G&G Sindikatas - Kelias Po Žengiančio Kojom (Unplugged) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни G&G Sindikatas - Kelias Po Žengiančio Kojom (Unplugged)

Kelias Po Žengiančio Kojom (Unplugged)
The Path Beneath the Traveler's Feet (Unplugged)
vakar, kad buvom,
For yesterday, that we were,
šiandien, kad drįstam
For today, that we dare,
rytoj, kad mums pakeliui.
For tomorrow, that we share the way.
Devyniuose dešimties pasiklystam
In nine out of ten paths, we stray,
Bet vis dar judam likusiu vienu keliu.
But still, we move on the one remaining road.
vakar, kad buvom,
For yesterday, that we were,
šiandien, kad drįstam
For today, that we dare,
rytoj, kad mums pakeliui.
For tomorrow, that we share the way.
Devyniuose dešimties slystam
In nine out of ten paths, we slip,
Bet vis dar judam judam judam judam.
But still, we move, move, move, move.
Mano gyvenimo garso takelyje maža mažoro
On the soundtrack of my life, there's little major,
Nemoku tverti rūko, nemoku kurti oro.
I can't build from fog, can't create from air.
Gyventi ofšoru sorry nemoku
Living offshore, sorry, I don't know how,
Žvėryje matau žvėrį, žmoguje - žmogų.
In a beast, I see a beast, in a man, a man I vow.
Taip mama mane mokė ir tas kuris vedė rankos
That's what Mama taught me, and he who led me by the hand,
Mirt nebaisu, jei nebijojai gyventi
Death isn't scary, if you weren't afraid to live, understand?
Išvien su tais, kurie niekada nesustoja
Together with those who never stop their stride,
Juk kelias - jis atsiranda tik po žengiančio kojom.
For the path, it only appears beneath the traveler's stride.
Pameni buvo - norėjome būti geriausiais
Remember, darling, we wanted to be the best,
Pamenu buvo, kai būt vardan būti užteko
I remember when being, just for being's sake, was blessed.
Kai palikdami šipulius šimpančiam buteliui
When leaving shards to the shimmering bottle's fate,
Budeliai gulė po budelių rankomis
Executioners lay under executioners' hands, sealed by hate.
Pameni ėmėm gelmes lūžtant bortams
Remember, we took the depths as the sides gave way,
Nedvejodami saujomis rijome smėlį
Without hesitation, we swallowed sand, come what may.
Vėl ir vėl iki dugno ir smigom į žemę
Again and again, to the bottom, into the earth we sank,
Pameni, broli, mes atsikėlėme.
Remember, love, we rose from the bank.
vakar, kad buvom,
For yesterday, that we were,
šiandien, kad drįstam
For today, that we dare,
rytoj, kad mums pakeliui.
For tomorrow, that we share the way.
Devyniuose dešimties pasiklystam
In nine out of ten paths, we stray,
Bet vis dar judam likusiu vienu keliu.
But still, we move on the one remaining road.
vakar, kad buvom,
For yesterday, that we were,
šiandien, kad drįstam
For today, that we dare,
rytoj, kad mums pakeliui.
For tomorrow, that we share the way.
Devyniuose dešimties slystam
In nine out of ten paths, we slip,
Bet vis dar judam judam judam judam.
But still, we move, move, move, move.
Pavargęs po darbo tėvas rankas nusiplauna
A father, weary after work, washes his hands with care,
Rankos kaip rankos, veide - nuoskauda
Hands like any other, but on his face, a burden to bear,
Delnuose - nuospaudos.
Calluses etched in his palms, a silent prayer.
Vaikas pribėga, kaklą apsikabina
A child runs up, embracing his neck with flair,
Tėvo veidas pasikeičia, iškart nusiramina.
The father's face transforms, finding solace there.
Prieš miegą - vieną istoriją
Before sleep, one story unfolds,
Tyliai tyliai susirenka herojai
Quietly, quietly, heroes of old,
Noriai istorijoj karaliai dovanoja dovanas
Willingly, in the story, kings bestow their gold,
Ponai patarnauja paprastiem žmonėm oriai.
