Gabriel Rodriguez Emc - Mi Vida - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Gabriel Rodriguez Emc - Mi Vida

Mi Vida
My Life
No soy una eminencia,
I am not a celebrity,
Pero Dios hizo una diferencia,
But God made a difference,
Me mostró consistencia,
He showed me consistency,
Y no importan los cambios del tiempo,
And no matter how times change,
No pierdo mi esencia,
I don't lose my essence,
Dicen que no vo' a pegarme,
They say I won't make it,
Porque rapeo fiel a mi creencia
Because I rap true to my beliefs
Generación mensa,
Foolish generation,
Acaso no ven que con Cristo no existe diablo que me venza,
Don't you see that with Christ there is no devil that can defeat me,
Vo' no piensa,
Don't you think,
Al final nadie llega si nunca comienza,
In the end, nobody arrives if they never begin,
En busca de mi recompensa,
In search of my reward,
En su presencia, voy en renuevo mis fuerzas,
In His presence, I go to renew my strength,
No olvidó que soy humano,
I don't forget that I'm human,
Y sin Dios en mi vida sería un gusano,
And without God in my life I would be a worm,
Mano, actúe como si no fuera a llegar anciano.
Man, I acted as if I wasn't going to grow old.
En mi vida de joven,
In my young life,
Nunca tome en cuenta que el tiempo sería un villano,
I never took into account that time would be a villain,
Aún sigo joven, y entiendo que eso no fue en vano,
I'm still young, and I understand that was not in vain,
Porque aconsejó a too' mi' hermano,
Because I advised all my brothers,
Si hubiese pensado de antemano,
If I had thought beforehand,
Que el hoy de mañana es pasado,
That today is tomorrow's past,
Hubiese actuado distinto, y no pasaría por to' lo pasado,
I would have acted differently, and I would not have gone through everything I've been through,
Sentía a Cristo lejano,
I felt Christ was far away,
Y ahora que lo conozco,
And now that I know him,
Reconozco que estaba cercano,
I recognize that He was close,
Muchas veces que el me llamaba dejaba colgando su hermosas manos,
Many times when he called me, I left his beautiful hands hanging,
Olvidando que nadie conoce una obra más que su artesano.
Forgetting that nobody knows a work better than its craftsman.
Yo no me cansaba de huirte, no te cansabas de buscarme,
I wouldn't get tired of running from You, You wouldn't get tired of looking for me,
No entiendo lo que viste, pero persististe,
I don't understand what You saw, but You persisted,
You saw,
Mira lo que hiciste en mi vida
Look what you did in my life,
Cambiaste por completo mi vida
You completely changed my life,
Por eso te agradezco con mi vida a
That's why I thank You with my life
Me diste tu amor sin medida,
You gave me Your love without measure,
Mis fallas abriga(?),
You cover my faults,
Tomaste mi vida,
You took my life,
Y cuando yo caigo tu ere' la salida,
And when I fall, You are the way out,
Mi pasado me sigue brincando de boca en boca,
My past keeps jumping from mouth to mouth,
Por cosas que hice hace tiempo,
For things I did long ago,
De las cuales siempre me arrepiento,
Which I always regret,
Pero antes de juzgarme,
But before you judge me,
¿Porque no piensas que tu hubiese
Why don't you think what you would have
Hecho si a te hubiese soplado ese viento?,
Done if that wind had blown on you?,
Ese viento que mi casa revolcó,
That wind that shook my house,
Ese viento que mis padres separó,
That wind that separated my parents,
Ese viento que a hermano apartó,
That wind that took my brother away,
Ese viento que cogió,
That wind that took me,
Y al piso me reventó,
And slammed me to the ground,
Sin micericordia,
Without mercy,
Una vida llena de discordia,
A life full of discord,
Me sentía como basura y escoria,
