GLAY - Pianista - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни GLAY - Pianista

Fly to the sky Fly to be free
Fly to the sky, fly to be free
希望の彼方 限界は無い
Beyond hope, there are no limits
Beyond the field Beyond the fear
Beyond the field, beyond the fear
奇跡の未来へ Just like a game
To a miraculous future, just like a game
Stories blooming, as numerous as smartphones, my love
一回のミスを恐れ 一斉に灰になる
Fearing a single mistake, turning to ashes all at once
一向に平行線 言ってみりゃ 万事休す
Forever parallel lines, in other words, all is lost
一定の既成概念 いっその事 壊してみる
Fixed preconceived notions, might as well break them, darling
一瞬の綱渡り いっせいのー
A momentary tightrope walk, all together now
Spring arrives, summer passes, autumn deepens, snow falls
終わりの無い終わること無い 始まりのカウントダウン
A never-ending, never-stopping countdown to the beginning
Struggling, groaning, crying, laughing, correcting mistakes, still
Always drenched in the rain at the start, my dear
Like a singing wind, the dancing melody of the Steinway
An eau de toilette that drives reason mad
Blind melody, a rhapsody beyond rules, a rare pianist, soar high
Sepia in the corner of my memory
一切の理屈を捨て 一帯を煙に巻く
Discarding all logic, shrouding the area in smoke
一介のミュージシャンさ 一心同体
Just a humble musician, one with the music
A certain musician, obsessed with the 27 club
Putting a young child to sleep, dreaming of periods and finality
No time to question the meaning of living and being kept alive
Grunge rings out in the Seattle night
Fly to the sky Fly to be free
Fly to the sky, fly to be free
希望の彼方 限界は無い
Beyond hope, there are no limits
Beyond the field Beyond the fear
Beyond the field, beyond the fear
奇跡の未来へ Just like a game
To a miraculous future, just like a game
Memories hummed in midsummer
A single fleeting moment grasped after passing through the dark darkness
Your fantastic story
God speed you God bless you
God speed you, God bless you
ボニーとクライド Drive into heaven
Bonnie and Clyde, drive into heaven
Truth is stranger than fiction

Авторы: hisashi

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