Gato - Povestea Ta. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gato - Povestea Ta.

Povestea Ta.
Your Story.
Am bagat vreo 10 beri si-am zis sa scriu povestea ta
I downed about 10 beers and decided to write your story
Ca stiu ca inca O iubesti si ca ai gandu tot la ea
Because I know you still love her and your thoughts are all about her
Parfumu ei pe perna ta n-a incetat ca sa persiste
Her perfume on your pillow hasn't stopped lingering
O jigneai si o minteai si te futeai cu alte pizde
You insulted her and lied to her and slept with other girls
Cat dracu sa mai reziste, mai mereu o vedeam varza,
How much could she take, I always saw her down,
Sparta in cartier si cu un Ciucas mare-n plasa
Sparta in the neighborhood with a big Ciucas in her bag
Mereu plecat de acasa,
Always gone from home,
Cand veneai faceai scandal
When you came back you made a scene
Si cand voia ca iesiti tu te scuzai ca nu ai bani
And when she wanted to go out, you excused yourself saying you didn't have any money
Nici nu mai 'dadeai in ea' si-asa treceau cam toate zilele
You didn't even hit on her anymore and that's how most of the days passed
Si-acuma ca a plecat nu si-a luat si amintirile
And now that she's gone, she didn't take her memories with her
Toate trairile, doua inimi ca de gheata
All the experiences, two hearts like ice
Ti-aduci aminte coaie ziceai c-o iei de nevasta
You remember, man, you said you'd marry her
Ce dracu s-a intamplat ca o iubeai ca un nebun
What the hell happened, you loved her like crazy
Si asta doar te ridica da tu mereu erai pamant
And that only lifted you up but you were always on the ground
A renuntat si la pariniti ca stii bine nu te-nghiteau
She even gave up on her parents, you know they didn't like you
Mult succes fratele meu sper sa n-ajungi la dilibau
Good luck, brother, I hope you don't go crazy
"Nu te mai gandi la trecut.
"Don't dwell on the past.
Asta nu inseamna nici decum ca trebuie sa
This doesn't mean you have to
Uiti ce s a ntamplat, ceea ce te a ranit,
Forget what happened, what hurt you,
V a ramane mereu o parte din tine.
It will always remain a part of you.
O experienta de viata care te formeaza
A life experience that shapes you
Si te indruma in reletiile cu ceilalti.
And guides you in your relationships with others.
Accepta ca ai fost ranit, invata sa ierti si mergi mai departe"
Accept that you were hurt, learn to forgive and move on"
Cand dragostea persista,
When love persists,
Nu mai exista ura N-ai niciun motiv s-o judeci c-a fugit in alta pula
There's no more hatred You have no reason to judge her for running off to another dick
A ramas numai o umbra frate din iubirea voastra
Only a shadow remains, brother, of your love
Noi pretuim iubirea fix atunci cand pleaca
We value love only when it leaves
Sa vina un ospatar sa mai umple o halba
Let a waiter come over and fill another mug
Pentru fratele meu, mort de beat cu mana-n falca!
For my brother, dead drunk with his hand on his jaw!
Asa e femeia coaie iti ia tot si a plecat
That's how women are, man, they take everything and leave
Da pune-ti intrebarea, tu ai fost barbat?
But ask yourself, were you a man?
Tu nu ai respectat, n-ai apreciat momentu
You didn't respect, didn't appreciate the moment
Da ia-o ca pe-o lectie o greseala schimba sensuri
But take it as a lesson, a mistake changes meanings
Ia amintirile-n sicriu sau pastreaza-le-n inima
Take the memories to the grave or keep them in your heart
Si-atunci cand spui un TE IUBESC sa nu-ti mai dea cu virgula
And when you say I LOVE YOU, don't mess it up anymore
Ce gluma proasta coaie s-a terminat tot
What a bad joke, man, it's all over
Te-au lasat si fratii, au pus cireasa peste tort
Your brothers left you, put the cherry on top
Si acuma tu esti bardaf nu mai dai sperante Ca te-aduni
And now you're a mess, you don't give hope that you'll pull yourself together
"Nimeni nu a fost vreodata la fel ca voi
"Nobody has ever been like you
Si nimeni nu v a mai fi vreodata,
And nobody ever will be,
La fel cum nici voi nu veti fi vreodata ca altcineva,
Just as you will never be like anyone else,
Dumnezeu nu a creeat copii la indigo ci doar originale"
God did not create carbon copies, but only originals"

Авторы: Radu Isar

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