Fuat feat. Gris & Boba Fettt - Keksin - Remastered - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fuat feat. Gris & Boba Fettt - Keksin - Remastered

Keksin - Remastered
Keksin - Remastered
RB-Rap pumpt laut durch die Boxen, wir strotzen vor Tracks wie diesen
RB-Rap pumps loudly through the speakers, we are bursting with tracks like this
Er lebt es, wenn wir den Sound in den Raum bring′n, den sie lieben
He lives it when we bring the sound into the room that you love
Wir steh'n fest mit Untergrundfundament, tausend Kilometer tief
We stand firm with underground foundation, a thousand kilometers deep
Besteh′n Tests leicht und überfordern mit ei'm Lied die Industrie
Pass the tests easily and overwhelm the industry with a song
Auch wenn ich über diesen schönen Beat
Even if I think about this beautiful beat
Von Bennay schon ganz übertrieben bös am zerflex'n bin
By Bennay, I'm already extremely angry at zerflex'n
Würde ich niemals behaupten
I would never claim
Ich wär besser als der Rest
I'd be better than the rest
West-Berlins, bin der sogenannte Flex-King
West Berlin, I'm the so-called Flex-King
Über das Dreckskind aus dem Osten der Stadt
About the son of a bitch from the east of the city
Hat sich schon so mancher Mann vor Lachen einen frei gemacht
Has many a man already made himself free from laughter
Ich mache leider kein′n Spaß, hacke deine Beine ab
Unfortunately I'm not having fun, chop off your legs
Ich frage mich, ob ich der Letzte bin, der eine Meinung hat
I wonder if I'm the last one to have an opinion
Ich fackel′ deine Kleine ab, wenn du einen Einwand hast
I'll torch' your little one if you have an objection
Bring ihn hervor, bevor das Ofenrohr ihr Beine macht
Bring him out before the stove pipe makes her legs
Ich stoße vor mit einer Macht, die von euch Klonen keiner hat
I come forward with a power that none of you clones has
Ein Streich reicht und schon fällt das Schweinepack
One prank is enough and the pig pack is already falling
Der keine Peilung hat, in der Meisterstadt ist rar
Who has no bearing, in the master city is rare
CDU-Politiker und ihre Wähler
CDU politicians and their voters
BZ-Leser so wie jeder
BZ readers just like everyone
Der schon weiß ist, aber sein will wie ein Neger
Who is already white, but wants to be like a Negro
Für jeden, der sich angesprochen fühlt
For anyone who feels addressed
Falls er ausgesprochen kühlt
If it is extremely cold
Wenn er fühlt, wie die Wangen kalt werden
When he feels how the cheeks get cold
Fühlt, wie dir grad der Hals sich durchlochen
Feels like your neck is getting pierced right now
Würde, er muss wie die Tannen im Wald sterben
Dignity, he must die like the firs in the forest
Lang lebe diese lang vergessene Stadt
Long live this long forgotten city
Ihr seid alle von Angst zerfressen und platt
You are all eaten up by fear and flat
Wenn die Bunker Boys anpreschen und Matsch
When the Bunker Boys push on and slush
Aus euren kranken schalen Fressen machen
Making food out of your sick bowls
Atı sırtında süvarilere itaat etceksin
Atı sırtında süvarilere itaat etceksin
Griss Boba Fett Royal Bunker'dan mercek yeksin
Griss Boba Fett Royal Bunker' dan mercek yeksin
Zincirler eritilip silaha dönecektir
Zincirler eritilip silaha dönecektir
Pasta oldum diye anırıyo′n ama keksin
Pasta oldum diye anırıyo'n ama keksin
K-A-S, Flex-Rap mit Boba Fettt
K-A-S, Flex-Rap with Boba Fett
Hör unsre Kassetten und CDs, die Juice lobt uns ned
Listen to our cassettes and CDs, the Juice praises us ned
Cool Attitude Cubase und Logic
Cool Attitude Cubase and Logic
Verbinde die beiden MCs mit der eigenen Optik
Connect the two MCs with your own optics
Wir haben Spaß bei schnellen Texte, rauchen Gras und (Peng)
We have fun with quick texts, smoking weed and (bang)
Wird mit einer Doubletime dein Tape gesprengt
Will your tape be blown up with a doubletime
Ich bring' perfekte Sätze, perfekte Sätze
I'm bringing' perfect sentences, perfect sentences
Die besten beim Flexen
The best in flexing
Mir glänzen die Schätze von den ersten Plätzen
The treasures of the first places shine to me
Wir lieben Musik, anscheinend liebst du Kacke
We love music, apparently you love poop
Du hast das verdient, was du auch kriegst, du Lappen
You deserve what you get, you rag
Deine Boys steh′n nur da wie Papp-Attrappen
Your boys just stand there like cardboard dummies
Weil du nie mehr schreiben sollst, müssen wir dir die Hand abhacken
