Furio djunta feat. Mali Mire - Pocasna Loza - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Furio djunta feat. Mali Mire - Pocasna Loza

Pocasna Loza
Dishonorable Lodge
Mi smo loža, koja se zove Regularna velika loža Srbije
We are the lodge that's called the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia
Koja tu regularnost imamo
What kind of regularity do we have
Kad se održava taj ritualni rat, Biblija, ili sve, zakon
When this ritual war is going on, the Bible, or everything, the law
Sveto pismo, mora da bude otvoren
The Holy Scripture must be opened
I treba da postoje
And there must be
Da su javno izložena takozvana ta tri velika svetla
Publicly displayed, the so-called three great lights
A tri velika svetla masonerije su
And the three great lights of Freemasonry are
Milion sati da iskleše se Sfinga
A million hours to carve the Sphinx
Iza čijih kapaka vrišti enigma
Behind whose eyelids screams an enigma
Sedim na njenom nosu i pevam refren
I sit on its nose and sing the chorus
Na horizontu čekaju nas Keops i Kefren
On the horizon, Cheops and Khafre await us
Dve kamile, ja i Maradona
Two camels, me and Maradona
Vetar smrdi na znoj faraona
The wind stinks of the Pharaoh's sweat
Pljujemo pesak, nemi kao karijatide
We spit sand, mute as caryatids
Dok posmatra nas oko sa vrha piramide
While the eye from the top of the pyramid watches us
Pustinja, nas dva princa Egipta
The desert, the two of us princes of Egypt
Milenijume starije od milanskog edikta
Millennia older than the Edict of Milan
O nama zabranjene knjige čit'o je Konstantin
Constantine read forbidden books about us
Klanjamo se suncu kao jedinoj konstanti
We worship the sun as the only constant
Zbog sunca naše mozgove truje paranoja
Because of the sun, paranoia poisons our brains
Dok negde daleko na zapadu raste sekvoja
While somewhere far in the west grows a sequoia
Palacaju jezikom krokodili iz Nila
Crocodiles from the Nile flick their tongues
Mi smo preteča svih indijanskih nargila
We are the forerunners of all Indian hookahs
Mi smo preteča, preteča svih preteča
We are the forerunners, forerunners of all forerunners
Mi smo preteča svih partizanskih gerila
We are the forerunners of all partisan guerrillas
Dok proroci sa zenicama boje kože pralja
While prophets with pupils the color of washerwomen's skin
Najavljuju nedelju rođenja novog kralja
Announce the week of the birth of a new king
Mi smo tu (tu) da ostanemo
We are here (here) to stay
Dok ne izgori nam epiderm, dok ne postanemo
Until our epidermis burns, until we become
Zlatni pepeo u spaljenom drvlju
Golden ashes in burnt wood
Papirus natopljen krvlju
Papyrus soaked in blood
Nemi od besa jer naša veličina
Mute with rage because our greatness
Biće prepoznata tek kada postanemo prašina
Will be recognized only when we turn to dust
Veština sa dletom, za pristup karavanu
Skill with a chisel, for access to the caravan
Dok mesec obasjava našu fatamorganu
While the moon illuminates our mirage
Mi smo pesnici u pustinji u potrazi za rečima i taktom
We are poets in the desert, searching for words and rhythm
Arhitekti apstraktnog
Architects of the abstract
Istina i mitovi, reči, bitovi
Truth and myths, words, bits
Mistici traže utočište u lingvistici
Mystics seek refuge in linguistics
Pesnici u pustinji u potrazi za rečima i taktom
Poets in the desert, searching for words and rhythm
Arhitekti apstraktnog
Architects of the abstract
Istina i mitovi, reči, bitovi
Truth and myths, words, bits
Mistici traže utočište u lingvistici
Mystics seek refuge in linguistics
Mi smo organizacija od koje strepi cela nacija
We are an organization that the whole nation fears
Kapuljače na glavama, mračna konotacija
Hoods on heads, a dark connotation
Ti dobaci nam rispekt za viteški red
You, throw us some respect for the knightly order
Ubaci sekiru u med i budi batica
Put an ax in honey and be a brother
Svaka frakcija deo je celine
Every fraction is part of the whole
Koja vidi sve i rep krije iza bine
Which sees everything and hides the rap behind the scenes
Pravi primer kako do te visine jer svi vide
A true example of how to reach that height because everyone sees
Oko na vrhu piramide, u pohod idem
The eye at the top of the pyramid, I'm going on a hike
U Solomonov hram, po Sveti Gral
To Solomon's Temple, for the Holy Grail
Jako dobro znam potomke Atlantide
I know the descendants of Atlantis very well
Ja sam zidar, zidam istoriju preko bita
I'm a mason, I'm building history over bits
Kol'ko god da sam bitan, ja sam cigla iz zida
No matter how important I am, I'm a brick in the wall
Zbog višeg cilja, idem preko svojih apetita
Because of a higher goal, I go over my appetites
Gazim hiljade milja, i za vas imam svitak
I walk thousands of miles, and for you I have a scroll
Na kome ugovor je pisan, ne smem da kažem ništa
On which a contract is written, I mustn't say anything
Čuje se samo vrisak
Only a scream is heard
Jer mi smo tajna loža, odmah da se naježi koža
Because we are the secret lodge, to make the skin crawl immediately
Od lobanja, mraka, sveće, zlata i noža
From skulls, darkness, candles, gold, and a knife
Kroz tajni prolaz u podzemne kanale
Through the secret passage into underground canals
Do glavne odaje prolaze rituale
Rituals pass to the main chamber
Neke bratske šale, repove serviram
Some fraternal jokes, I serve raps
Duh nam je nemiran, vrhovni neimar svemira
Our spirit is restless, the supreme architect of the universe
Krv, suze i znoj moram da prolijem za veliki Orijent
Blood, sweat, and tears I have to shed for the great Orient
Svi čaše u vis pa spusti dole da dolijem
Everyone raises their glasses high and then lowers them so I can pour more
Ja sam veliki majstor Regularne velike lože Srbije
I am the Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia
Mi smo pesnici u pustinji u potrazi za rečima i taktom
We are poets in the desert, searching for words and rhythm
Arhitekti apstraktnog
Architects of the abstract
Istina i mitovi, reči, bitovi
Truth and myths, words, bits
Mistici traže utočište u lingvistici
Mystics seek refuge in linguistics
Pesnici u pustinji u potrazi za rečima i taktom
Poets in the desert, searching for words and rhythm
Arhitekti apstraktnog
Architects of the abstract
Istina i mitovi, reči, bitovi
Truth and myths, words, bits
Mistici traže utočište u lingvistici
Mystics seek refuge in linguistics

Авторы: Dragutin Grozdanović, Mirko Perović, Slobodan Veljković

Furio djunta feat. Mali Mire - Vreme Nicega
Vreme Nicega
дата релиза

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