GIRIBOY - Yougottheswag (Prod. By dnss) - перевод текста песни на французский

Текст и перевод песни GIRIBOY - Yougottheswag (Prod. By dnss)

Yougottheswag (Prod. By dnss)
Tu as le swag (Prod. By dnss)
디자이너 옷들과
Tes vêtements de créateurs
부담 없이 꾸며 놓은
Et ton look stylé sans effort
너의 look style
Ton style
허세가 없다는 알아
Tu sais que tu n'es pas prétentieux
비싸기만 하면 너의 눈엔 관심
Ce qui est cher n'est pas important pour toi
텍을 떼고 텍을 떼고
Tu enlèves les étiquettes, tu enlèves les étiquettes
텍을 떼고 텍을 떼지
Tu enlèves les étiquettes, tu enlèves les étiquettes
Cut it cut it
Coupe-le coupe-le
다른 애들 기를 죽여
Tu écrases les autres
오늘 너는 너무했지
Tu as été trop loin aujourd'hui
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag the swag you got
Tu as le swag le swag tu as
god swag 그러니 너의 swag은
Tu as le swag de Dieu, ton swag est le meilleur
너는 홍대 좀비
Tu es un zombie de Hongdae
힙찔이들과는 뭔가 달라
Tu es différent de ces rappeurs
달라 달라 달라
Différent, un dollar, différent, différent, dis-le
너의 멋은 예쁨과는
Ton style est différent de la beauté
사뭇 다른 같아
C'est tellement différent
아싸 존나 개꿀이야
C'est génial, c'est tellement génial
땡을 잡은 같아
J'ai l'impression d'avoir trouvé un trésor
오백 받고 오천 오억
Cinq cents, cinq mille, cinq cents millions
패를 보여 달라
Montre-moi plus de cartes
달라 달라 달라
Différent, un dollar, différent, différent, dis-le
지적인 이미지 that's swag
Une image intelligente, c'est ça le swag
확고한 자기 색깔 that's swag
Une identité forte, c'est ça le swag
네가 입은 옷을 보고
Les gens regardent tes vêtements
사람들은 쳐다보지
Mais tu ne le remarques pas
허나 너는 영문조차 모른
Tu penses juste qu'il y a quelque chose sur ton visage
얼굴에 뭐가 묻은 줄만 알지
Ils devraient te demander ton numéro
쟤네들이 번호 물어볼만하지
Ils doivent se dire qu'ils t'ont déjà vu quelque part
쟤네는 어디서 같다 하지
Alors tu dois dire que tu es à moi
그럼 당연 너는 거라고 하지
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
하우스 음악 즐겨 들어 요즘에
Tu écoutes de la house music ces derniers temps
리듬 타지 래퍼들의 호스트에
Tu ne bouges pas au rythme des rappeurs
힙합엔 끄덕거려 고개만
Tu hoche juste la tête au hip-hop
너는 언제나 거기
Tu es toujours
사람들의 소재가 되지
Tu es le sujet de conversation des gens
근데 걔네들은 음악 들어
Mais ils n'écoutent pas la musique
리듬 타는 척을 하지 완전
Ils font semblant de bouger au rythme, complètement
힙합은 무슨 개뿔이냐
Quel hip-hop, c'est quoi ce délire ?
너의 쩌는 몸과 아우라가
Ton corps incroyable et ton aura
걔네들의 관점
Leur perspective
이해해 네가 그리 만들었으니까
Comprends, tu les as fait comme ça
아프니까 청춘이고
On souffre parce qu'on est jeune
이쁘니까 너입니다
Tu es belle, c'est toi
문제에 이의 제기하는
Il n'y a personne qui conteste ce point
이는 없습니다
Il n'y a pas de problème
너랑 키스하면 금니들과
Embrasser tes dents dorées et
이가 녹습니다
Les dents fondent
근데 너는 세월에도
Mais tu ne vieillis pas
절대 미가 녹슬지 않아
Ton charme ne se ternit jamais
신기하고 기가 막혀
C'est incroyable et incroyable
웃음을 잃지 나는
Je ne perds pas mon sourire
You got the swag the swag you got
Tu as le swag le swag tu as
Sremmurd 이제 너의 swag unlock
Tu es Sremmurd, ton swag est maintenant débloqué
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag
You got the swag
Tu as le swag

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