Gato - Povestea Lor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gato - Povestea Lor

Povestea Lor
Their Story
Mai sincer ca niciodată el te roagă îl ierți
More sincere than ever, he begs you to forgive him
iubiți din nou fiindcă n-aveti zece vieți
To love each other again because you don't have ten lives
A fost mereu acolo și cu bani,și fără bani
He was always there, with or without money
Și împărțea totul cu tine ce făcea printre golani
And he shared everything with you, what he did among the thugs
Nu-i chiar așa ușor când sentimentul apasă lent
It's not that easy when the feeling slowly presses
Cad lacrimi pe obraji în loc îl strângi la piept
Tears fall on your cheeks instead of holding him to your chest
Lasă și tu orgoliul,ce țipi ca un cormoran
Let go of your pride, why are you screaming like a cormorant
Parcă ai fii maică-ta,doar tu ai jumat' din ani
You're like your mother, only you've smoked half your years
Chiar daca a greșit,nu uita l-ai schimbat
Even if he made a mistake, don't forget that you changed him
V-ați iubit și v-ați plăcut,nu vreau sa cred v-ați uitat
You loved each other and liked each other, I don't want to believe you forgot
Nu uita l-ai schimbat,acuma,ce faci îl arunci?
Don't forget that you changed him, now, what are you doing, throwing him away?
Vrei îl vezi iar la pământ,sau îi dai mâna să-l ajuți?
Do you want to see him on the ground again, or do you give him your hand to help him?
A fost drogat,un bețiv și un bătăuș
He was a druggie, a drunkard, and a bully
Ține îți mulțumească ție asta a fost de mult
He wants to thank you that this was a long time ago
Și ma rugat îți scriu,ar face orice sa te împace
And he asked me to write to you, he would do anything to make up with you
de când tu ai plecat are inima prinsa in ace
Because since you left, his heart is stuck with needles
Asta e piesa lor, povestea lor, nu e vorba de bani
This is their song, their story, it's not about money
E despre-o fata cuminte si cel mai mare golan
It's about a good girl and the biggest thug
Despre-o iubire ca-n povesti, cum azi nu mai gasesti
About a love like in stories, which you can't find today
Unde destinele se joaca si nu te lasa s-alegi
Where destinies play and don't let you choose
E piesa lor, povestea lor, nu e vorba de bani
It's their song, their story, it's not about money
E despre-o fata cuminte si cel mai mare golan
It's about a good girl and the biggest thug
Despre-o iubire ca-n povesti, cum azi nu mai gasesti
About a love like in stories, which you can't find today
Unde destinele se joaca si nu te lasa s-alegi
Where destinies play and don't let you choose
Cu cine imparti viata sau cu cine dormi in pat
Who you share your life with or who you sleep with in bed
Iti ramane doar speranta ca poate-o luati de la cap
You are left with only hope that maybe you will start over
Fara cearta, gelozi sau vorbe care dor
Without fights, jealousy, or words that hurt
Aici e vorba de iubire, nu de-aia din dormitor
This is about love, not the one in the bedroom
Suntem oameni si avem valori, dar si orgolii proaste
We are people and we have values, but also bad pride
Si-alegem sa suferim, desi avem fluturi in torace
And we choose to suffer, even though we have butterflies in our chests
Nu sta langa un om, daca o faci din interes
Don't stay next to someone if you do it out of interest
Dumnezeu ne-a dat un scop, pe cine iubesti, n-alegi
God gave us a purpose, who you love, you don't choose
E greu ca naiba cand omul iubit iti spune
It's damn hard when the loved one tells you
Ca nu va mai fi nimic, desi ai in cap o-ntreaga lume
That there will be nothing left, even though you have a whole world in your head
Ce nu traim la timp, nu mai traim niciodata
What we don't live in time, we never live again
Ai ambitie si lupti, ori te-mbeti cu apa plata
You have ambition and fight, or you get drunk with plain water
E greu s-o iei de la-nceput cand viata o legi de-un om
It's hard to start over when you tie your life to someone
Uni-s dependenti de oameni, altii sunt de-un telefon
Some are addicted to people, others are addicted to a phone
As vrea sa fim mai sinceri, la o vorba fata-n fata
I wish we were more sincere, with a word face to face
Ori ne uitam, ori incercam sa scoatem inima din gheata
Either we look away, or we try to take the heart out of the ice
Asta e piesa lor, povestea lor, nu e vorba de bani
This is their song, their story, it's not about money
E despre-o fata cuminte si cel mai mare golan
It's about a good girl and the biggest thug
Despre-o iubire ca-n povesti, cum azi nu mai gasesti
About a love like in stories, which you can't find today
Unde destinele se joaca si nu te lasa s-alegi
Where destinies play and don't let you choose
E piesa lor, povestea lor, nu e vorba de bani
It's their song, their story, it's not about money
E despre-o fata cuminte si cel mai mare golan
E despre-o fata cuminte si cel mai mare golan
Despre-o iubire ca-n povesti, cum azi nu mai gasesti
About a love like in stories, which you can't find today
Unde destinele se joaca si nu te lasa s-alegi...
Where destinies play and don't let you choose...

Авторы: Radu Isar

Gato - Povestea Lor
Povestea Lor
дата релиза

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