GEEKS - NOBLE DARK - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни GEEKS - NOBLE DARK

血流も凍る哀愁の夜 気高い日陰者 襟を正し
My blood runs cold on this melancholy night, my noble shadow, stand up straight
審判下す「醜悪こそ大罪」と G G G GAT YEAH.
Give your judgment, "Ugliness is the greatest sin" G G G GAT YEAH.
"LAMENT" 嘆かわしい世界を
"LAMENT" for this deplorable world
"JUDGEMENT" 高潔な秤でジャッジ
"JUDGEMENT" Judge it with your noble scales
"PUNISHMENT" 醜い思想 卑しい精神
"PUNISHMENT" Ugly thoughts, base spirits
"ALLUREMENT" 根こそぎ消し去る魅惑
"ALLUREMENT" Enchantments that eradicate the root
罰を与えよう 十字は切るなよ
Let's give it punishment, don't hold back
Maggots that defile this beautiful night
真実の姿 見せろ正体を
Show me your true form, reveal yourself
連れて行こう 真っ暗で甘い黒い闇へ
Let's take you to the dark and sweet black abyss
ノドを真っ赤に潤して ほらFLY
Moisten your throat with a crimson hue, now FLY
Let me adorn your night in pure black
太陽に疲れたら 闇のハイウェイをゆけ
When you're tired of the sun, travel the highway of darkness
牙を研いで 飛び回れ ともにゆこう
Sharpen your fangs and let's fly together
誰も踏み入らない森の奥 夜の城で君を待つ
No one dares to come to the depths of the forest, I await you in the castle of night
縛るものは無い すでに君は"OUR SIDE(こちら側)"
There are no fetters, you are already "OUR SIDE"
Raise your little finger, NOBLE DARK, the clean freak
"BASEMENT" 柩のフタ開いて
"BASEMENT" The coffin lid has opened
"STATEMENT" 「醜悪に粛清を!」
"STATEMENT" "Execute the purge of ugliness!"
"COMMANDMENT" コウモリと飛び立って
"COMMANDMENT" Take flight with the bats
"FIRMAMENT" 降り立つ気高い影
"FIRMAMENT" Descend, oh noble shadow
Raise your little finger, deliver noble penalty
心清くあれ 品位に欠けりゃ制裁
Be pure of heart, if you lack dignity, you will be punished
Face the truth that lurks in the shadows
今宵も優雅に下す ジャッジメント
Tonight I shall give an elegant judgment
Moisten your throat with crimson and fill it with the midnight
連れて行こう 真っ暗で甘い黒い闇へ
Let's take you to the dark and sweet black abyss
すでに君は"OUR SIDE(こちら側)"
You are already "OUR SIDE"
偽りの 巧みな舌で下衆は歌う
The vile sing with their cunning tongues and lies
Beautiful words like poison
Even in the darkest of darkness, tell me
救い出そう 君を
Let me save you
光に目が眩んだ 盲目の奴隷の世界から
From the world of the blind slaves of light
解き放たれ 無限に広がる
Be freed, an infinite
自由なBLACK NIGHT ともにゆこう
Free BLACK NIGHT, let's go together
NOBLE DARK, bare your fangs
誇り高く闇に生きる NOBLE DARK
NOBLE DARK, live in darkness with pride

Авторы: endou.

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