CHORUS. When the smoke is thick and the rats are running
Miezz e cundann
Among the condemned
Quand o fumm è dens e sagl e ratt 'n gann
When the smoke is thick and the rats are running
Mitragl a cap
Gunshots to the head
Parlann e femmn/ vetr fumè so e primm a vennr/pompn int e machin e s'esaltn/si e fierr sentn/so manic ghiacciat darcin d'argentat/Aspirazion cagnat: cangn e stell/mo a cap nun vol ma rotl 'n terr/e nui? più guardamm e raccuntamm nun ce rassignamm/ fantasticand, criann, pensann tiemp fermamm/ma nun s'arrestn. Ferm a puman e mman 'n cuoll re guardie/ frat re faid. Attuorn a fam strozz/case brillant, jacuzz/ Nennell ca nun crern a storia e favl in carrozz e s va annanz a forz e vivr./ Uomn libr perdn o stiml, a famm int' o spirit;/ ma materia taj e vivr:/ so lam 'n gann e a ridr p da curagg/ s part int a nu viagg e ragg, riflession,/ sentenn 'n cuoll e riflettor.
Talking about women
/ tinted windows, I'm the first to come
/ they pump in the cars and get excited
/ they feel the iron
/ my hands are icy, stealing silver
/ Aspirations changed: bitches and stars
/ now the head doesn't want but rolls on the ground
/ and us? the more we look and tell ourselves, we don't resign ourselves
/ fantasizing, creating, thinking time stops
/ but it doesn't stop. Stop the fist and hand on the neck of the guards
/ brothers of the fairies. Around the hungry throat
/ shiny houses, jacuzzis
/ Babies who don't believe in stories and fairy tales in strollers and they go on by force of living.
/ Free men lose the stimulus, hunger in the spirit;
/ but matter cuts and lives:
/ they are blades in the hand and laugh to give courage
/ they leave on a journey of rags, reflections,
/ feeling the neck and the reflector.
Iesc arò se gliett o fuoc 'n copp all'acqu/ e p'o calmà s'aisn e tacc a spill re femmn e chill/re fanatic sbirr. Na birr guardn e natic:/s parl eretic.spirit e materia./E' nu terren fertil: suonnamm ammor e machin. Contraddizion fragil e incert. Mentr e sell tremn,/nu cor pomp, di cor, tre cor, quattr: affermn e fermn a nott aro s tratt n'argoment e lott, sopravvivenz o sopraffazion./A fed è e ognun e a bibbi' è o lor a ret e rin./Pa scol' e l'omm libr' s pes n'copp a libr: è cinic o sensibl, o fridd/t pont o calibr facil.e nui chi simm?/cercamm equilibri' int a nu libr e pazz./AggiL a legg re legg favs, firm pregiat cuorp static, li-mitat ra prchiacc 'n cap. Fil e pell fann e fil p'a stim e l'altr/cu chell che ten'n.
I'll go out if the ice melts the fire on the water
/ and to calm it down they light up and start talking about women and those
/ fanatic cops. A beer watching the buttocks:
/ they talk heretical. spirit and matter.
/ It's a fertile ground: we play love and machines. Fragile and uncertain contradictions. While the saddles tremble,
/ a heart pumps, two hearts, three hearts, four: they affirm and stop the night, now we're dealing with an argument of struggle, survival or overpowering.
/ Faith is everyone's and drinking is theirs, to deny and rinse.
/ For the school of the free man, weigh yourself on a book: it's cynical or sensitive, cold
/ you can't easily calibrate it. and who are we?
/ we seek balance in a book of crazy people.
/ Add to the law of laws in your favor, static bodies with precious firms, li-mits for those who have a head injury. Threads and skin make threads for the stimulus and the other
/ with what he holds.
Minaccie e percors, gest violent, lacrm, scuorn e a paur e venr n'at gliuorn,/targ copert, casc integrant, e attill ca fann l'uomn./Diec or e fatic e teng a machina bell./E cambiann ogni sicond e finanziari s'abboffn./Mentr ridi e man e ling s'annorzn./Pont r'iceberg tagln e cart, /girann e pagin m'immerg/'nt o disprezz senza margin./Tavulin e cart: brava gent./scagn spicci e sorris: nun glià sentì o pes./Timberland lascn l'orm 'nt a pec. /S trov pac: o pan int e mman a chi nun è capac./Oucchie innocent stendn e mman 'n ropp o durmient a chill ca adda carè senza valor:/sul pe se stess l'ammor./Vigiland portavalor /e ben ra l'or int e caricator./Man vacant e o rispett è o lor. /Carn e foglie e dingnità e orgoglio./O ghiacc int all'aria e o fredd c coglie.e se perd a memori'.
Threats and paths, violent gestures, tears, discouragement and the fear of coming another day,
/ covered plates, integral helmets, and suits that make the man.
/ Ten hours of work and they keep the car nice.
/ And the financiers change every second and stuff themselves.
/ While you laugh and your hands and tongues twist.
/ Iceberg tips cut the cards,
/ turning the pages I immerse myself
/ in contempt without margins.
/ Card tables: good people.
/ quick changes and smiles: don't feel the weight.
/ Timberlands leave the mark in the sin.
/ Peace is found: bread in the hands of those who are not capable.
/ Innocent eyes stretch out their hands behind the sleep of those who must care without value:
/ love only for themselves.
/ Vigilance brings value
/ and good from the hour in the charger.
/ Empty hands and respect is theirs.
/ Flesh and leaves and dignity and pride.
/ The ice in the air and the cold that catches you. and the memory is lost.
RIT. Quand o fumm è dens e sagl e ratt 'n gann
CHORUS. When the smoke is thick and the rats are running
Miezz e cundann
Among the condemned
Quand o fumm è dens e sagl e ratt 'n gann
When the smoke is thick and the rats are running
Mitragl a cap
Gunshots to the head
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