Fyahbwoy feat. Afaz Natural - Razones - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fyahbwoy feat. Afaz Natural - Razones

Que siempre siga sonando
May the music keep playing
La vibra se vaya contagiando
The vibe keeps spreading
Y el mundo siga girando
And the world keeps turning
Trae la magia que estaba faltando
Bring the magic that was missing
Siempre con buena vibración
Always with good vibes
Haciendo todo con amor
Doing everything with love
Tan solo es poner corazón
It's just about putting your heart into it
Y fortaleza de león
And the strength of a lion
Hay algo tan sencillo y que es natural
There's something so simple and natural
Nunca lo podrán comprar, porque esto no es material
They can never buy it, because this isn't material
Dicen que sale de dentro y no es espiritual
They say it comes from within and it's not spiritual
Y que alarga hasta la vida y que te salva del mal
And that it prolongs life and saves you from evil
Yo, solo busco una razón en esta vida
Me, I'm just looking for a reason in this life
Que suene la flauta, vea la magia y salga la risa
To hear the flute, see the magic and let out laughter
Que no me estrese todo el día, el mundo y su prisa
To not be stressed all day by the world and its rush
Y que tire con mi tumbao', más que la torre de pisa
And to stand taller with my groove than the leaning tower of Pisa
Vida sola hay una y tengo que vivirla sabes
There's only one life and I have to live it, you know
Tratando de alejar el mal y sanando mis males
Trying to ward off evil and heal my wounds
Dejemos de tratarnos todos como a unos rivales
Let's stop treating each other like rivals
Si no te sale, tenemos que arreglarte vale
If you're not doing well, we need to fix you, alright
Tengo lo que ves
I have what you see
Casi muero por el estrés
I almost died from stress
El reggae me pone de revés
Reggae turns me upside down
Y te golpea donde estés
And it hits you wherever you are
Cuzz I'm so bless
Cause I'm so blessed
La vibra positiva es lo que es
Positive vibes are what it's all about
Y todo lo demás si buscáis dentro lo tenéis yo
And everything else, if you search within, you have it too, I know
Que siempre siga sonando
May the music keep playing
La vibra se vaya contagiando
The vibe keeps spreading
Y el mundo siga girando
And the world keeps turning
Y trae la magia que estaba faltando
And bring the magic that was missing
Siempre con buena vibración
Always with good vibes
Haciendo todo con amor
Doing everything with love
Tan solo es poner corazón
It's just about putting your heart into it
Y fortaleza de león
And the strength of a lion
Ay mírate, aprovecha que, para poder crecer
Oh look at yourself, take advantage of the fact that to grow
Solo tienes que ser y tus miedos vencer
You just have to be and overcome your fears
Analízate, atraviesa el miedo que
Analyze yourself, go through the fear that
Te detiene y no te deja ver y ahora ponte de pie
Stops you and doesn't let you see, and now stand up
Que este día la energía esta conmigo y esta en ti
Because today the energy is with me and it's in you
El amor a la vida, el amor a ser feliz
The love of life, the love of being happy
Buena vibra positiva para ti, para
Good positive vibes for you, for me
Ahora mira arriba, energía al mil por mil
Now look up, energy at a thousand percent
Sola, hace poco vi la vida caminando sola
Alone, I recently saw life walking alone
Le falta music, dj prende la consola
She needs music, DJ turn on the console
Queremos que retumbe el bombo y la tarola
We want the bass drum and snare drum to boom
Vamos prende Fyah Fyah, que se vea la fumarola
Come on, light the Fyah Fyah, let the smoke be seen
Que toquen bandolas, violines y violas
Let them play bandolas, violins and violas
Que bailen colombianas y bailen Españolas
Let Colombians dance and let Spanish women dance
Yo que a ti te gusta, yo que te mola
I know you like it, I know you dig it
Que el reggae siga sonando y que nunca más suenen pistolas
May reggae keep playing and may guns never sound again
Y que siempre siga sonando
And may the music keep playing
Y trae la vibra toda y que se vaya contagiando
And bring all the vibes and let them spread
Y que el mundo ya siga dando vueltas y girando
And let the world keep spinning and turning
Y dame tanta magia que ya me estaba faltando
And give me so much magic that I was missing
Que siempre siga sonando
May the music keep playing
Wey que la vibra se siga contagiando
Hey, let the vibe keep spreading
Mientras exista el mundo y este siga girando
As long as the world exists and keeps turning
Y traiga la magia, el sol seguirá brillando
And it brings the magic, the sun will keep shining
Que siempre siga sonando
May the music keep playing
La vibra se vaya contagiando
The vibe keeps spreading
Y el mundo siga girando
And the world keeps turning
Y trae la magia que estaba faltando
And bring the magic that was missing
Siempre con buena vibración
Always with good vibes
Haciendo todo con amor
Doing everything with love
Tan solo es poner corazón
It's just about putting your heart into it
Y fortaleza de león
And the strength of a lion

Fyahbwoy feat. Afaz Natural - Razones
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