Fuossera - Fuoc ind e ser - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fuossera - Fuoc ind e ser

Fuoc ind e ser
Fire in the evenings
Ten′n e voglj e nn vonn fa a men
I don't want to go and I don't want to leave
Lor t pompn e portn o strem
They pump and bring the flow
Fuoc ind e ser
Fire in the evenings
Vonn a materj
I want the matter
Fiamm ind e stanz pnsann a chi crer(X2)
Flames in the room thinking of those who believe (X2)
E stai ancor nguoll
And you're still naked
No nun veng men
No, I'm not coming
Si chiur a forz e o strem
Yes, heart by force and the flow
Nient m fren
Nothing holds me back
E soffre e pass a soglj
And it suffers and passes on the thresholds
Cercann e soddisfà ati voglj
Seeking and satisfying other desires
Mo mman tutt vonn
Now everyone wants my hands
A cap sogn o cor son
To understand dreams, the heart is
E c crcamm ancor
And we still search
Ch'é braccia strett
For tight arms
E sol ind a n′abbracc mor
And only in an embrace do we die
Dentro o respir o cor e c frmamm
Inside the breath, the heart, and we stop
L'uocchj fiss e chi t sta aspttann
Eyes fixed on those who are waiting for you
E sguard astritt e chi t sta c'rcann
And the gaze is fixed on those who are looking for you
Passn l′ann
Years pass
Ma a sensazion è a stess no nun cagn
But the feeling is the same, it doesn't change
So sempr brivid
It's always chills
T′aiut a vivr
It helps you live
T port a scrivr
It brings you to write
P chi t crir
For those who believe in you
Fuoc ind e ser
Fire in the evenings
Voglj chi ver
I want those who see
Carezz e gel
Caresses and frost
Saggienz ben
Wisdom well
E saglj a per s t'affonn
And go up to drown yourself
Vag annanz no nun moll
Go ahead, I don't give up
Si allucc a foll
Yes, the mad light
Si o calor quaglj e o sang squaglj
Yes, the heat that curdles and the blood melts
**** ind a n′abbaglj
**** in a glare
Fumann a forz ind a nu sbalgj saglj
Smoking hard in a mistake, go up
sogl'n e can s rompn e ven S perd ragion e cuntroll
Then the thresholds and chains break and come, Reason and control are lost
Nn c sta spazij miez a foll
There's no space among the fools
Ropp n′or sent ancor e man nguoll
After an hour I still feel the hands naked
Senza piomb comm coktail
Without lead like a cocktail
S nfocn e ser
The evenings are set on fire
O tiemp abbruc o sient o fuoc ngopp a pell
Time burns, you feel the fire on your skin
Si ciur l'uocchj veg l′anim
If you close your eyes you see the soul
Si stregn e man sent e battit
If you clench your hands you feel the beating
L'anno 07 ***** ind a n'attim
The year 07 ***** in a moment
Nn è giudiz a raffic
It's not a judgment in bursts
Quann veg chi rir a bott e tattic
When I see those who laugh out loud and tactics
A ser e rnar s parl
In the evenings of R&R we talk
Ormai caric
Now I'm loaded
Scenn a preta lavic
The lava rock descends
Sti scign tremmn
These brains are shaking
Si torn arret veg scen e panic
If I go back I see scenes of panic
Qustion e rapid
Rapid questions
E fiamm nfacc sagljn
And flames in the face go up
E sguard cagn′n
And the looks change
E cagn arragljn
And the dogs fix
Superstar nterr sqagljn
Superstars break in between
E cint n′arj girn
And another round of belts
Sang fridd ma si dong e nummr
Cold blood but if you give the numbers
Nn t'e perdr
Don't get lost
Fuoc ind e ven ramm a materj
Fire in the veins, I want the matter
Cafè ra nguoll s′appicc staser
Coffee in my throat, it starts tonight
O sacc buon e sott s nfonn
The good bag and there below it sinks
Ma ropp n'or croll
But after an hour it collapses
E s′accummeng n'ata vot
And it starts again
E′ na rot nenza cuntroll
It's a broken road, no control
Fiamm e valor chella man port n'aria ancor for ind anu sicond
Flames and courage, that hand brings air again, strong in a second
O fuoc pomp ind a circolazion
The fire pumps in the circulation
Sul gemit e nient parol
Only moans and no words
l'unic rummor
Yes, the only noise
Pcchè ogni suonn bianc e nir
Because every sound is white and black
C veg culor
We see color
Aspiett allert ca parlamm e po′ turnamm ind o mutor
I wait alert, we talk and then we go back into the engine
M serv sti depor
I need these deposits
M serv chesta voc ca m parl fort e vot è chiù feroc
I need this voice that speaks to me loudly and sometimes is more ferocious than me
E si accussì turnamm a coc′r
And if so, we go back to cooking
Spugliat pcchè troppi vot amm purtat e croc
Stripped because too many times you brought me the crosses
E mo e mo rilasst sient o traspost
And now and now release, feel the transport
E t n'è fottr si o und è spuorc
And you don't give a damn if the wave is dirty
O sacc chell c buò
I know what I want
O ghiacc nn o stut o fuoc
The ice doesn't extinguish the fire
S legg nfacc nn t frmass mai
It reads on your face, it never stops you
Ma nn è n′obblig e l'anim nn o sai
But here it's not an obligation and the soul doesn't know it

Авторы: Giuseppe Troilo, Davide Punzo

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