G&G Sindikatas - Darome Hip-Hop - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни G&G Sindikatas - Darome Hip-Hop

Darome Hip-Hop
Darome Hip-Hop
žhinau, mano chebra ištikrūjų varo gerai,
I know, my chebra really drives well,
Nelegalūs ginklai, nešvarūs pinigai,
Illegal weapons, dirty money,
Įjungęs radiją ieškau bangų,
Turning on the radio looking for waves,
Girdžiu kažkoks vyrutis siūlo pasikalbėt su juo kartu.
I hear some guy offer to talk to him.
Ash nekenciu tokiu zhmoniu kurie kisha savo nuomone,
Ash hate such zhmoniu who kisha in his opinion,
Jie sako tu jaunas tau viskas prieshaky -
They say you're young you're all prieshaky -
Ne nesutinku, ash kategorishkai priesh
Not disagree, ash categorishkai priesh
Norechiau pazhiureti kaip atrodo tai ish shalies.
I wanted to see what this ish shalies looks like.
Paskambinu dabar ash kalei kazhkokiai,
I call now ash kalei kazhkokai,
Ji sako - Atvazhiuok, atvazhiuok, atvazhiuok greichiau,
She says-Come On, Come On, Come on faster,
Ji sutinka su manim uzh dyka pavaryti,
She agrees with me uzh dyka gear,
Ash pazhadu jai kadanors atsiskaityti,
Ash pazhadu jai sometime settle,
Ash nestabdau ant smugio pavarau, parukau
Ash I don't stop on the smug gear, I got ready
Apmastau ka veikti toliau,
Thinking about what to do next,
Diena kaip reta pasitaike begalo ilga
A day as rare is infinitely long
Nenuobodi, vulgari i kitas nepanashi.
Not boring, vulgar I the other unpinashi.
Darome hip... hip hip, darome hop... hop hop per griovi persoke mes sakome op
Doing hip... hip hip, we do hop... hop hop over the ditch persoke we say op
Uzhe tusofke joje ir ash kartu,
Uzhe tusofke in it and ash together,
Pasiklystu tarp veidu, savu ir niekad nematytu,
I get lost in the face, my own and never seen,
Buteliu kalnai tushchiu, ir dar neatidarytu,
Bottle mountains tushchiu, and yet unopened,
I virshu keliu ash dar viena i virshu,
I virshu Road ash another I virshu,
Ruko dumuose tirpsta paskandinti barai,
Drowned bars melt in Ruko Dumas,
Viena zinau tikrai nuostabekrutes mazhules shoka tiems kurie varo gerai.
One I know is really wonderfulcrute mazhules shoka for those who drive well.
Hej hej hej hej... chejjjjjjjjj. chej jomajo chej jomajo hej hej jomajo hej jomajo hej hej hej jomajo hej hej jomajo hej jomajo hej.
Hej hej hej hej... chejjjjjjjjjjjjjj. chej jomajo chej jomajo hej hej Hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej.
Ugnim ishbandyti draugai mane supa,
My friends surrounded me,
Jie suka ratuka ugninio vandens kriokliai,
They turn the wheel fiery water waterfalls,
Ash neriu i ta sraune upe iki virsaus
Ash dive in that stream river to the turn
Prisipildau ja, as vedu savo laiva verzhia srove,
I am filled with it, I lead my ship on the verzhia stream,
Priversiu ishgirst mane sukramtyt ir nuryti
I'll make ishgirst me chew and swallow
Nekekvienas shiknius gali taip pavaryti,
No one can do that.,
Mes neparduodam ka turim viska atiduodam dykai,
We don't sell what we have to give away everything for free,
Dievas mato galbut jis mums atlygins uzh tai
God sees maybe he will reward us uzh this
V inilai sukasi niekas neprieshtarauja,
V inyl turns no one approves,
Mine puotauka kartu ir musu gauja
Mine pootauka together and our gang
Tu ir tu ir tu tu, ei ei subines visi kartu...
You and you and you, hey hey ass all together...
Darome hip... hip hip, darome hop... hop hop per griovi persoke mes sakome op
Doing hip... hip hip, we do hop... hop hop over the ditch persoke we say op
Ka veikti povelniu sakyk kaveikti toliau
What to do after all say how to act further
Gal kurnors ramiai su chebra nuvaryti
Maybe somewhere quiet with chebra driven away
Gal sukelti mushtynes kokiam nors pediku bare,
Gal cause mushtyn for some bare faggot,
Uzhsimesti doze atsidurti tunelio gale,
Get to the end of the tunnel,
Mes radijos neklausom kuri neledzhia sindikato gabalu,
We don't listen to the radio.,
Galit sakyti ka norit zhinau gera balsa turiu,
You can say what you want zhinau good voice I have,
Shiandiena vakare vadovasime mes,
Shioday evening guide we,
Kokiame nors kaboke su chebra pisime mergas
In some Cabo with chebra pisime mergas
Ne velnio nera jokiu ribu
No devil no limit
Nes ash ir mano chebra visi kartu,
Because ash and my chebra all together,
Ramiai ramiai nesikarsciuokite bybiai,
Stay calm don't fight Dick,
Morales sergetojai, doroves sargai,
Morales sergeants, Guardians of morality,
Gyvenimas gali buti blogas gali buti grazhus
Life can be bad can be grazhus
Tie kas varo tiesingai niekada neprazhus
Those who drive straight will never
As dzhiaugiuosi kekviena jo diena...
I'm happy to watch one of his days...
Saule leidzhiasi zhinau velai velai vakare...
The sun sets in zhinau velai velai in the evening...
Darome hip... hip hip, darome hop... hop hop per griovi persoke mes sakome op
Doing hip... hip hip, we do hop... hop hop over the ditch persoke we say op

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