Fyahbwoy - Defectos de Fabricación - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fyahbwoy - Defectos de Fabricación

Defectos de Fabricación
Manufacturing Defects
No me digan que no
Don't tell me no
Que solo estoy despegando
That I'm just taking off
Que na mas comenze a volar levitando
That I'm just starting to fly, levitating
Quieren cargarme de pesos pero esto no va a cambiar
They want to weigh me down, but that won't change
Y aunque me digan que no
And even though they tell me no
Seguire molestando, como las estrellas del cielo brillando
I will continue to bother, like the stars in the sky, shining
Y pienso crecer se que critican lo que no pueden entender
And I will grow, I know they criticize what they cannot understand
Cualquier tonto tiene un carnet de opinar
Any fool has a license to have an opinion
La estupidez humana quien coño la va a regular
Who the hell is going to regulate human stupidity?
Dejas constancia por escrito de tu estado mental
You leave a written record of your mental state
Tus comentarios... coeficiente intelectual
Your comments ... intellectual quotient
No es casual es el mas trendy el tonto de su portal
It's not casual, it's the trendiest, the fool of his portal
Que mas nos sobra la miseria y mas quieres aportar
What more do we have left in misery, and you want to contribute more?
Mejor que el genio y haga y manden a los niños jugar
Better than the genius and let the children play
Que se me hincha la polla y me va a estallar
That my cock swells and it's going to burst
Y ando lejos de sus tentaculos
And I'm far from their tentacles
Sigo en sus reticulas
I'm still in their crosshairs
Hago un espectaculo sin venderte peliculas
I put on a show without selling you movies
No es por devocion es por levantar cada ritmo con mis liricas
It's not out of devotion, it's to lift every beat with my lyrics
Comete mis huellas seran miticas
Eat my footprints, they will be mythical
Prendo mis llamas, perdeis la razon
I light my flames, you lose your mind
Viven alejaos como en la otra dimension
They live far away as if in another dimension
Sobran egos y hace falta mas comprension
There's too much ego and not enough understanding
Sigo en el timon al mando de la embarcacion
I'm still at the helm, in command of the ship
Y no me digan que no
And don't tell me no
Que solo estoy despegando
That I'm just taking off
Que na mas comenze a volar levitando
That I'm just starting to fly, levitating
Quieren cargarme de pesos pero esto no va a cambiar
They want to weigh me down, but that won't change
Y aunque me digan que no
And even though they tell me no
Seguire molestando, como las estrellas del cielo brillando
I will continue to bother, like the stars in the sky, shining
Y pienso crecer se que critican lo que no pueden entender
And I will grow, I know they criticize what they cannot understand
No lo quiero saber
I don't want to know.
Todo lo que tu quieras romper
Everything you want to break
No estare si decides volver
I won't be there if you decide to come back
No no noooo
No, no, no
Este es el ultimo texto que malgastare en vano
This is the last text I will waste in vain
He visto como se llevo el demonio a mis hermanos
I've seen how the devil took my brothers away
La soga aprieta pero todos se lavan las manos
The noose tightens, but everyone washes their hands
Defecto de fabricacion del puto ser humano
Manufacturing defect of the fucking human being
Siempre hay un camino, para una revolucion
There is always a way, for a revolution
Siempre hay pie pa dar un cambio y seguir otra direccion
There is always a foot to make a change and follow another direction
Solamente hay una forma y no tiene complicacion
There is only one way, and it is not complicated
Abre un poco mas tu mente y deja abrir tu corazon
Open your mind a little more and let your heart open
Y cuando pase la tormenta
And when the storm passes,
Y salga el sol no eches mas cuenta noo
And the sun comes out, don't pay any more attention, no
Saca las alas y echa a volar
Spread your wings and fly away
No me digan que no
Don't tell me no
Que solo estoy despegando
That I'm just taking off
Que na mas comenze a volar levitando
That I'm just starting to fly, levitating
Quieren cargarme de pesos pero esto no va a cambiar
They want to weigh me down, but that won't change
Y aunque me digan que no
And even though they tell me no
Seguire molestando, como las estrellas del cielo brillando
I will continue to bother, like the stars in the sky, shining
Y pienso crecer se que critican lo que no pueden entender
And I will grow, I know they criticize what they cannot understand

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