Frenkie - Gdje God Su Moji - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Frenkie - Gdje God Su Moji

Gdje God Su Moji
Where Are My People
Na bini skupljam trofeje ko panini
I'm collecting trophies like panini
Stil agresivni tvoj sitni bambini
Aggressive style, your little babies are done
Puši se i dimi kad sam u kabini
There's smoke everywhere when I'm in the booth
Urbani Hamidi, lamse habibi!
Urban Hamidi, beautiful habibi!
Brate mili, beat vrijedi barem millie millie
My brother, this beat is worth at least a million millie
Niste bili na razini, repate na mini bini
You're not on our level, rappers on mini bikes
Flow egzotika ko Filipini, Maldivi
Exotic flow like the Philippines, Maldives
Granitna odbrana ko Albertini, Maldini
Granite defense like Albertini, Maldini
Fmjam oltar dobar kao wholecar
Incense altar as good as a wholecar
Tačan ko tokar, hejteri loš dan
Precise like a carpenter, haters have a bad day
Pakao i košmar, tabut i grobar
Hell and nightmare, coffin and gravedigger
Ritmički autističan, Rainman Hoffman
Rhythmically autistic, Rainman Hoffman
Stil tol'ko tvrd da bi pio krv od žutalja,
Style so hard I could drink bile from a yolk,
Do zadnjeg gutljaja, majka ti kukala
To the last drop, your mother cried
Neturalno brutalan, iz naftalina čupam
Neutrally brutal, I pull out of mothballs
Kad stupam ja na scenu gori sve od jednog huktaja
When I step on stage, everything burns from one roar
Tvoj rep barbie moj rep Tom Hardy
Your rap barbie my rap Tom Hardy
One man army top flow ko Harley
One man army top flow like Harley
Frenkie, Charlie car ko Bob Marley
Frenkie, Charlie's car like Bob Marley
Pivo Chianti, janpi i funky
Chianti beer, janpi and funky
Rep džanki, hoš' kupit' strofu? pet banki
Rap junkie, you want to buy a verse? five banks
Može l' nešto s mog profila i par Najki
Can I get something from my profile and a few Nikes
Smirim par gajbi, bacim vam dislike
I'll calm down a few crates, throw you a dislike
I kad me pitaš jesam najjači? Bitch, I might be!
And when you ask me if I'm the strongest? Bitch, I might be!
Za mržnju i fejk, za pljuvanje i hejt
For hatred and fake, for spitting and hate
Za jezike zle, tu smo za sve
For evil tongues, we're here for everything
Za ljubav i respect, za braću i sestre,
For love and respect, for brothers and sisters,
Gdje god su moji, FM JAM stoji.
Wherever mine are, FM JAM stands.
FM jam stoji, gdje god su moji
FM jam stands, wherever mine are
Gdje god su moji, FM jam stoji
Wherever mine are, FM jam stands
Šta je šta gledas, Frenkie Kontreras
What are you looking at, Frenkie Kontreras
Bolje meč da predaš i kuće dočepaš
Better to surrender and get a house
Uzalud veslaš nema te tebraš
You row in vain, there is no river
Lijepim banane kao dvometraš
I'll peel a banana for you like a two-meter banana
Hoće u boj s nama ne mogu ni s vojskama
They want to fight with us they can't even with armies
Ko je s nama to je zdrava pamet, to je stroj
Whoever is with us has common sense, that's a machine
Za rahmet tvojim postrojbama
For the mercy of your ranks
Postroj ih sto, sto posto ih pada
Line them up a hundred, they all fall
Mahalu i ulicu ti i tvoj crew
Neighborhood and street, you and your crew
Vidjeli ste samo na google street view
You only saw it on Google Street View
Punchevi ti u minusu kao i iq
Punches in your minus like your iq
Prva runda na mene, Zlaja round 2
First round is on me, Zlaja round 2
Mojne brojat' u rundama, broji u sekundama
Trying to count in rounds, count in seconds
Toni Soprano rep riječi k'o udarci kundaka
Toni Soprano rap words like gunshots
King Kontra ne poredi se krunama
King Kontra don't compare to crowns
Fmjam država od Neretve do Dunava
Fmjam state from Neretva to Danube
Sala puna nam, dobri smo na sumama
The hall is full, we're good at sums
Dolarima, Eurima, funtama kunama
Dollars, Euros, pounds, kunas
Hakuna matata tata vraća se kao bumarang
Hakuna matata daddy is coming back like a boomerang
Da presluša i vaspita djecu na fm džumama
To listen to and educate children at FM Jumat

Авторы: adis kutkut billain, adnan hamidovic, zlatan hajlovac

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