Gallego - Vilaxoán De Arousa (feat. Sic & Denks) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gallego - Vilaxoán De Arousa (feat. Sic & Denks)

Vilaxoán De Arousa (feat. Sic & Denks)
Vilaxoán De Arousa (feat. Sic & Denks)
Se quero enchelo buche vou pola Caruxa
If I wanna fill my belly, I go to Caruxa
No control fágome o yankee se levo maruxa
I act like a Yankee when I’m high on “maruxa”
O 306 non arranca e ninguén empuxa
The 306 won’t start, and nobody's pushing
E prefiro estar tranquilo que cunha bruxa
I’d rather be cool than with a witch, woman
Espero que gañases máis do que gastaches
I hope you earn more than you spend
Se non queres rematar peor que comezaches
If you don’t wanna end up worse than you started
Estou mirando a ver se poño piso franco en Arcade
I'm looking to see if I can get a safe house in Arcade
Agora vivo en California e os meus raps son verdade
Now I live in California, and my raps are the truth
Eu son de Vilaxoan, onde conservas Peña
I'm from Vilaxoan, where you keep Peña
Son barras como pan, eu a quero de leña
They're bars like bread, baby, I want it firewood-baked
Non te entreteñas, ponte serio veña
Don't entertain yourself, get serious, come on
Seica ten o pai Galego e nai Portoriqueña
It seems he has a Galician father and a Puerto Rican mother
Con sentidiño meu, que a situacion é seria
With my feeling, ma’am, the situation is serious
Estou ao meu mentras ti sempre de leria
I'm on my own while you're always bullshitting
Os cartos son pra o que máis discurra
The money is for whoever thinks the most
Fuma un da OG Kush a ver se caes da burra
Smoke an OG Kush and see if you fall off your donkey
Neno ponlle xeito se queres gañar, tes que arriscar
Boy, get it right if you want to win, you have to take risks
Non seas trapalleiro, deixate de cheirar, vaste ter que mollar.
Don't be a bum, stop sniffing, you're gonna have to get wet.
Estou fodendo a tua muller meu, chegou mollada
I'm screwing your wife, she came soaked
A rapaz non é miña pero a teño afoughada
The kid’s not mine, but I've got her drowned
Por iso préstame cartos a fondo perdido
So lend me money as a bad debt
Non entenden o idioma pero saben o que digo
They don't understand the language, but they know what I'm saying
Eu grindo, raparigas queren montar
I just grind, girls wanna ride
Eles danche un pescao, eu te ensino a pescar
They give you a fish, I teach you how to fish
Ten coidao cós cochos, están pra recolectar
Be careful with the pigs, they're here to harvest
Eu preferín a esquina antes que saír ó mar
I preferred the corner before going out to sea
Neno, toca arriscar, nacín pa xogar en primeira
Boy, you gotta take risks, I was born to play in the first division
Como o polbo, estou á feira
Like octopus, I'm at the market
A rúa está quente, curmán pilla a beira
The street is hot, cuz, take the edge
Están falando merda porque non me cheiran
They're talking shit 'cause they don't smell me
Ui que leria, con estos palleiráns
Ugh what bullshit, with these clowns
Non quería pero vou ter que manchar as mans
I didn't want to, but I'm gonna have to get my hands dirty
Pensando en negocios legais, xa estivo dabondo
Thinking about legal businesses, I've been around enough
Ando con lareca e xa pechoume todo, caghoendios
I'm hanging out with lareca and it's already shut me down, damn it
Neno ponlle xeito se queres gañar, tes que arriscar
Boy, get it right if you want to win, you have to take risks
Non seas trapalleiro, deixate de cheirar, vaste ter que mollar.
Don't be a bum, stop sniffing, you're gonna have to get wet.
Neno o volante pegado o peito o que se leva ahora
Boy, steering wheel glued to the chest is what we're taking now
Galicia terra de rallys rapas tira da jarroucha
Galicia, land of rallies, girls pull the jarroucha
Tensa tensa tensa, zumballe ao caneco tola
Tense, tense, tense, blow the dummy doll
Viño peleón da aldea tes que coller loita
Fighting wine from the village, you have to pick a fight
Dime meu
Tell me, honey
Deixei a leria pra mercar un pazo en Bueu
I quit the bullshit to buy a palace in Bueu
Dixo que tiña o demo no corpo pero xa choveu
He said he had the devil in his body but it's rained already
Barallocas dicia me ia a foder e non fodeu
Barallocas said he was going to screw me and he didn't
Aperta pra miña avoa sentidiño desde o ceo
Hold on for my grandma, sense from heaven
Me cago no mundo, vou pola escopeta
Fuck the world, I'm going for the shotgun
Na mais son uns nenos e colleron unha perrencha
At most they're kids and they picked a fight
Non me toquelo carallo que dasme noxo
Don't touch me, damn it, it disgusts me
Pasaron por Green Crack, xa non queiman toxo
They went through Green Crack, they don't burn poison anymore
Queren a pesca do ano pero no saen ao mar, non me seas paspallas
They want the catch of the year but they don't go to sea, don't be a fool
Queren a colleita do ano e non van a agachar, non me seas paspallas
They want the harvest of the year and they don't go to harvest, don't be a fool
Neno ponlle xeito se queres gañar, tes que arriscar
Boy, get it right if you want to win, you have to take risks
Non seas trapalleiro, deixate de cheirar, vaste ter que mollar.
Don't be a bum, stop sniffing, you're gonna have to get wet.

Авторы: Hector Santos

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