Lords serve the common folk, stories told.
Šitoj šaly ore beveik nėra minoro
In this land, the air holds little trace of minor,
Paukščiai medžiuose švilpauja natas su mažoru
Birds in the trees whistle notes with major's fire.
Priežastis paprasta - vaikai gimsta, užauga žinodami
The reason is simple - children are born, growing to know,
Dėl kokios priežastiems jiem rankos auga
The reason their hands grow, a seed to sow.
Galvoji, kad rankos skirtoms imti
You think hands are for taking, is that so?
Kam nors suduoti, pilną šaukštą prie burnos kilnoti
To strike someone, to lift a full spoon, a gentle flow.
Mes tuos kuriem rankos skirtos dalintis
We stand for those whose hands are meant to share,
Ar su mumis pakeliui - tau teks rinktis.
Whether you're with us on this path, you'll have to declare.
vakar, kad buvom,
For yesterday, that we were,
šiandien, kad drįstam
For today, that we dare,
rytoj, kad mums pakeliui.
For tomorrow, that we share the way.
Devyniuose dešimties pasiklystam
In nine out of ten paths, we stray,
Bet vis dar judam likusiu vienu keliu.
But still, we move on the one remaining road.
vakar, kad buvom,
For yesterday, that we were,
šiandien, kad drįstam
For today, that we dare,
rytoj, kad mums pakeliui.
For tomorrow, that we share the way.
Devyniuose dešimties slystam
In nine out of ten paths, we slip,
Bet vis dar judam judam judam judam.
But still, we move, move, move, move.
Kiek mūsų žingsnių žengiama būna į priekį?
How many of our steps are taken forward, I implore?
Ar pastebėjai, kiek trupinių duonos riekėj?
Have you noticed how many crumbs lie in a slice of bread, and more?
Vieniem valgant rėkia, kitiem skalsiai
Some scream while eating, others sing a score,
Galbūt per daug mumyse kirčiuojami balsiai
Perhaps we stress our vowels too much, to the core.
Juk mes kaip medžiai - kai augam tai augam į viršų
We are like trees - when we grow, we reach for the sky,
Nes mes kaip medžiai - nukirtus šaknis mes numirštam
Because we are like trees - cut our roots, and we die.
Todėl kol mintys išbluks ir laiko jūra išdžius
Therefore, until thoughts fade and the sea of time runs dry,
Kalbėkim taip, kad žmonės įsimintų žodžius
Let's speak in a way that people remember the words, you and I.
Ir tiem kurie tai išgirs - paliksime klaustuką
And for those who hear this, we'll leave a question mark,
Tiem kurie nesupras - dėsim tašką
For those who don't understand, we'll draw a stark,
Lygiai taip kaip buvo palikta mums
Just as it was left to us, a flickering spark.
Mes paliksim pėdas einantiems mūsų paskui
We'll leave footprints for those who follow our mark,
Lygiai toks pat kaip tu, lygiai kaip tu žmogus
Just like you, just like you, a human being, from the dark.
Lygiai taip pat kaip tu kartais bijau.
Just like you, I too am sometimes afraid, my dear.
Bet laikui atėjus spręsti žengti pirmyn ar bijot
But when the time comes to decide, to step forward or hold back in fear,
visą laiką ėjau.
I always moved ahead, my love, always held you near.
vakar, kad buvom,
For yesterday, that we were,
šiandien, kad drįstam
For today, that we dare,
rytoj, kad mums pakeliui.
For tomorrow, that we share the way.
Devyniuose dešimties pasiklystam
In nine out of ten paths, we stray,
Bet vis dar judam likusiu vienu keliu.
But still, we move on the one remaining road.
vakar, kad buvom,
For yesterday, that we were,
šiandien, kad drįstam
For today, that we dare,
rytoj, kad mums pakeliui.
For tomorrow, that we share the way.
Devyniuose dešimties slystam
In nine out of ten paths, we slip,
Bet vis dar judam judam judam judam.
But still, we move, move, move, move.

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