I felt like trash and scum,
Se borró la euforia de mi memoria,
The euphoria was erased from my memory,
Mi vieja a veces no comía,
My old lady sometimes didn't eat,
Con tal de que yo comiese,
Just so that I could eat,
Llorando en su cuarto escondía,
Crying hiding in her room,
Con tal de que yo no la viese,
So that I wouldn't see her,
Mi vieja apesar del divorcio,
My old lady, despite the divorce,
Nunca tuvo algún tiempo de ocio,
She never had any leisure time,
Trabajaba diario con tal de que sus 4 hijos estén orgullosos,
She worked every day so that her 4 children would be proud,
Mientras yo me hundía en las drogas,
While I was drowning in drugs,
En mi mente nacían preguntas,
Questions were born in my mind,
¿Que sería una familia junta?,
What would a family together be like?,
¿Porque mi vida no despunta?,
Why isn't my life taking off?,
¿Tendré maldiciones adjuntas?,
Do I have curses attached?,
¿O Dios de mi ya no se acuerda?,
Or does God no longer remember me?,
Pero me di cuenta que no eh asi,
But I realized that is not the case,
Que pa' un nene poder ver pa' fuera,
That for a child to be able to see outside,
Tiene que crecer y salir del calsi(?)
He has to grow up and get out of the shell
Que por to' lo vivio' aprendí,
That for everything I lived I learned,
Que nada sería sin ti,
That nothing would be without You,
Aprendí que una vida sin ti,
I learned that a life without You,
Ya no es vida, pero ahora que me encuentro aquí,
Is no longer life, but now that I am here,
Yo me arrodilló,
I kneel,
Y a ti te doy toda la gloria,
And to You I give all the glory,
Estoy en Victoria,
I am in Victoria,
Y aun mis fallas más notorias,
And even my most notorious flaws,
Borraste de mi historia,
You erased from my story,
Tan giratoria,
So rotating,
Cuando pensaba que no había una escapatoria,
When I thought there was no escape,
Tu llegaste a mi vida,
You came into my life,
Llena de demonios,
Full of demons,
Me diste tu amor y perdón,
You gave me your love and forgiveness,
Y esa vida, ahora es mi testimonio.
And that life is now my testimony.
Tu amor me alcanzoo,
Your love reached me,
Nunca se cansoo,
It never got tired,
Y libertad me dio,
And it set me free,
Yo no me cansaba de huirte (!!no me cansaaba de huiirte!!),
I wouldn't get tired of running from You (!!wouldn't get tired of running away from you!!),
no te cansabas de buscarme (!!
You wouldn't get tired of looking for me (!!
No te cansabas señor, no te cansabaas!!),
You wouldn't get tired, Lord, you wouldn't get tired!!),
No entiendo lo que viste, pero persististe,
I don't understand what You saw, but You persisted,
You saw,
Mira lo que hiciste en mi vida a (!!!oooouuoooo!!!)
Look what You did in my life (!!!oooouuoooo!!!)
Cambiaste por completo mi vida a (mi vida)
You completely changed my life (my life)
Por eso te agradezco con mi vida a
That's why I thank You with my life
Me diste tu amor sin medida,
You gave me Your love without measure,
Mis fallas abriga(?),
You cover my faults,
Tomaste mi vida,
You took my life,
Y cuando yo caigo tu ere' la salida.
And when I fall, You are the way out.
Gabriel, Rodríguez, EMC home músic
Gabriel, Rodríguez, EMC home music
Doble art
Double art
This for Is for diswand
This for Is for diswand
No worry now
No worry now
Reyes y las fichas del tranque
Kings and the chips of the lock
Yo mi Pedro guerra(??¿¿)._. Papi casi na',
I my Pedro war(??¿¿)._. Daddy almost nothing,
Eliud Lvoices,
Eliud Lvoices,
La pauta bajo músic entero,
The guideline under the whole music,
Emc, Manuel, autanmio(???), Fendel, Gabito, too' el mundo, fontane
Emc, Manuel, autanmio(???), Fendel, Gabito, everyone, fontane

Авторы: Pedro Juan Rivera

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