Because you're never supposed to write anymore, we have to chop off your hand
Mit'm Panzer überfahr′n und mit Säure übergießen
Run over with a tank and pour over with acid
Verbrenne den Tresor und gut verschließen
Burn the vault and close it well
Wirf den Schlüssel runter in die Erde und tief verbuddeln
Throw the key down into the earth and dig deep
So kannst du als MC nie mehr schmuddeln
So you can never smudge as an MC anymore
Hier ist was besseres für euch: Ein paar Flexe auf Deutsch
Here's something better for you: A few flexes in German
Ich rappe locker zwanzig Zeil'n, ich rappe, du keuchst
I'm easily rapping twenty lines, I'm rapping, you're panting
Ich lecke, du heulst, sag mir, wer zu doll prollt
I'm licking, you're howling, tell me who's rolling to doll
Und ich ramme Rauch mit Raps bis der Gitterkäfig beult
And I ram smoke with rapeseed until the lattice cage bulges
Meine Lungen sind aus Gold vom besten Hasch der Stadt
My lungs are made of gold from the best hash in town
Du bist platt und fragst dich ganz baff, "Was ist das?"
You are flat and you are completely flabbergasted and ask yourself, "What is this?"
Du fühlst dich wie auf Speed, wenn der Bass dich packt
You feel like you're on speed when the bass grabs you
Eigentlich klar, wenn Gris rappt, dass es kracht
Eigentlich klar, wenn Gris rappt, dass es kracht
Atı sırtında süvarilere itaat etceksin
You will obey the cavalry on horseback
Griss Boba Fett Royal Bunker'den mercek yeksin
Griss Boba Fett Get a lens from the Royal Bunker
Zincirler eritilip silaha dönecektir
The chains will melt and turn into weapons
Pasta oldum diye anırıyo′n ama keksin
You remember that I'm a cake, but you're a cake
Anal döneminde takılı kalan tayfalar, bende rifle var, sana kaydı zar
Crewmates who are stuck during the anal period, I have a rifle, it slipped to you dice
Fuat aydı yar, lugat paydır al
Fuat aydı yar, lugat paydır al
Ayağını kaydıran, sayacın baydı lan, yarama basma piç
Who slipped your foot, your meter went crazy, don't step on my wound, bastard
Olmadan olursun hiç
You'll never be without
Ol buğday pezevenk, Fuat′ın tırpanla biç
O wheat pimp, mow with Fuat's scythe
Geldi uruk-hai yedi Gandalf gibi sik, tetik çekik
He came to uruk-hai seven dick like Gandalf, trigger slanted
Sen lirik yazcen de ben görcem, Fuat sizi beyniyle zikmekten ölcek
When you write lyrics and I will see, Fuat will die from chanting you with his brain
Jöntürk parayı bulunca döncek, Bülent Ersoy'un manevi kızı olcek
Young Turk will return when he finds the money, he will become the spiritual daughter of Bülent Ersoy
S.O.S. dispanserde 36 ay koma, kodum mına kodumun çocuğuna
S.O.S. 36 months of coma in the dispensary, my fucking mina to my fucking child
Rap dinimse sen kafirsin her sözüm soluğuna
If rap is my religion, you are an infidel, every word is in your breath
Fuat′ın boku bile olamazsın gir kovuğuna
You can't even be Fuat's shit, get in your hole
Yazdığım rapler sana değil muhtelif orospulardan
The raps I wrote are not for you, but from various bitches
Doğurtmak istediğin çocuğuna
The child you want to give birth to
Kimsin sen? Amip! Piç sokmuş orospu çıkarmış
Who are you? Amoeba! The bastard stung the bitch out
Dünyanın en basit eylemi size sizin seviyenizde bir cevap yazmakmış
The simplest action in the world is to write an answer to you at your level
Türkçe rapi soslu barikatlara yar etmem, basarım yere sanarsın deprem
I won't break through barricades with Turkish rap sauce, I'll step on the ground, you'd think an earthquake
Baltayla tanışır eklem yerlerin
Meets the axe, joint places
Çok bilinmeyenli denklem
A very unknown equation
Dön gel travesti panzerin kölesi oluverdi
Come back, the transvestite has become the slave of the panzer
Geceleri konuşamazdı çünkü devamlı ağzına verirlerdi
He couldn't talk at night because they kept putting it in his mouth
Domalmaktan emekleyip yürürlerdi
They used to crawl around and walk
Atı sırtında süvarilere itaat etceksin
You will obey the cavalry on horseback
Griss Boba Fett Royal Bunker'den mercek yeksin
Griss Boba Fett Get a lens from the Royal Bunker
Zincirler eritilip silaha dönecektir
The chains will melt and turn into weapons
Pasta oldum diye anırıyo′n ama keksin
You remember that I'm a cake, but you're a cake

Авторы: Fuat, Stefan Seibt, Steffen Mischon

Fuat feat. Gris & Boba Fettt - Keksin (Remastered) - Single
Keksin (Remastered) - Single
дата релиза

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