I can't explain everything that is on my mind, only You.
Saves ir vél klausiu ka aš padariau?
I keep asking myself what did I do?
Ką padariau tau?
What did I do to You?
Aš svajoju apie tai kad galečiau keist dienas kuomet tu verkiai, liudejai tas akimirkas, jas paverstume kažkuo geru, aš noriu būt žmogu nauju, as galeciau viska. paaukoti tau! paaukoti tau
. negaliu pamirsti visko kas siejo mus abu...
I dream that I could change the days when You cried, when You were sad and turn those moments into something good, I want to be a new person, I could sacrifice everything for You! sacrifice everything for You. I can't forget everything that connected the two of us...
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