Frenkie - Haj To!! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Frenkie - Haj To!!

Haj To!!
Come On!!
Vjerske institucije su ko firme proklete
Religious institutions are like cursed companies,
Označe teritorij praveći vjerske objekte
Marking their territory by building religious objects.
A pravi saf je rezervisan za mafiju
The real front row is reserved for the mafia,
Za njih ćemo sad zajedno proučiti el Fatihu
For them, we will now recite Al-Fatihah together.
Jer da nije bilo para od mafije
Because if it weren't for the mafia's money,
Ne bi bilo ove crkve a boga mi ni džamije
There wouldn't be this church, nor a mosque, I swear to God.
Na izlazu vas čekaju blagdanski darovi
Holiday gifts await you at the exit,
I upute za koju stranku da se daju glasovi
And instructions on which party to vote for.
Za koga ćemo glasat to dobro zna se
We know very well who we'll vote for,
Za iste ko i do sad, to jeste za se
For the same ones as always, that is, for ourselves.
Ako su svi političari lopovi, tupi
If all politicians are thieves, dull,
Onda su isto tako svi glasači glupi
Then all voters are equally stupid.
Kako drugačije objasnit situaciju
How else to explain the situation,
Da jedni te isti, lopovi i dalje truju naciju
That the same ones, thieves, continue to poison the nation.
Jer za bolesnu i pasivnu generaciju
Because for a sick and passive generation,
Je sasvim normalno da ide u izolaciju
It's quite normal to go into isolation.
Haj to, malverzacije i to
Come on, embezzlement and all that,
Haj to, kažem
Come on, I say.
Besparica, sivilo ooo
Lack of money, grayness ooo,
Haj to
Come on.
Što mi ode pol života
Why did half my life go away?
Zbog ovoga
Because of this,
Haj to, zato je dosta
Come on, that's why it's enough.
Haj to, to je masovna hipnoza
Come on, it's mass hypnosis,
Haj to, to je duševna narkoza care
Come on, it's mental narcosis, honey.
Haj to, tako nam je grah pao
Come on, that's how the dice fell,
Drugačije bi pao da nisi htio i dao
It would have fallen differently if you hadn't wanted and given.
Zemlja natopljena krvi, mržnja je u zraku
Land soaked in blood, hatred is in the air,
Živimo u nevjerici, živimo u strahu
We live in disbelief, we live in fear.
U vječnom mraku ko u masovnoj grobnici
In eternal darkness, like in a mass grave,
Tragamo za izlazom al slijepi su hodnici
We search for a way out, but the corridors are blind.
Krvava prošlost, moramo radit na tome
Bloody past, we must work on it,
Dok to ne riješimo izlaz ostaje zatvoren
Until we solve it, the exit remains closed.
Jedni na druge spremni smo pokazat prstom
We are ready to point fingers at each other,
A nismo spremni suočit se sa kritikom istom
But we are not ready to face the same criticism.
Mi smo žrtve, nipošto ne diraj u to
We are victims, don't touch that,
Zbog toga imamo pravo biti iznad drugog
That's why we have the right to be above others.
Slijepi i gluhi smo na tuđu bol i patnju
We are blind and deaf to the pain and suffering of others,
Ustvari bi trebali jedni drugim poklonit pažnju
Actually, we should give each other attention.
Svako gleda sebe i glumi svoju ulogu sitnu,
Everyone looks after themselves and plays their tiny role,
A mogli smo skupa činiti masu bitnu
And we could have been a significant mass together.
Al oni samo šute i klimaju u ritmu
But they just stay silent and nod to the rhythm,
Sistem ih pregazi cijeli život su pri dnu
The system crushes them, they are at the bottom all their lives.
Haj to, malverzacije i to
Come on, embezzlement and all that,
Haj to, kažem
Come on, I say.
Besparica, sivilo ooo
Lack of money, grayness ooo,
Haj to
Come on.
Što mi ode pol života
Why did half my life go away?
Zbog ovoga
Because of this,
Haj to, zato je dosta
Come on, that's why it's enough.
Haj to, to je masovna hipnoza
Come on, it's mass hypnosis,
Haj to, to je duševna narkoza care
Come on, it's mental narcosis, honey.
Haj to, tako nam je grah pao
Come on, that's how the dice fell,
Drugačije bi pao da nisi htio i dao
It would have fallen differently if you hadn't wanted and given.
Danas će reć da su zločine činili svi
Today they will say that everyone committed crimes,
I misle da će tako tu priču završiti
And they think that's how they will end this story.
Al nakon svih godina mi jedno znamo
But after all these years, we know one thing,
Bojim se da to nije baš tako jednostavno
I'm afraid it's not that simple.
Misle gotov je problem, otišo u Haag
They think the problem is solved, gone to The Hague,
Zašto je on u narodu i dalje heroj i drag
Why is he still a hero and dear to the people?
Da ti kažem iskreno, ko brat bratu
To tell you the truth, like a brother to a brother,
Ovdje će se još dugo pričat o ratu
Here they will talk about the war for a long time.
Da ti kažem iskreno, ko brat bratu
To tell you the truth, like a brother to a brother,
Ovdje će se još dugo pričat o ratu
Here they will talk about the war for a long time.
Haj to, malverzacije i to
Come on, embezzlement and all that,
Haj to, kažem
Come on, I say.
Besparica, sivilo ooo
Lack of money, grayness ooo,
Haj to
Come on.
Što mi ode pol života
Why did half my life go away?
Zbog ovoga
Because of this,
Haj to, zato je dosta
Come on, that's why it's enough.
Haj to, to je masovna hipnoza
Come on, it's mass hypnosis,
Haj to, to je duševna narkoza care
Come on, it's mental narcosis, honey.
Haj to, tako nam je grah pao
Come on, that's how the dice fell,
Drugačije bi pao da nisi htio i dao
It would have fallen differently if you hadn't wanted and given.

Авторы: Adnan Hamidovic, Edin Osmic

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