Frenkie feat. Kontra & Indigo - Tugy Plaky - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Frenkie feat. Kontra & Indigo - Tugy Plaky

Tugy Plaky
Tugy Plaky
Gase se svjetla kroz klub se širi magla
My lovely, the gas lights spread a thin mist through the club
Na podu su čikovi, flaše i komadići stakla
On the floor are guys, bottles, and shards of glass
Publici kreće pjena na usta postaju bagra
The crowd starts frothing at the mouth and becomes a rabble
Pretvaraju se u gladne zombije željne spektakla
They turn into hungry zombies eager for a show.
Padaju u špicu kada čuju 808
They fall head over heels when they hear the 808
Čeka ih hitna, infuzija, brate svi će u bolnicu
An ambulance waits for them, an IV drip, everyone will go to the hospital
U komi su, dostižu fazu ovisnu
They are in a coma, reaching the addiction phase
Prvi koraci su blagi al' posle brate jaki simptomi su
The first steps are gentle, but then the symptoms become severe
Sva pomoć i trud za njih je uzalud
All help and effort are in vain for them
Čeka ih bolan period i još bolniji put
A painful period awaits them, and an even more painful path
Trese ih groznica, znoj hvata ih hastra
Fever shakes them, sweat grips them
Halucinacije ih peru kao ayahuaska
Hallucinations wash over them like ayahuasca
Mali su izuzetci i spasit' se mogu rijetki
There are few exceptions, and only a few can be saved
Većina će ih do kraja života ostati u sjenci
Most of them will remain in the shadows for the rest of their lives
Svjetlo na kraju tunela i ispušni ventil
The light at the end of the tunnel and the exhaust vent
Mogu biti komuna ili vječiti egzil
Can be a community or an eternal exile
Egzil, dobrodošli u EGZIL!
My baby, welcome to EXILE!
Tlo podrhtava, muk nastaje, svi čekaju nešto
The ground trembles, silence reigns, everyone is waiting for something
Voda talasa u čašama, biće kijamet žestok
Waves of water in the glasses, the apocalypse will be fierce
Jednom kad probaš jednostavno ne mo'š bez tog'
Once you try it, you simply can't live without it
Flow prirodan, čuven, zaštićen UNESCO-m
My precious darling, natural flow, famous, protected by UNESCO
Mogu ti pljunut' pod pendžer, ja sam ti kraj, ende
I can spit under your window, I am next to you, your darling
Posmatram igru odozgo k'o Mutombo Dikembe
I watch the game from above like Mutombo Dikembe
Držim šapu na tronu, kandže u kvaliteti
I hold the blade on the throne, quality in my paws
Za nejasnoće se na šalteru možeš žalit teti
For any confusion, you can complain to the lady at the counter
Ciljevi preda mnom, bježi mi s puta, taraba
Goals ahead of me, get out of my way, truck
Donosim vam svega na sto k'o babo iz granapa
I bring you everything on the table like a grandmother from the village
Barem u godini jednom banemo, javimo Rap je živ i zdrav
At least once a year we'll ban it, let's report that rap is alive and well
Ne može falit' mu dlaka s glave, svaka stvar je mirni san
Not a hair can fall from its head, everything is a peaceful dream
Brate dragi i najbolji dojadi pos'o Sizifov
My love, the best and most annoying job is that of Sisyphus
Nekom je igra ruski rulet, nekom samo riziko
For some it's Russian roulette, for others just risk
Znaš šta traje vječno? Samo ono istinsko
You know what lasts forever? Only the truth
FMJAM je punoljetan, to nema veze s biznisom
FMJAM is an adult, it has nothing to do with business

Авторы: Mirza Rahmanovic, Adnan Hamidovic, Zlatan Hajlovac

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