Galvan Real - Presagio - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Galvan Real - Presagio

Presagio (Omen)
Tu dime como te atreves a hacer lo que tanto detestas
Tell me, how dare you do what you detest so much?
Jugaste con mi corazón malherido y me cerraste la puerta
You played with my wounded heart and slammed the door shut.
Y te llevastes tantos corazones ya...
And you've taken so many hearts already...
Que nunca olvidaré tu nombre, dime como reparo ahora este desorden
That I'll never forget your name, tell me how I fix this mess now.
No quiero perderlo todo, no quiero quedarme solo
I don't want to lose everything, I don't want to be alone.
Dime quien limpia este desastre tengo que hacerlo de algún modo
Tell me who cleans up this disaster, I have to do it somehow.
Te quiero perder despacio, porque tengo este presagio
I want to lose you slowly, because I have this omen.
Dime quien limpia este desastre, si vasu a dejarme solo
Tell me who cleans up this disaster, if you're going to leave me alone.
Todo lo que tengo es tuyo, todo lo que tienes mio
Everything I have is yours, everything you have is mine.
Como te atreves a dejarme con este amor tan destruido
How dare you leave me with this love so destroyed?
Que todo estaba compartido
That everything was shared.
La casa tenía tus planes
The house held your plans.
Y en las paredes que dejaste, dos corazones tan iguales
And on the walls you left, two hearts so alike.
Lo que sientas ya da igual, no me conoces tanto para hablar
What you feel doesn't matter anymore, you don't know me enough to talk.
Te estás tomando la libertad, estás juzgando lo que no supiste amar
You're taking the liberty, you're judging what you didn't know how to love.
Ya no vuelves, si tu te alejas de mi lado ya no volverás
You won't come back, if you walk away from my side you won't return.
Si te vas
If you leave
Si te vas
If you leave
No quiero perderlo todo, no quiero quedarme solo
I don't want to lose everything, I don't want to be alone.
Dime quién limpia este desastre, tengo que hacerlo de algún modo
Tell me who cleans up this disaster, I have to do it somehow.
Te quiero perder despacio, porque tengo este presagio
I want to lose you slowly, because I have this omen.
Dime quién limpia este desastre, si vas a dejarme solo
Tell me who cleans up this disaster, if you're going to leave me alone.
Me quedaré sin nada
I will be left with nothing
Después de la nuestra palabra
After our word
Porque te volviste tan mala
Because you became so cruel
Dejaste a este pobre en la nada
You left this poor man with nothing
Me quedaré sin nada
I will be left with nothing
Después de la nuestra palabra
After our word
Porque te volviste tan mala
Because you became so cruel
Que me dejaste en la nada
That you left me with nothing
Porque cobarde fuiste sin decirme nada
Because you were a coward without telling me anything
No dejaste salir al alba
You didn't let the dawn break
Y yo tan ciego de amor queriéndote más que a nada
And I, so blind with love, loving you more than anything
Y por la madrugada me dices te amo
And in the early morning you tell me you love me
Y ahora veo que te has marchado
And now I see that you are gone
Y yo tan ciego de amor queriéndote más que a nada
And I, so blind with love, loving you more than anything
No quiero perderlo todo, no quiero quedarme solo
I don't want to lose everything, I don't want to be alone.
Dime quién limpia este desastre, tengo que hacerlo de algún modo
Tell me who cleans up this disaster, I have to do it somehow.
Te quiero perder despacio, porque tengo este presagio
I want to lose you slowly, because I have this omen.
Dime quién limpia este desastre, si vas a dejarme solo
Tell me who cleans up this disaster, if you're going to leave me alone.
Tu dime como te atreves a hacer lo que tanto detestas
Tell me, how dare you do what you detest so much?
Jugaste con mi corazón malherido y me cerraste la puerta
You played with my wounded heart and slammed the door shut.
Y te llevastes tanto corazones ya
And you've taken so many hearts already
Que nunca olvidaré tu nombre
That I'll never forget your name
Dime como reparo este desastre
Tell me how I fix this mess

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