No me dejo llevar sabiendo que te gusta los papeles yo no me enamoro yo se que eso a ti te duele y eso te marco que un hombre contigo jugo
I am not being led astray, knowing that you adore games. I will not fall in love because that hurts you. It hurts because a man played you.
Siempre Te preguntas como no caigo en tus redes
You always ask yourself how I never fall for your tricks.
No me dejo llevar sabiendo que te gusta los papeles yo no me enamoro yo se que eso a ti te duele y eso te marco que un hombre contigo jugo (Ha)
I will not be led astray, knowing that you adore games. I will not fall in love because that hurts you. It hurts because a man played you. (ha)
Muchas conmigo jugaron por eso contigo juego (Ha)
I have been played with by many, and play with you for the same reason (ha).
Ellas hicieron lo malo (Ha) tu te quemaste en el fuego (Yea)
They behaved badly (ha). You got burnt (yeah).
Todas conmigo cambiaron yo nunca he sido un pendejo no forzo mucho la dejo
They all changed for me, while I have never been a fool. I do not force anything, I let go.
Con su amiga se la pego (Yea)
I seduce their friends (yeah).
No estoy pa chercha siempre estamos rulin estamos hot y ella por como le hablo esta mojada y ella quiere involucrarme y eso no va no va
I am not here to search. I am always on the move. I am hot and she is drenched because of the way I speak to her. She wants to involve me, and that is not how it goes.
Te preguntas como no caigo en tus redes
You wonder why I never fall for your tricks.
No me dejo llevar sabiendo que te gusta los papeles yo no me enamoro yo se que eso A ti te duele y eso te marco que un hombre contigo jugo
I am not being led astray, knowing that you adore games. I will not fall in love because that hurts you because a man played you.
Siempre Te preguntas como no caigo en tus redes
You always ask yourself how I never fall for your tricks.
No me dejo llevar sabiendo que te gusta los papeles yo no me enamoro yo se que eso A ti te duele y eso te marco que un hombre contigo jugo (Ha)
I will not be led astray, knowing that you adore games. I will not fall in love because that hurts you. It hurts because a man played you (ha).
Ella se emociona pero a la vez se encabrona
You get excited but you also get mad.
Por que soy el unico que la entona (You know it) yo controlo su zona
Because I am the only one who can play this tune (you know it). I control your area.
Yo le doy con todo le doy como es (Como es)
I give it to you all, I give you everything.
Ella esta quillada por que no me ve
She is hot because she does not see me.
Y estoy con la otra mientra ella me llama
And I am with another woman while she calls me.
Se quilla cuando no me ve en su cama
She gets agitated when she does not see me in her bed.
Yo soy quien le enciendo la llama (Llama)
I am the one who lights your fire (fire).
Nunca la he tratado como dama (Dama)
I have never treated you like a lady (lady).
Eso es lo que de mi ella ama
That is what she loves about me.
Por eso me aclama
That is why she craves me
Siempre Te preguntas como no caigo en tus redes
You always ask yourself how I never fall for your tricks.
No me dejo llevar sabiendo que te gusta los papeles yo no me enamoro yo se que eso A ti te duele y eso te marco que un hombre contigo jugo
I am not being led astray, knowing that you adore playing games. I will not fall in love because that hurts you. It hurts because a man exploited you.
Siempre Te preguntas como no caigo en tus redes
You always ask yourself how I never fall for your tricks.
No me dejo llevar sabiendo que te gusta los papeles yo no me enamoro yo se que eso A ti te duele y eso te marco que un hombre contigo jugo (Ha)
I will not be led astray, knowing that you adore games. I will not fall in love because that hurts you. It hurts because a man exploited you (ha).
Contigo jugo ...
He played you ...
Contigo jugo ...
He played you ...
Contigo jugo ...
He played you ...
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