G.E.M. - PASSION - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни G.E.M. - PASSION

Dear Father
Dear Father
為什麼我日夜 心都在拉扯
Why is my heart constantly torn day and night?
為什麼這世界 越來越邋遢
Why does this world become increasingly messy?
This hateful feeling is pressing down on me every day
I'm about to explode
They're full of slander
句句似箭 但你何時懲戒
Every word is like an arrow, but when will you punish them?
Should I pretend I don't see it?
To suppress the flames that are rising
他們以正義為口號 肆意地咆哮
They use justice as a slogan, roaring recklessly
Running rampant between the lines of their words
他們的笑裡全是刀 話裡是毒藥
Their smiles are full of knives, their words are poison
How many have been devoured
看那一點點的口沫 變得越來越的滂沱
Look at that little bit of spittle, growing more and more torrential
Turning every road into a steel cable
面對一個個 麻痺的惡魔
Facing countless numb demons
只有閉上耳朵 才能夠不被淹沒
Only by closing my ears can I avoid being drowned
在匿名的國度 談吐吐成火湖
In the realm of anonymity, they spew words like a fiery lake
仇恨昂首闊步 控訴不曾落幕
Hatred strides with its head held high, accusations never ending
Joy built upon the graves of others
Unwilling to leave a single path to life
妖言惑眾原來不只 Lucifer
Deceptive words aren't just from Lucifer
There's also a group of keyboard terrorists
Hiding behind screens, thinking others don't recognize them
猙獰面目全部讓我想吐 (what the ah)
Their hideous faces make me want to vomit (what the ah)
仁慈的父 難道你不怒
Merciful Father, don't you feel anger?
Do you really treat them as temporary fools?
我想隨你腳步 走你走的道路
I want to follow your footsteps, walk the path you walk
但我不知道該怎麼 饒恕
But I don't know how to forgive
我該怎麼 饒恕
How can I forgive
(該怎麼 該怎麼 該怎麼 該怎麼)
(How can I, how can I, how can I, how can I)
(該怎麼 該怎麼) 我該怎麼
(How can I, how can I) How can I
一個個 麻痺的惡魔 (oh)
Countless numb demons (oh)
我快要 快要被吞沒
I'm about to, about to be swallowed
(Though I go through the valley of deep shade)
(Though I go through the valley of deep shade)
有沒有誰救救我 (he shows me the way for his name's sake)
Is there anyone to save me (he shows me the way for his name's sake)
救救我 (I'm in a dark age, please have mercy on me)
Save me (I'm in a dark age, please have mercy on me)
('Cause Father, my heart aches)
(‘Cause Father, my heart aches)
有沒有誰救救我 (為什麼我日夜 心都在拉扯)
Is there anyone to save me (Why is my heart constantly torn day and night?)
(為什麼這世界 越來越邋遢)
(Why does this world become increasingly messy?)
我快要被吞沒 (這討厭的感覺每一天把我壓得)
I'm about to be swallowed (This hateful feeling is pressing down on me every day)
(I'm about to explode)
They're full of slander
句句似箭 但你何時懲戒
Every word is like an arrow, but when will you punish them?
Should I pretend I don't see it?
才能壓著燃起的火焰 (火焰 火焰)
To suppress the flames that are rising (flames, flames)
Dear Father
Dear Father
為什麼我日夜 心都在拉扯 (拉扯)
Why is my heart constantly torn day and night (torn)?
為什麼這世界 越來越邋遢 (邋遢)
Why does this world become increasingly messy (messy)?

Авторы: G.e.m.

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