Frenkie - Ja ne znam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Frenkie - Ja ne znam

Ja ne znam
I Don't Know
Ja sam poljska konjica koja ide na tenkove
I am a Polish horseman riding into tanks
No opstajem samo dok pisem ove redove
But I exist only as I write these lines
Gasim lazne urlike
I am silencing false cries
Sve dok ima publike
As long as there is an audience
Pucat cu istinu kroz ove zvucnike
I will shoot the truth through these speakers
Prica vam je suplja kao jebeni saht
Your story is empty like a fucking cesspool
Donosim cinjenicu i fakt uz svaki jebeni takt
I bring fact and fact at every fucking beat
S istinom sam davno slozio pakt
I have long since made a pact with the truth
Gazim sve ispred sebe kao jebeni ver maht
I am running over everything ahead of me like a fucking armored vehicle
Frenki se pretvara u smrt kad mic uzme
Frenkie turns into death when he takes the microphone
Od danas je smrt majstor iz jebene tuzle
From today death is a master from fucking Tuzla
Ja sam kap koja je prelila casu
I am the drop that spilled the glass
Seljaci nek sjasu
Let the peasants step down
Ubijam svaku rijec vasu
I am killing every word of yours
Zelim redom ic
I want to go in order
Ja sam istina ko vesovic
I'm the truth like Vesovic
Kao abdulah sidran i kao
Like Abdulah Sidran and like
Miljenko i jergovic
Miljenko and Jergovic
Necu pero dic
I won't give up on my pen
Ispast picka ko brijegovic
I'll become a dick like Brijegovic
Ja cu cvrsto svojom stazom
I will firmly walk my path
I svijetom ic
And travel the world
Nek me zapamte
Let them remember me
I nek sat naviju
And let them set the clock
Nek vide kako ubijam ovu bosansku seljadiju
Let them see how I kill this Bosnian peasantry
Za jedan rucak i rakiju oni se saviju
For a single lunch and rakia they fold
Potplacene picke nek mi se na kurac nabiju
Let paid whores suck my cock
Moje oci ne znaju ni za kakvu boju
My eyes do not know any color
Moj jezik nikad ne dijeli na moju i tvoju
My tongue never divides into mine and yours
Kod mene se ne dijele po nekom sloju
People are not divided by some class with me
Ja vidim kazem i spasim dusu svoju
I see, I say, and save my soul
Ponavljaj zamnom sad
Repeat after me now
Prati me...
Follow me...
Ja sam bhf
I am BHF
Ja sam pokret dosta
I am the Enough Movement
Ja sam gola istina
I am the Naked Truth
Ja sam bosna
I am Bosnia
Ja sam drina necu nikad presusit
I am the Drina, I will never dry up
Ja sam neretva i una koja ce vas ugusit
I am the Neretva and Una that will suffocate you
Ja sam oluja koja ce vas sve potopit
I am the storm that will drown you all
Zakon koji ce vas gonit kazna koju cete dobit
The law that will chase you, the punishment you will receive
Bitka u kojoj cete se svi vi slomit
The battle in which you will all break
Ja sam grad koji nikad necete osvojit
I am the city you will never conquer
Otvaram vrata samo onom ko bjezi
I open the doors only to those who are fleeing
Zatvaram i zakljucavam onom ko goni i rezi
I close and lock up those who chase and cut
Ja sam psiho koji ubija lazi tiho
I am the psycho who kills lies quietly
Iza mojih leda nece ostati ziv niko
Nobody will be left alive behind me
Sa supljim rijecima prepadate sam' budale
You only scare fools with empty words
Necete opstat vase sanse su male
You will not survive, your chances are small
Mase koje se zale su iza nas stale
The masses that are running away have stood behind us
To vam potvrduju nasi koncerti i pune hale
Our concerts and full halls confirm this to you
Vrijeme je da fasuju vec dugo nisu
It's time for them to get paid, it's been a long time
Ja njihove lazi prepoznajem po rukopisu
I recognize their lies by their handwriting
Odavde nemamo kud
There's no turning back
Vrijeme je da izademo na pravi put
It's time to get on the right path
I slomimo taj krug
And break the vicious cycle
Dosta je kica
Enough with the empty promises
Vi za mene ste sica
You're small fry to me
S ovim tekstom pocinje nova balkanska prica
A new Balkan story begins with this text
Prekini lance
Break the chains
Prestani bit rob
Stop being a slave
Ovo je povratak cigana
This is the return of the Gypsies
Spremite se na grob
Prepare for the grave

Авторы: Thomas Leif Goran Ojebring

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