Funky - Solo Tu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Funky - Solo Tu

Solo Tu
You Alone
Desde el principio
From the beginning,
Cuando te necesite
When I needed you,
Desde el momento
From the moment
Cuando la mirada alsé
When I looked up,
Desde ese día cuando sola
From that day when alone
Me encontraba
I found myself,
Y cuando tu mirada a mi se fue a poner
And when your gaze came upon me
Supe que me amabas lo entendí
I knew you loved me, I understood,
Y supe que buscabas mas de mi
And I knew you were looking for more from me,
Que mucho tiempo me esperaste y no llegue
That you had waited a long time for me and I didn't come,
Supe que me amabas aunque hui
I knew you loved me even though I ran away,
Y lejos de tu casa yo me fuí
And far from your house, I went away,
Y con un beso y con amor me regalaste tu perdón y estoy aqui
And with a kiss and love you gave me your forgiveness and here I am,
Y cuando lejos me encontraba te sentí
And when I was far away, I felt you,
Sabia que entonces me cuidabas y te
I knew that you were watching over me then and I heard you,
Como un susurro fue tu voz en el silencio
Like a whisper, your voice was in the silence,
Y cada día me atraias mas a ti
And every day you drew me closer to you,
//supe que me amabas lo entendi
I knew that you loved me, I understood
Y supe que buscabas mas de mi
And I knew you were looking for more from me,
Que mucho tiempo me esperaste y no llegue
That you had waited a long time for me and I didn't come
Supe que me amabas aunque hui
I knew you loved me even though I ran away,
Y lejos de tu casa yo mefui
And far from your house, I went away
Y con un beso y con amor me regalaste tu perdón //
And with a kiss and love you gave me your forgiveness,
Y estoy aqui
And here I am,
Estoy aqui mi dulce seño
I am here, my sweet beloved,
Estoy aqui amado salvador
I am here, beloved Savior,
///estoy aqui///
I am here,

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