Frenkie - Outro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Frenkie - Outro

2, 0, 0, 5
2, 0, 0, 5
FMJAM laboratorijum
FMJAM laboratory
Morris studio, mir u Winku
Morris studio, peace in Winko
DJ Soul, Errol, Krige
DJ Soul, Errol, Krige
DK, Edo Maajka
DK, Edo Maajka
Mire, Hamza, Defence
Mire, Hamza, Defence
Koolade, Remi i cijeli Elemental
Koolade, Remi and the whole Elemental crew
Billy, moj SM crew
Billy, my SM crew
Gubu, Nemu
Gubu, Nemu
Ame, Tarok, Score, Sove
Ame, Tarok, Score, Sove
Majer, MG, Sani, Macro Polo
Majer, MG, Sani, Macro Polo
Oli Do Bolli i Leksaurini
Oli Do Bolli and Leksaurini
Baby Dooks, Aorta
Baby Dooks, Aorta
Andreja i Bis, Kwonel
Andreja and Bis, Kwonel
Crni, Boris Prigijum
Crni, Boris Prigijum
Hvala vam svima, konacno gotov
Thank you all, finally finished
I jos malo nesto za kraj
And a little something for the end
Jesam ja kriv sto imam
Is it my fault that I have
Feeling za flow i ritam
A feeling for flow and rhythm
Ovaj album je pola
This album is half
A slijedeci je batle citav
And the next one is a whole battle
Ovdje vladaju pirati
Pirates rule here
Ljudi se boje album izdati
People are afraid to release an album
Ne kontaju zasto drugi
They don't understand why others
Zele moj orginal imati
Want to have my original
Ne kontam ni ja
I don't get it either
Valjda im se pravo svidja
Maybe they really like it
Kako vako na bit pricam
How I talk on the beat like this
Kako preko bita tecem
How I flow over the beat
Drugi MC su ok, ali ja
Other MCs are ok, but I
Tezim prema necim vecem
I strive for something bigger
Postovanje i pohvale
Respect and praise
Dobijem koga god da srecem
I get whoever I meet
Pametni ljudi znaju
Smart people know
Dobro sranje cjeniti
To appreciate good shit
Samo pametni ljudi
Only smart people
Mogu sranje promjeniti
Can change shit
Ako ne mozes kritiku podnjet'
If you can't take criticism
Onda se bolje skloni
Then you better get out
Pod dno potoni i dalje
Sink to the bottom and further
Tvoju politiku goni
Chase your politics
Ja te ne mrzim al'
I don't hate you but
Tvoja mi pjesma smrdi
Your song stinks to me
Od djece svako zna repat
Every kid knows how to rap
Barem to svako tvrdi
At least that's what everyone claims
Kod nas nema slusaoca
We have no listeners
Ovdje svako repa
Everyone raps here
Svako zna bombati
Everyone knows how to bomb
Na svaciji se album ceka
Everyone's album is awaited
Dug si tekst napisao
You wrote a long text
Al' ja ne vidim tu smisao
But I don't see the point
Tebi se rimuju rijeci
You rhyme words
Al' do poruke
But to the message
Moras dug put preci
You have a long way to go
Slusaj mene, pomaze i lijeci
Listen to me, it helps and heals
Ne valja se blamirati
It's not good to embarrass yourself
Bolje da se sprijeci
Better to prevent it
Zivot mi je battle
My life is a battle
I cijeli zivot sam betlo
And I've been battling my whole life
Na kraju tunela samo
At the end of the tunnel only
Bog je moje svijetlo
God is my light
Zato pobjedjujem i vodim
That's why I win and lead
Sa svakim parom novim
With every new pair
Na mirkofonu gorim
I burn on the microphone
I palim s tekstom ovim
And I light up with this text
Slijedeci album ce opet
The next album will again
Hitova imat' sve ce stimat'
Have all the hits, everything will be right
Dacu ga cika Miri i
I'll give it to Uncle Mira and
On ce ga smiksat'
He'll mix it
A do tad cu zakopavat'
And until then I'll be burying
Stvari za raju i net
Things for the people and the net
Klasicni Frenkijev
Classic Frenkie's
Energicni batle rap
Energetic battle rap
Sto su navikli od mene
What they're used to from me
Zbog ceg' vole me promjene
Why they love change
Oni ne zele da cuju sada
They don't want to hear now
Batle vise od mene
Battle more from me
Zato me raja cijeni
That's why people appreciate me
I niko ne kenja
And nobody shits
Jer nisam pizda koja kad
Because I'm not a bitch who when
Dodje do slave se mjenja
Changes when she comes to fame
Hvala pickama koje
Thanks to the pussies who
Me disaju i mrze
Diss me and hate me
Zabijem im kao majk
I stick it in them like a dick
Kada kurac usred guze
When a dick in the middle of the ass
Znam da sam s ovim batlom
I know that with this battle
Posto malo dosadan
I became a little boring
Al' ostajem i dalje
But I still remain
Svome stilu brate lojalan
Loyal to my style, bro
Kad mi se slusa rap
When I want to listen to rap
Slusam samo svoje
I only listen to my own
Drugi su nula kad
Others are zero when
Poredis njihovo i moje
You compare theirs and mine
Al' nisam ovaj dugi put
But I'm not this long way
Preso brate sam
I crossed, bro, alone
Ko mi je jaran znam i
Who is my friend I know and
Njemu uvijek ljubam dam
I always give him love
Hvala ljudima svim
Thanks to all the people
Koji su moj tim
Who are my team
Koji mi cuvaju djale
Who keep my balls
Prvo poglavlje sad se ide dalje
First chapter, now we go further
Oni me prate i sa
They follow me and with
Mnom cvrsto gaze
They tread firmly with me
Na mene paze kad
They take care of me when
Gazim nepoznate staze
I walk unknown paths
Sve rajtere, repere
All writers, rappers
Producente i DJ-e
Producers and DJs
Svako ko se trudi
Everyone who tries
I ostvaruje ideje
And realizes ideas
Moji ljudi znate ko ste
My people, you know who you are
Uvijek cu vam djale cuvat'
I'll always keep your balls
Toliko od mene za sad
That's all from me for now
Jedna ljubav, peace
One love, peace

Авторы: Francisco Bautista

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