Fuyumi Sakamoto - 風に立つ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fuyumi Sakamoto - 風に立つ

Standing in the Wind
青嵐(せいらん)に吹かれて 胸をはる 日もあれば
Sometimes I feel my chest swell up as I'm blown by the cool breeze,
雨風にたたかれて 頭(こうべ)をたれる ときもある
Sometimes I hang my head as I'm beaten by the rain and wind.
人はこの世に 生きてあるかぎり
As long as we're alive in this world,
山坂千里の 九十九(つづら)折り
We'll face twists and turns on our long and winding road.
Yeah, life's a journey we have to take.
朔風(さくふう)が吹いても 向かい風 吹こうとも
Even when the cold wind blows, even when I face headwinds,
たじろがずくじけずに 前だけ見つめ 行くがいい
I won't flinch, I won't give up, I'll just keep looking ahead.
泥にまみれて 涙ながしても
Even if I'm covered in mud and tears,
こころに錦の 華をもて
I'll hold a锦 flower in my heart.
Yeah, life's a journey we have to take.
うつりゆく時代の 波風に のまれても
Even if I'm overwhelmed by the waves of changing times,
騒がずに嘆かずに 最善つくし 立ち向かえ
I won't panic, I won't complain, I'll do my best and face it head-on.
ままにならない 茨道(いばらみち)なれど
Even if the path ahead is thorny and difficult,
それでも行かねば ならぬ道
I have to keep going, no matter what.
Yeah, life's a journey we have to take.
Yeah, life's a journey we have to take.

Авторы: Tetsuya Gen, Takashi Taka

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