GLAY - Precious - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни GLAY - Precious

I miss you あの頃は 互いに意地を張り合って
I miss you those days we stubbornly bickered
I love you もう少し 大事に出来たはずなのに
I love you a little more I should have cherished
どんな時も弛まぬ愛 そしてそれは2人の愛
Unwavering love through thick and thin, a love that was ours alone
思い出すよ 俺にくれたお前の最初の言葉を
I recall your first words to me, my precious love
「長い長い道のりを 独り荷物背にこさえ
“Through the long and arduous journey, you carried your burdens alone
走り続けてきたのね? それはどれほどの痛み...」
You’ve endured such hardships, what profound agony...”
後ろめたい恋もした バカ騒ぎの日もあった
There were regrets and foolish revelries
そして2人誓うんだ この新たな今日の良き日に
And so we pledged to each other on this new and auspicious day
でも time goes by
But time goes by
「どんなに愛し愛されても 決して一緒に逝けない」
“No matter how deeply we love each other, we can never depart this world together”
そんな哀しい告白の後で なんで俺を欲しがった?
Such a sorrowful confession, why did you desire me then?
変えられない運命なら いっそすべて飲み込むのさ
If fate cannot be altered, I'll embrace it all
忘れないよ あれはきっとお前の最後の遺言
I'll never forget, those were your final words
安い指輪天にかざし ありがとうと涙した
I held up the simple ring to the heavens, my tears flowing as I thanked you
くだらない喧嘩の後は 詫びる言葉探したね
After every petty quarrel, I searched for words to express my apology
励まし合うその後で 独り別れに怯えた夜
In the aftermath of our moments of solace, I trembled in solitude at the thought of your departure
出会いそれは人生の 少しだけ残酷な賭け事
A twist of fate, a cruel gamble that was our encounter
朝目覚めて隣にいない お前をずっと探していた
I awaken to find your side of the bed empty, I’ve searched for you tirelessly
いつもお前にいいところ見せようと 強がりばかりで
I always tried to show you my best side, hiding my weaknesses behind a facade
愛は愛を生み出して そして新たな命まで
Love gives birth to more love, and with it, new life
あの子が生まれた時の 重さをまだ覚えてる?
Do you remember the weight of our child when she was born?
なぁ、俺はどんな夫だった? お前を幸せに出来たか?
Tell me, what kind of husband was I? Did I bring you happiness?
狂おしく愛に満ちた お前それはそれはかけがえのない
My love for you was a maddening torrent, a love that was truly irreplaceable
Precious Love
Precious Love
Precious Love
Precious Love
Ohh 眠れよ
Ohh, sleep now
Ohh 眠れよ
Ohh, sleep now
Ohh 眠れよ
Ohh, sleep now
Ohh 眠れよ...
Ohh, sleep now...
「人は馬鹿な生き物ね 失うまで気づかない」
“Humans are foolish creatures, we fail to appreciate until we lose”
そんなお前の言葉を 独り想い浮かべてる
Your words linger in my mind as I remember you
暗闇を怖がるから 明かりは消さずにおくよ
I’m afraid of the darkness, so I’ll leave the light on
この子達は大丈夫 安心してよ...
Our children will be alright, rest assured...

Авторы: Takuro

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