Gee - Nenek Atisah Interlude - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gee - Nenek Atisah Interlude

Nenek Atisah Interlude
Nenek Atisah Interlude
Apapun pinter kita, nu ditanya mah agama di akherat mah nanti
No matter how smart we are, what will be asked about in the hereafter is our religion
Atuh kenapa harus urang kuliah?
So why should we go to college?
Ya itu untuk jalan ke akherat
Well, it's to get to the hereafter
Kan urang bisa memberi yang tidak punya
But we can give to those who don't have
Jadi kudu pinter
So we have to be smart
Ceunah, kenapa atuh kalo itu mah harus sekolah segala macem?
They say, why do we have to go to school for that?
Eeeh lamun teu sekolah, arek boga duit ti mana? ya
Well, if you don't go to school, where will you get the money? huh?
Arek bisa ibadah gimana?
How will you worship?
Kan ari sekolah pinter mah, oh, gajinya gede
Because if you go to school and become smart, then you will get a high salary
Nah infaq, sedekah, kan? Itu maksudnya
That's what charity and alms are for, right?
Jangan ari punya gaji, punya apa, jadi koret
Don't be stingy with your salary or anything you have
Eh, koret teh apa? Nah, pelit
Oh, what's stingy? It means being cheap

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