G&G Sindikatas - Dykuma - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни G&G Sindikatas - Dykuma

Lekiu per dykuma nors nėra ten vandens
I race through the desert, though there's no water there
Mano muzika nykumą delnais apsems
My music will embrace this emptiness with its palms
Smėliu užkas, na ir kas
Bury me in sand, so what
Jei bandai, bet nežinai kas yra kas
If you try, but don't know what's what
Lekiu per dykuma nors nėra ten vandens
I race through the desert, though there's no water there
Mano muzika nykumą delnais apsems
My music will embrace this emptiness with its palms
Smėliu užkas, na ir kas
Bury me in sand, so what
Jei bandai, bet nežinai kas yra kas
If you try, but don't know what's what
Geriau dažnai viską vienos
It's better to see things from one side often
Kartais kitos pusės
Sometimes from the other side
Kartais būnu kaip niekada žvalus
Sometimes I'm more lively than ever
Kartais lūžes valau stiklą
Sometimes I clean broken glass
Ir nematau per jį, valyk brolau sau
And I can't see through it, clean your own, brother
Nes tu taip pat turi
Because you have it too
Kai aptemdo protą,
When the mind is clouded,
Rutina kuri sekioja paskos
By the routine that follows close behind
Nors tu daryk bet
Even if you do anything
Šauk, nors stauk .Ten nėra palauk
Shout, even howl. There's no wait there
Taip ir panašus į
That's how we're similar to it
Mes nemokam suprasti kitų
We don't know how to understand others
Mes tik žiūrim savęs
We only look at ourselves
Nusišikt ant visų
Screw everyone else
Prisidenge netikru gerumu
Covered in fake kindness
Kaip klounas šypsomės
We smile like a clown
pavydo net tarp savų draugų
Even among our own friends, out of envy
tu ... tu...
What are you... what are you...
Neparinsiu žmonių mano sielos sofija
I won't steam people, my soul is a sofa
Paprasta jokių tuščių kalbų
Simple, no empty words
Nemėgstu (diušovo) gružo
I don't like the enemy's burden
Užtat su mielu noru
But with pleasure
Visada suvalgau arbūzo
I always eat watermelon
Maistas tikrai į temą
Food is definitely on topic
Nes tai garbinu studijoj
Because what I worship in the studio
Turiu vieną proglemą
I have one problem
Niekad neduodu skanauti to
I never give anyone a taste of it
Kas dar nepagaminta, neskanu
What's not cooked yet, it's not tasty
Prieskonių (satio) kad skaniau būtų
Spices to make it tastier
Neduodi niekam ragaut
You don't give anyone a taste
Nemėtai po kasnį juk gali ir nesigaut
You don't throw a bite, it might not turn out
Į kairę i dešnę, žodžiu atsargiai mėtyk
Left and right, in short, throw carefully
Tokie jau jie, jie gali išspjaut
That's how they are, they can spit it out
Jie gali ir išspjaut, jie gali ir išspjaut
They can spit it out, they can spit it out
Jie gali ir išspjaut
They can spit it out
Lekiu per dykuma nors nėra ten vandens
I race through the desert, though there's no water there
Mano muzika nykumą delnais apsems
My music will embrace this emptiness with its palms
Smėliu užkas, na ir kas
Bury me in sand, so what
Jei bandai, bet nežinai kas yra kas
If you try, but don't know what's what
Lekiu per dykuma nors nėra ten vandens
I race through the desert, though there's no water there
Mano muzika nykumą delnais apsems
My music will embrace this emptiness with its palms
Smėliu užkas, na ir kas
Bury me in sand, so what
Jei bandai, bet nežinai kas yra kas
If you try, but don't know what's what
Dar vienas posūkis ne ten
Another turn in the wrong place
Akimirka ir tu jau ten
A moment and you're already there
Kur viskas keičiasi totaliai
Where everything changes completely
Ar elgsies totaliai ar humaniškai
Will you act totally or humanely
Be jokių navarotų paprastai
Simply, without any bells and whistles
Jokio skirtumo kaip. nes pamatai
It makes no difference how, because you see
Kitom akim ir papraščiausiai supratai
With different eyes and simply understand
Jog vertybės dingsta
That values disappear
Žmonių ambicijos žudo kitus
People's ambitions kill others
O svarbiausiai pačią asmenybe
And most importantly, the personality itself
Ji prie išnykimo linksta
It's heading towards extinction
Turi problemas tas pačias kaip ir visi
You have the same problems as everyone else
Ir su savo ...žudau kitus ar seki
And with my... I kill others, do you follow?
Ar pagauni minty jie kas nori man užminti
Do you catch in your thoughts those who want to step on me
Visada stengiuosi sutrinti
I always try to crush it
Neatsukau kito žando toks jau esu
I don't turn the other cheek, that's how I am
Juk dvigubai viską atiduoti turiu
After all, I have to give back twice for everything
Jei man rodo gėrį ir tikrumą
If you show me goodness and truth
Dvigubai atiduosiu savęs . Imk!
I'll give back twice as much from myself. Take it!
Mano dūšę ir kūną
My soul and body
Lekiu per dykuma nors nėra ten vandens
I race through the desert, though there's no water there
Mano muzika nykumą delnais apsems
My music will embrace this emptiness with its palms
Smėliu užkas, na ir kas
Bury me in sand, so what
Jei bandai, bet nežinai kas yra kas
If you try, but don't know what's what
Lekiu per dykuma nors nėra ten vandens
I race through the desert, though there's no water there
Mano muzika nykumą delnais apsems
My music will embrace this emptiness with its palms
Smėliu užkas, na ir kas
Bury me in sand, so what
Jei bandai, bet nežinai kas yra kas
If you try, but don't know what's what
Nebūtinai reikia šypsotis iki ausų
You don't have to smile ear to ear
Nebūtinai būti laimingiausiam visų
You don't have to be the happiest of all
Nebūtinai būti tarp jų, bet
You don't have to be among them, but
Būtinai mokėti žiūrėti kitu kampu
You definitely need to be able to look from a different angle
Nebūtinai turėti tai turi visi
You don't have to have what everyone has
Nebūtinai daryti tai daro kiti
You don't have to do what others do
Nebūtinai kelt kiek gali, bet
You don't have to lift as much as you can, but
Būtinai stengtis, nes jėgų tikrai turi
You definitely have to try, because you definitely have the strength
Lekiu per dykuma nors nėra ten vandens
I race through the desert, though there's no water there
Mano muzika nykumą delnais įsems
My music will embrace this emptiness with its palms
Smėliu užkas, na ir kas
Bury me in sand, so what
Jei bandai, bet nežinai kas yra kas
If you try, but don't know what's what
Lekiu per dykuma nors nėra ten vandens
I race through the desert, though there's no water there
Mano muzika nykumą delnais (išsems)
My music will embrace this emptiness with its palms
Smėliu užkas, na ir kas
Bury me in sand, so what
Jei bandai, bet nežinai kas yra kas
If you try, but don't know what's what

Авторы: Pushaz

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