Ganjahr Family - Dias Difíciles - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ganjahr Family - Dias Difíciles

Dias Difíciles
Hard Times
Hay dias dificiles, Ouh Yes
There are hard days, oh yes
Dias en que todo va del revez
Days when everything goes wrong
Dias que el sol, no lo ves
Days when you don't see the sun
Pero te levantas y sigues en pie
But you get up and keep going
10 de la mañana y ya me levantaba
10 in the morning and I was already up
Y una mala noticia no me la esperaba
And I didn't expect the bad news
Son como tu hora, la siguiente jugada
It's like your hour, the next move
Hay dias que no entiendo nada
There are days when I don't understand anything
Entonces tiro pal estudio
So I head to the studio
Cuando estoy mal
When I'm feeling down
Este es mi refugio
This is my refuge
Espero a que salga, otro dia me salva
I wait for another day to come, another day to save me
Es el reggae music que no deja que caiga
It's reggae music that keeps me from falling
Son dias dificiles
These are hard days
Cuando estamos fragiles
When we are fragile
Nos sentimos apagados, confusos y debiles
We feel turned off, confused and weak
Pensamientos tristes, noticias hostiles
Sad thoughts, hostile news
Dias en los que no hay nada que haga que te animes
Days when there is nothing that makes you feel better
Pero friend,
But friend,
Sabes que no duran para siempre
You know they don't last forever
Si confias en ti y el apoyo de tu gente
If you trust in yourself and the support of your people
Que no te arrastre la corriente
Don't let the current drag you away
Sueña con el futuro y lucha por el presente
Dream of the future and fight for the present
Hay dias dificiles
These are hard days
Dias en que todo va del revez
Days when everything goes wrong
Dias que el sol no lo ves
Days when you don't see the sun
Pero te levantas y sigues en pie
But you get up and keep going
Cada vez que caigo me sirve para levantar
Every time I fall, it helps me to get up
Para volverlo a intentar
To try again
Una vez mas
Once more
Saca el dolor afuera
Get the pain out
Busca la manera
Find a way
Todo se supera
Everything gets better
Vive tu vida entera
Live your whole life
Como quieras
However you want
Son dias que cuesta pensar con claridad
These are days when it's hard to think clearly
Me armo de paciencia
I arm myself with patience
Y serenidad
And serenity
Busco una señal que me indique el camino
I look for a sign to show me the way
No cojo atajos pa′ llegar a mi destino
I don't take shortcuts to get to my destination
Problemas hay cada dia
There are problems every day
Yo me hago fuerte
I make myself strong
Y jah jah guia
And Jah Jah guides
Y es que todo pasa por algo
And everything happens for a reason
Tu ponle mente y trata de aceptarlo
You put your mind to it and try to accept it
La vida no es facil
Life is not easy
No voy a negarlo
I'm not going to deny it
Hay dias difiles
These are hard days
Dias en que todo va del revez
Days when everything goes wrong
Dias que el sol no lo ves
Days when you don't see the sun
Pero te levantas y sigues en pie
But you get up and keep going

Авторы: Pablo Leyenda Barreiro, Daniel Canela Claver

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