Funky - Unidos (bonus Track) Intrepretan: Triple Seven - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни Funky - Unidos (bonus Track) Intrepretan: Triple Seven

Unidos (bonus Track) Intrepretan: Triple Seven
United (bonus Track) Performed by: Triple Seven
Este es el regreso de lo que muchos esperaban,
This is the return of what many were waiting for,
El enemigo quiso impedir nuestra carrera pero no pudo.
The enemy wanted to prevent our career but couldn't.
Unidos rompemos barreras,
United we break down barriers,
Ahora Abi, Pichi, Funky ponle candela.
Now Abi, Pichi, Funky light up the fire.
Unidos vamos con paso gigante,
United we take a giant step,
Nunca nos detenemos siempre para'lante
We never stop, always forward
Y aunque muchos traten de eliminarte,
And although many try to eliminate you,
Nunca olvides quien esta contigo.
Never forget who is with you.
Funky. y ahora tu te cuelas con el ritmo,
Funky. and now you sneak in with the rhythm,
Ponle candela que esto puedas,
Light the fire that this can,
Si con este gozo se danza por donde quiera.
If with this joy you dance wherever you want.
Ya que hay muchos contra mi porque me desean,
Since there are many against me because they want me,
Pero unidos con cristo la victoria es verdadera.
But united with Christ, victory is real.
Yendo tranquilo y silencioso
Going calm and quiet
Porque el enemigo esta fantasmioso y dudoso,
Because the enemy is phantasmagorical and doubtful,
Porque no sabe el motivo de este gozo
Because he doesn't know the reason for this joy
Y que a mi lado esta el poderoso.
And that the powerful one is by my side.
Asi que levanten las manos si se encuentra victorioso,
So put your hands up if you find yourself victorious,
Dejela arriba si este gozo es pegajoso,
Leave it up if this joy is sticky,
Sigan adorando que el diablo esta celoso
Keep adoring that the devil is jealous
Y unidos derrotamos al mentiroso.
And united we defeat the liar.
Venimos a la guerra aunque se levante contra mi la fiera,
We come to war even if the beast rises against me,
Este es triple seven, enemigo bajo tierra.
This is triple seven, enemy underground.
Desde funkytown triple seven se revela.
From funkytown triple seven is revealed.
Mi gente se acabo la espera.
My people, the wait is over.
Vamos unidos al combate,
We go into battle together,
Estilo elegante, guerrero impresionante, brillante,
Elegant style, impressive, brilliant warrior,
Haciendo cante
Y voy pa'lante, sincero y verdadero con dios primero.
And I'm going forward, sincere and true with God first.
Perdone, en mi creencia no es competencia,
I apologize, in my belief there is no competition,
Somos un cuerpo sin diferencia,
We are one body with no difference,
Perdon, en mi creencia no es competencia,
Sorry, in my belief there is no competition,
Yo funky, ponle candela.
I'm funky, light the fire.
Levanten las manos si se encuentran victoriosos
Put your hands up if you find yourselves victorious
-Mi gente se acabo la espera.
-My people, the wait is over.
Levanten las manos si se encuentran victoriosos
Put your hands up if you find yourselves victorious
-Yo' funky ponle candela
-I'm funky, light the fire
Levanten las manos si se encuentran victoriosos
Put your hands up if you find yourselves victorious
-Funky, unidos rompemos barreras
-Funky, together we break down barriers
Y ahora levanten las manos si se encuentran victoriosos
And now put your hands up if you find yourselves victorious
-Yo' funky ponle candela
-I'm funky, light the fire
Funky, nos fuimos pa la vieja escuela
Funky, we went to the old school
Abi, Pichi
Abi, Pichi
-Se acabo la espera
-The wait is over

Авторы: Luis Marrero

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