ti svijet al nisam imo šta
Young, stupid, I would have given you the world but I had nothing
Pričo mi je stari prvo probaj na mangupluk
My old man told me to try hustling first
Nisi htjela sa mnom na klupu
You didn't want to come to the bench with me
Samo luksuz
Only luxury
Odbila si duksu kad sam pito jel ti zima
You refused my jacket when I asked if you were cold
Vid debila, nije bila Benga, koža, klima
Look at the idiot, it wasn't a Benz, just leather
I sretnu nam se pogledi zreli sa prvim borama
And our eyes meet, mature with the first wrinkles
I tko bi reko da'š se ti vrtit po mojim kvotama
Who would have thought you'd be hanging on my every word
Sviđa ti se to što me prepoznaju, jelde?
You like it when people recognize me, don't you?
Sviđa ti se što se sa mnom fotkaju, jelde?
You like it when people take pictures with me, don't you?
Sviđa ti se backstage i Zlatan sad
You like backstage and Zlatan now
Kad je Kontra, nisi više ni tako dobra
But when it's Kontra, you're not so cool anymore
Žurim- vozdra!
I'm in a hurry- cheerio!
Tko si, znam to je bilo tad
Who are you, I know that was then
Vremena mijenjaju se nisam više lud ni mlad
Times have changed, I'm not crazy or young anymore
Htjela pogrešne dobila po željama
You wanted the wrong things, got what you wished for
Budiš sjećanja
Stirring up memories
A sad bi htjela, a?
But now you want me, huh?

Авторы: Mirza Rahmanovic, Adnan Hamidovic, Zlatan Hajlovac

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