GADORO - メンヘラ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни GADORO - メンヘラ

Mentally Unstable
クラブで酔い潰れた日だって会いたい その器のデカさ俺が借りたい
Even on days when I'm wasted at the club, I want to see you. I want to borrow that vast capacity of yours.
サッポロが1番かは分かんない 全国各地どこだって会い足りない
I don't know if Sapporo is the best, but no matter where I go in Japan, it's never enough time with you.
縮れた寝癖もマジ似合ってる 最近は常に混じり合ってる
Your messy bedhead looks seriously good on you. Lately, we've been constantly intertwined.
濃厚に絡む口へ橋渡し 腰に手を回し啜る立ち回り
Bridging the gap to your intensely engaging mouth, I put my hand on your waist, savoring the moment.
レンゲですくうから待ってろすぐ つうか救われたのは俺のような気する
Wait, I'll scoop you up with a spoon soon. Actually, I feel like I'm the one being saved.
確かだ 君の味なら俺のライムと似ててマジバリカタ
For sure, your flavor, like my rhymes, is super hardcore.
濃いめの日々もアッサリと乗り切る ピリ辛でツンデレのお前も恋しい
We'll overcome even the richest days with ease. I miss you, spicy and tsundere.
だが伸びた髪ならば似合わない 冷めた君の面はもう見たかない
But your long hair doesn't suit you. I don't want to see your cold expression anymore.
どうなったってもう知らんから この深い愛は止められないんだな
I don't care what happens anymore. This deep love can't be stopped.
メンヘラの俺に周りが何言ったって知ったこっちゃねえよ Motherfucker
No matter what anyone says about me being mentally unstable, I don't give a damn, motherfucker.
早死にしたって笑顔でアーメン この寿命がいくらあったって足んねえ
Even if I die young, I'll say amen with a smile. No matter how long I live, it won't be enough.
I'll show you 溺れる浪漫飛行 時に泥臭くたってそこがみそ
I'll show you a drowning romantic flight. Sometimes it's being down-to-earth that's the key.
君をコンビニやスーパーでよく見かける よく知らねぇ味も見せろ僕にだけ
I often see you at the convenience store and supermarket. Show me a flavor I don't know, just to me.
金はかからないけど安くはねぇ 中身が重視だって俺はあくまで
It doesn't cost money, but it's not cheap. What matters is what's inside, that's my stance.
かやくの化粧 注ぐ熱い愛情 ならず者への迸る太陽
Your makeup is the garnish, my hot affection the pouring broth, a blazing sun for a rogue like me.
Even in lonely times, always by my side, even on days I sobbed, therefore, we're the same.
勘繰っちゃうほどの三分間 単純な時間... まだ半分か?
Three minutes that make me so paranoid. Such a simple amount of time… is it only half over?
君を啜る俺はまるでバキュームカー 味は抜群だ 終わりあっちゅう間
I'm like a vacuum truck, slurping you up. The taste is outstanding, it's over in a flash.
惚れすぎるなって周りが言う だが誰しもが会えば黙り出す
People tell me not to fall too hard. But everyone who meets you falls silent.
皆は君を最後まで抱こうとしないけど 君の全てを俺は飲み干したいんだ
They won't embrace all of you, but I want to drink you in completely.
どうなったってもう知らんから この深い愛は止められないんだな
I don't care what happens anymore. This deep love can't be stopped.
メンヘラの俺に周りが何言ったって知ったこっちゃねえよ Motherfucker
No matter what anyone says about me being mentally unstable, I don't give a damn, motherfucker.
早死にしたって笑顔でアーメン この寿命がいくらあったって足んねえ
Even if I die young, I'll say amen with a smile. No matter how long I live, it won't be enough.
I'll show you 溺れる浪漫飛行 時に泥臭くたってそこがみそ
I'll show you a drowning romantic flight. Sometimes it's being down-to-earth that's the key.
禁じられた関係 駄目だって良い聞かせたOne day
A forbidden relationship. One day, I was told it's no good.
これまで君に捧げた半生 我慢すれば良い知らせが待ってるから
Half my life, dedicated to you. If I endure, good news awaits.
なんて言われても生憎会いに行く 君を啜れなきゃこの先ない自由
Even if they tell me that, I'll go see you anyway. Without slurping you up, there's no freedom in my future.
豚に真珠じゃなく豚こそが真珠 塩対応されても君に心中
Not pearls before swine, but swine are the pearls. Even if you're cold to me, I'm devoted to you.

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